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Posts posted by zkom

  1. Fever and flu. Monday was pretty horrible, just sweating, a splitting head ache and falling in and out of sleep through the day. 800mg of ibuprofen every 6 hours or so. Now feeling much better.


    Today I went to work because my colleague kept calling me and asking questions and I thought there was some kind of panic going on but it was just basically nothing. ffs


    I just chatted with my colleagues half the day and made a big commit to a Python library I prepared already last week which required the above mentioned colleague to fix tens of source code files and a dozen or so automated build jobs.. About which she wasn't that happy about. Sweet revenge.



    i'd hit it

    with the weed in there?


    wonder if you can get high from banging a chick who has weed stuffed in her popola. like a weed tampon. wow, weed in a tampon. the possibilities.


    *drinks more battery fluid*


    i've heard of women soaking tampons with vodka, so... :cisfor:

    It's not just women. Men also soak tampons in vodka and put them up the poop hole.
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