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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by may be rude

  1. it would be great if we made it to release day without a leak.


    release time is when album sales happen, and leaks factor into those numbers noticably. it's clear richard and warp dont want it to leak and are going to some lengths to thwart a leak, evidenced by watermarked promos and "file tracking pre leak and monitored take downs of illegal download links" mentioned on the limited vinyl art receipt rundown


    it would be a meaningful show of respect if it didn't leak


    there are lots of good albums already released for people to listen to for another week

  2. really sorry to hear about these situations.


    fizn, i recall you saying recently a firm diagnosis hadn't yet been reached for your ailment. didn't you say you had some kind of health care coverage? please don't let your depression obstruct your health care, this could form a feedback loop. could you see a new doctor, get a second opinion, a fresh mind? maybe there are some prescriptions that could help you deal with the stress of it?


    sheathe, not sure what your situation is. were you responding to fiz's post?


    verdant, damn dude, sounds like depression. if it's really bad then maybe an anti-depressant could jolt you out of it and make it easier to establish a new groove without the pills? would it be feasible to adopt a dog? there are millions of dogs being put down every year because noone will take them. you could shop around at animal shelters, wait until you find one with a personality you like. there is plenty of good to do in the world, and that is an easy one that gives you plenty of reward.


    sorry i don't have better things to say right now. i do have experience dealing with and getting through depression, as i posted a couple pages ago, feel free to pm me.

  3. i jumped the gun above, those write-ups weren't too bad.


    i like how the roll-out has been handled with this album, quite nice, the warp page for the single on youtube going along with the radio premier, and you can download a 24 bit flac of it. this is the way to do it, he is probably making some dough with these single download purchases, whereas if they hadn't set it up this way it would just be thousands of people listening to a radio rip.

  4. If Metz is any indicator of what's to come...I just cannot believe that the world will be the same once this is released. The garbage phone recordings we have are so chock-full of mastery, that I'm not sure any of us realize what a properly mixed-mastered version of RJD's latest output will entail. p.s. St. Michael's complexity coupled with The Tuss' subtlety and chewyness = yes please.


    yeah i have a feeling the live boot does metz little justice

  5. i understand they are alien technology from the 80's, but why are we still using CD's? Only reason im considering a CD purchase is for the album swag. Ive had it with CD's. let's leave them behind with Robert Palmer. .They buzz and stop and start like a circular saw in my computer. im sure im alone in this.


    running data from a phone or portable player into a stereo means you're using the cheap tiny sound card in that little device, and the sound still has to be processed by the stereo after that.


    backing up files is a pain.


    cds will survive a bad solar flare.


    cds cost about the same as files and you can turn them into files.

  6. interesting how joyrex mentioned that the digital will be available at the same time as the physical. the way he said it seems to leave open the possibility that the digital will be available before the physical

  7. i'll sleep when i'm dead - 9/10 - well done gangster movie, though simple story-wise


    from one second to the next - 10/10 - short herzog doc about texting while driving. kind of more like a public service announcement. made me cry :cry:

  8. Super is on nf instant in the us. i was shocked at how great it is, i hadn't heard anything about it. i just noticed it was directed by the guy who did guardians of the galaxy so i checked it out, the writing is charlie kaufman quality, acting and directing are great, ellen page, the tall dude from the american version of the office, kevin bacon. funny comedy. 11/10

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