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Posts posted by zkom

  1. I feel that Autechre has their own sense of humor that is more deadpan and subtle so you have to dig it out a bit.


    TBH, the older I get the less I like Aphex's sense of humor. I used to love it but now it's starting to feel just snarky, cynical and purposefully edgy. If I want "fun" music I go with Vibert or Ceephax.

  2. So far it's just some distant news. Might have some indirect impact on my work through world economy as I work in a company that heavily relies on exports. Not probably going to the US for a holiday anytime soon, I guess.


    Local, national and EU politics have much more direct impact on my life. The wave of populism seems to be already passing over here in Finland with the major populist party losing more than half of its supporters since the last elections so the municipal elections this year will probably cause a powershift away from the them.

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