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Posts posted by kaini

  1. ^ woah I just posted that in the favorite videos thread


    also the red bull one is nice, but a big lol at all the subtle red bull product placement


    That's always the worst part of those videos. Oh well.


    a favourite of mine



    Excellent interview! The bit where Voigt insists on the 4/4 beat makes is a bit lolworthy though. I saw the interviewer in 2010 at a Flying Lotus show and he was the only person up close not dancing or bobbing his head. He just looked very intrigued the whole time...and very German.


    somehow the sheer facepalmworthiness of the interviewer makes this better. i can't figure it out.

  2. To be fair, I find the production shitty sounding, loud or not. This is down to the VHS samples, it just doesn't sound very good to my ears. This has nothing to do with the construction of the tracks, which I find uninspired and mostly uninteresting, just the sound.


    Anyone want to argue with that?


    lol, this album made of samples from videos is awful because he's sampling from videos and they sound terrible. nope.

  3. الان ولفتره محدوده نكتفي فقط بـ10 عمملاءء

    موقع فوركس جول يقدم لكم خدمة ادارة الحسابات

    ندير حسابك بالفوركس مقابل ننسبة من الربح

    شروط ادارة الحساب هياا

    1- قيمة الحساب لا تقل عن 5 الاف دولار


    2- ان يكون مالك الحساب عضو في موقع فوركس جول

    3- نسبتنا من الربح هيا 35% من الارباح اذا كان العميل حسابه تحت وكالتنا

    4- نسبتنا من الربح هيا 50% اذا كان العميل حسابه ليست تحت وكالتنا

    رأس مال العميل لا يتم اخذ اي نسب منه

    يعني بحالة ان الحساب لم يربح في اسبوع والحساب ما به الا المبلغ المودع لا يحق لنا اي دولار فقط نسبتنا من الارباح

    لزيارة موقعنا فوركس جول وتعليم الفوركس والابداع والربح من هذا المجال اضغط هـــــــــــنــــــــــااااااااااااا

    ولفتح حساب وادارته من خلال خبراء ومحللين موقع فوركس جول

    تفضل باضافة الايميل التالى


    او الاتصال بمؤسس الموقع شخصياً الاستاذ ابراهيم حسن

  4. Booth: It's sort of hard to explain: four tracks that came from the same basis but not in the traditional sense of it, of them being sounds. They were more like mathematical bases. We basically developed four -- we started off with the same part and developed it in four different ways but they ended up being completely different tracks. It's almost like they were just different tracks but because they started from the same basis we thought, well, fuck it, we'll call them remixes. 'Cause they're all related. But we didn't do them all at the same time. We'd sort of do a few tracks and then do one and then do a few more tracks and then do another. So, what went on in between made the tracks totally different from each another. Kinda like, just the way we wanted to do it, 'cause that way we'd have some correlated tracks that weren't literally correlated, if you know what I mean -- only to us.


    At no point does this say they are remixes of one track. That they are four related tracks that they though they just decided to call remixes because they started from the same basis.


    Now... "basis" could mean "a track" but I don't think so, they're not speaking very abstractly in any other part of the interview so why would they suddenly say-one-thing-but-mean-another?


    yeah, for sure. in no way would i equate my skills with ae's but very often i start with a basic sound palette and work from it. and you can hear them doing this exact thing as early as lego feet which has all sorts of chiastic-y goodness within it.

  5. the black bits are printed in shiny ink and the rest is matte as well. one of TDR's better designs along with the vinyl of chiastic slide.

  6. i thought you were talking about this track, because underneath all the 'look how lofi hipster i can make my music' aesthetics there is good composition here. but it's ruined by the overblown hilariously trying production method


    this track sounds like someone trying reallllly hard to make something you'd hear as the soundtrack to a montage in an 80s movie

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