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Posts posted by kaini

  1. 'are you still shivering" creates an incredible mood. the stuttering vocal edits, the main synth, the incredibly visual nature of the spoken word. amazing track.


    it's rare that i agree with a quote on last fm, but...


    this track does not evoke drugs. this track is drugs


    have to agree.

  2. unlike, it would seem, a lot of people, i love me some coil with jhonn's vocals. interested in suggestions for a compilation of spoken word stuff, actually.


    so far i have batwings (fucking *kills me*, every time - is that peter on the higher-pitched vocals? regardless, it just demolishes me), are you shivering?, the gimp/sometimes from 'selvaggina' (scares the shit out of me), 'the sea priestess' from astral disaster... maybe 'further back and faster' - 'the left hand hates... love/the right hand loves...hate'.


    such an incredibly rewarding band. the more i hear the more i want to hear.


    edit: perhaps 'a slip in the marylebone road' too.

  3. never beating a dead thread, as someone who's only recently discovered how awesome coil are i'm always happy to see a bump.


    favourite coil albums?


    for me:

    love's secret domain

    time machines

    musick to play in the dark vol. 2

    the remote viewer

  4. Obsessing about headphones and if I bought the best monitoring pair for the price range. Shure 840s @ $189. Like them better than beyerdynamic and Seinheissers in same price bracket.


    They're pretty good, especially at under $200, and unlike your classic Sony monitors they don't sound like shrill icepicks to the eardrum. They're maybe not perfectly neutral or totally resolving for monitoring but they're actually listenable for playback, and for every dipshit x who tells you N is a neutral headphone, dipshit y is going to say N isn't neutral but P is, anyway.


    upvote for audiophile and N/NP problem references in the same post.

    oh shit, this isn't reddit. i can't upvote you.


    now that's a proper first world problem.

  5. There's a band called Communist Daughter. I mean...it's just distasteful to blatantly use another band's song title as your band name. I mean...cmon


    you mean like Radiohead?

    I think it's a good idea. I kinda want to start a band called Excellent Birds..

    and i will then start a cover band called angry birds. we'll use exclusively android phones.

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