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Posts posted by kaini

  1. yeah i'd especially love to hear a collaboration before either of them were total dieties i feel NWW's later work too suffers from just putting out too many rushed sameish releases.


    rob, have you read the book 'england's hidden reverse'? if not, you'd love it. a history of NWW/coil/current 93/whitehouse.

  2. well er it's in the tainted love video


    and they called everything from the musick to play in the dark onwards their lunar phase as opposed to their solar phase but you knew that


    check out some of the interviews on brainwashed, iirc they go into more detail there.

  3. element2.jpg


    cute! it's been a while since Tricky was on the map, not since the movie, the 5th element. I'm glad he took a cue from Tom Yorke to try and make himself relevant again. *waits with baited breath to see if his re-branding is effective*


    tricky is on this?


    no, he's being facetious.

  4. actually it's probably just the latest trendy print at topshop like when trendy girls started rocking motorhead tops in the 90s


    precisely, it was iron maiden and motorhead and venom a couple of years back.

    i can't even get annoyed about it any more, it's pointless.

  5. in an ideal world daydream nation would have been the massive breakthrough thingy, but sonic youth couldn't make a record as concise or commercial. and actually i'm happy that they couldn't.


    and i always like simon reynolds' stuff.

  6. meh, it's not bad. i was 14 at the time, and it was definitely a pivotal album for me, it led me on to much better things.

    but when i listen to it now, compared to bleach or in utero the super-commercial production annoys the shit out of me.

  7. gaspar noe, interviewed in relation to enter the void:

    A lot's been talked about the visual aspect of the film, but the audio side is also fascinating. It reminds me - and I know you used Coil on the soundtrack - of John Balance's Time Machines project, in that there's this throbbing, pulsating stereo effect that -

    What's that?



    You know the band Coil? He [the band's late founding member John Balance] did an album called Time Machines -



    I don't know that record. I used another one called ANS, where he used a Russian synthesiser. And I met him, he came to Paris and not only did he give me the rights to use that record ANS, but he also called his ex-partners in Throbbing Gristle and said, "Gaspar wants to put Hamburger Lady in a scene of his movie."And he convinced the other partners in Throbbing Gristle to let me use the music for my film.



    His music for Coil and Throbbing Gristle was trippy. Sometimes just a drum can put you in a hypnotic state, and there aren't many musicians that play with drums and frequencies that can hypnotise you, and put you in a dream state.






    he seems to be confusing sleazy and jhonn there, i think...

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