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Posts posted by zkom

  1. 27 minutes ago, bendish said:


    This is how I pretty much expect to shit go down when things start to get opened up again. Probably also going to be a rush in Europe which country can open up for foreign tourists first and the places and airplanes are going to be packed. It's gonna be one hell of a summer.

    • Like 1
  2. 28 minutes ago, Blir said:

    Where in that text is anybody being smug about election results?

    Wrong wording maybe.

    Another try: Considering how the elections and referendums have gone in the UK lately maybe the Brits should not be feeling so superior over the Americans.

    The whole text reads like British exceptionalism.

  3. 8 minutes ago, rhmilo said:

    Night clubs will probably be fine - they cater mostly to young people and young people aren't affected that badly by the virus so they'll probably not be afraid to go into dark indoor venues surrounded by potential virus spreaders. Also, young people are stupid.

    Also probably only a small overlap with the people who frequently go to night clubs and people who are worried about catching viruses from strangers or are worried about general health and hygiene issues for that matter, lol.

    • Like 1
  4. 11 hours ago, zero said:

    I wonder if large bars/clubs/venues will ever go back to normal after corona. can't see anyone in the near future wanting to be packed into a hot, dark indoor venue surrounded by potential virus spreaders. maybe this is the point in time where the spacesuit raver look becomes the fashionable norm

    The night clubs were full here even with the pandemic going on until they actually closed them down by law. Probably they will spring right back up when they are allowed to open. They might be even busier than usual because people have not been able to visit them for a while.

    I'm not saying there isn't going to be some changes to daily routines and life but it's not going to be that fundamental. Maybe something like wearing a face mask in public or sanitizing your hands at the supermarket entrance are seen as relatively normal things to do and not germophobic. That's what happened in Asia with the previous pandemics. Face masks were normalized, but there weren't huge changes in how people socialized. Even in Finland the hand sanitizer bottles got to be a relatively usual sight in places like workplace cafeterias and hospital public bathrooms after the swine flu pandemic. Although that trend was already fading until this corona thing hit.

  5. I'm pretty sure I've never seen Matrix from start to finish. I've probably seen all the scenes from it though..

    Back when it came out I had no money to go to see it in the theater so I warezed it but it came in two parts that were very low-resolution MPEGs, that were the thing back then, and I think I watched the first part and got bored and never watched the second part.

  6. Yes, it might be mostly right-wingers now that are demonstrating the lockdowns but it's a limited amount of time that the general public is willing to stay in a lockdown or isolation against an invisible threat that might not have had any personal direct impact on them or the people they know. Just going by my butt-feeling I'd say come summer people are going to be illegally gathering in droves no matter where the participants are on the political spectrum.

    • Like 2
  7. 14 hours ago, goDel said:

    Not sure why this is comparable to those fruitcakes protesting with guns for their freedom. Was Timothy McVeigh a regular protester before he decided to blow stuff up? I'm under the impression he wasn't, btw. Happy to be corrected.

    And I'm not saying those people don't exist, right? All I'm saying is that terrorists are probably not the people you'd see at those protests we are talking about. You know, Venndiagrams and logic and such.


    He did go around distributing pro-gun literature and bumper stickers in gun shows and also at site during the Waco siege even giving an interview to a student reporter.

    I guess what I meant was that while most of these people are harmless, there's a real possibility that this situation will push some people that are already close to the edge over the edge and they will act violently. And it doesn't take much intelligence to become a terrorist. The guys who steal trucks and then plough them into a crowd and then claim that it was done in the name of ISIS or something similar are not exactly highly trained militants or terrorist masterminds. Creating a fertilizer bomb isn't some advanced science either.

    • Like 1
  8. I'm at the Helsinki airport waiting to board a flight. Oh man, the atmosphere is so post-apocalyptic/third world.

    All the officials are also super jumpy and nervous. First time in years I've been asked for an id for a domestic flight. Luckily I actually had my driver's license.

  9. 7 minutes ago, Mesh Gear Fox said:

    lol thanks for the link to the wikipedia page just in case there's anyone on watmm younger than 17 and doesn't know what you're talking about ?

    Well, people outside US don't usually actually remember this, maybe because of all the other terrorism that overshadowed it in the 2000s. But I'd guess most people in watmm do.

  10. 4 hours ago, goDel said:

    White trash. Even white people don't care about white trash.

    I'm tempted to think that the reason they are allowed to protest armed is that they are so fucking incompetent and pathetic. They look like they would hurt themselves first before they can be a danger toward society. 

    They are the saddest kind of terrorist. The incompetent kind you almost feel sorry for. ?

    It's funny until something like the Oklahoma City bombing happens

    • Like 1
  11. 4 hours ago, BCM said:

    is everyone wearing masks? i've not been wearing a mask. like, they don't really do anything?

    Here in Helsinki very few people are wearing masks in public and it's not officially recommended. I have a packet of KN95 masks in case I need them but haven't opened it yet.

  12. 1 minute ago, dingformung said:

    Do you have more examples of these politics?

    It's mostly just about historical stuff, but it gets repeated. I think most people refer to the fact that Sweden had compulsory sterilisations until 1976 for things like "antisocial lifestyle" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compulsory_sterilisation_in_Sweden

    The handling of the various minorities in the past decades like Sami, gypsies and Finns also comes up now and then. And nazi sympathizers in the aristocracy.

    I have to say Finland is in no way clean of this shit. We had fucking ethnic cleansing campaigns on Russian soil with concentration camps back in WW2 when Finland was allied with Nazi Germany. And Finland still has compulsory sterilisation for people who change sex by surgery.

    There is a darker side to these Nordic "socialist democracies".

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