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Posts posted by zkom

  1. The crappy bike I got for 200 euros has cost me more in repairs than the original price was. Last week the left pedal just broke in two while I was going uphill and really cranking on it.. Got it fixed today.


    Also got my winter tires with studs under and one of the studs was pushed through by a piece of gravel and it punctured the inner tube, twice.  :facepalm:


    in the US summat went drastically wrong, its not just legal oxy & illicit smack, its xanax & *insert prescriptions here* that seems to have escalated beyond anything you might expect from such a nation

    Well for starters, in an early slippery (slippy) step into the capitalist shitopia we inhabit in today (don't remember exactly but presume Reagan-era), our lawmakers and courts decided it was a-o-kay for pharma to directly advertise prescription drugs to the public, tv, newspapers, magazines, everywhere; thence bringing us such hits as "Ask your doctor if <drug> is right for you," "Side effects may include... <effect>, <effect>, and diarrhea," boner pills, and the latest hit single, opioid epidemics. And the best part is all the cunts are making mad bank off it too!


    Genuinely curious, do other countries / cultures tolerate this shit?

    At least in Finland it's illegal to market prescription drugs directly to the general public. So no ads in TV, magazines, etc.
  3. It's barely even a music genre. There might be an "IDM scene" with loosely associated artists, labels and websites but no subculture defined by a common set of beliefs or fashion style. Just a group of people liking similar kinds of production aesthetics which might have some correlation with other tastes in different areas.

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