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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by may be rude

  1. hi heyhey. get ready, about 30 people are going to tell you to read the rules because they think it's funny.


    anyway yeah, good point, maybe richard just can't keep track of all his stuff. or maybe it was part of the marketing campain. they've been smudging truths if it helps garner interest (return after 13 years)


    and reading the rules isn't a bad idea actually

  2. i'm versed in the 'vord threads and the evidence cited either doesn't stand up to scrutiny (whether the believers admit it or not) or it's "my ears."


    maybe it's some idm supergroup, but i'm hoping it's what they say, and this dude drops a new lp on our heads out of nowhere (pls)

  3. So what is this "new shit" that may or may not be announced if we are all good boys and girls?


    lol the threads are switched


    maybe if we let this steinvord debate take over the whole forum then he will release an lp out of confusion

  4. Is there more tracks of steinvord anyone knows about, or that's it?






    Iyff Acid e1 (Lyff Acid Edit 1)

    Cyg X-1 (untitled 11)

    Ontrack v2





    Rules the Read II


    Untitled 9

    Untitled 11

    Untitled 97


    phorumwanky 'intelligent review mix' (also never heard it untill today, yey, new steinvord for me!)


    btw anyone can give me phorumwanky im mp3/whatever?

    don't think so. i would clarify that iyff acid edit 1 is a different mix than iyff acid e1, the former being the version on myspace. also, i don't think there ever was a "Lyff acid," i think someone misread a capital i as an l

  5. checkout 1:30 - 2:00 of Omgyjya-Switch and then recheck this track, very similar drum programming and basically identical drum kit/drum samples as far as I can tell.



    even has the same glitched out breaks


    i think james' samples sound different (more lush), and steinvord's programming sounds more vicious, comparing those two songs.


    i just listened to my fucking sound slowed down -20.63 percent (the way i like maelstrom), and it really is far from a match. i can see why people would think it is: the beginnings and endings bear some resemblance in structure, though the sounds being used are not the same. listen to both at that speed and you will see they're completely different songs. i don't see any shared sound packs or patches.


    is that Steinvord track still on myspace? I'm still willing to believe that this is neither richard or tom, but more likely someone forgot to remove that deady giveaway track from the page, making the myth collapse like a balsa wood structure


    *takes balloon up my ass to spain*


    what song


    i don't think any of those songs are drukqs sound-alikes, certainly not b-sides. i don't like to compare music unless it's for a useful purpose, but just in case steinvord is reading this, i probably prefer a bunch of steinvord songs to a bunch of drukqs songs, in a way.


    i hear some influence, i think steinvord probably loves aphex twin and squarepusher, and i think he's honest enough not to construct his music around the idea of not sounding like them.


    i think some people are gonna be eating their hats.


    lol yeah there's no way this is a drukqs outtake :cisfor:




    listen to 0:35 to 0:53, that doesn't sound like anything on drukqs. that dark broody shit, steinvord does that like noone else. at 1:42 again the melody has that character, like a manic halloween sardonic vibe that is not characteristic of james or jenkinson.


    i'm not saying it's impossible it's them, i'm saying i can see it not being them.

  7. i don't think any of those songs are drukqs sound-alikes, certainly not b-sides. i don't like to compare music unless it's for a useful purpose, but just in case steinvord is reading this, i probably prefer a bunch of steinvord songs to a bunch of drukqs songs, in a way.


    i hear some influence, i think steinvord probably loves aphex twin and squarepusher, and i think he's honest enough not to construct his music around the idea of not sounding like them.


    i think some people are gonna be eating their hats.



    I got the weird etched cards, sticker and credit card thing that no one seems to have piped up about. Not posting pics again though.


    the cards that play a song when you flip them like a playing card deck?


    yes, exactly


    whoa really? pics and recording pls

  9. I got the weird etched cards, sticker and credit card thing that no one seems to have piped up about. Not posting pics again though.


    the cards that play a song when you flip them like a playing card deck?

  10. space pics are some of the coolest things. looking forward to high res pics of pluto and its moons.


    here's a shot of io that new horizons took passing by jupiter



    i had assumed it would end up orbitting pluto but it's not, it's just gonna venture off into the kuiper belt, looking for other kuiper belt objects to study!


    mid july will be the closest approach to the pluto system, but we should be getting photos in february

  11. there's alot more going on in syro, in many parts it's really amazing how much is going on at once, like a bunch of different base lines weaving around each other, simultaneous with with pads/percussion/what-have-you. i think maybe the boosted compression/loudness is to bring out the detail and texture so the different parts of the busier moments don't run together

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