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Posts posted by kaini

  1. well, troon's quote above seems to speak in absolutes, but the real world deals in relatives.


    what is 'good'? and the corollary of that - what is 'bad'?

    what is 'love'?

    when is the right time to say 'baby, don't hurt me'.

    when is the right time to say 'no more'?


    we must cleave to ask why we don't know why the people we love aren't there - we give them our love, but you they don't care.

    so - what is right and what is wrong? we must ask the higher power to give us a sign.


    at the end of the day we must strive to understand that truly we don't know - what can we do?


    what else can I say? - it's up to you

    i know we're one, just me and you.


    i can't go on.


    you may want no other, no other lover, but please realise that this is your life - and our time.

    when you and your love, or the higher power, are together, you need them forever - is it love?


    what is love?

    baby don't hurt me.

    don't hurt me.

    no more.

  2. we must cleave to good and be willing to know and recognize all that is bad. we must know the difference and voice our objections to what this

    world isn't. we must understand what it is not and remember where we have come from before it's foundation. we have been tricked into

    thinking that the ways of the natural world and the universe are not to be questioned or judged, that they are just the way that they are.

    well, this is not true! this place does not have authority! it is naive in the same way it has led us to be naive.


    all must be healed in the end


    you spew bullshit like it's going out of style.

  3. hahahahaha amazing!


    There was a website started by this guy who dedicated all his time to trolling spam artists. He was asked to send a picture of his passport to one guy who was spamming him so he sent a photoshopped picture of a passport with george michael's picture/ details on it.


    The same guy who was spamming him said he needed money to start a football team in Uganda, that's how it started in the first place.


    So the troll asked him to send a picture of the team and the guy replied with a picture of the most hilarious looking crew of misfits wearing uniforms which were just t-shirts with logos written on them with markers. He obviously just rounded up a load of people from his village.


    If anyone knows the name of that website post a link its hilarious!




    it is indeed amazing

  4. 銀行企業放款專業協助辦理!工 商 融 資。http://tyan-info.com/national、0958 569 035、Tue, 14 Dec 2010 16:26:47 +0400


    還 款 有 彈 性。http://lindamichelle.com.tw/national


    沒 有 借 不 到 的 錢!服務專線















    放 款 快 速。http://tyan-info.com/national


    ‧資金運用彈性化,放大獲利空間。專 辦 不 動 產 設 定 放 款。http://kisstw.com.tw/national!Tue, 14 Dec 2010 07:24:47 -0500




    ...i seem to get a lot of chinese spam :unsure:

  5. I got this one today. It's a bit different to the usuals. The difference is that the sender is someone who I am friends with on Facebook, but only in an information type sense. I've never met him. He's basically a blogger and I also get Emails from him maybe once a week about web news etc. It's just a bit wierd how this is the same name. Maybe some others on here know of him????



    I'm writing this with tears in my eyes,I came down here to Madrid,Spain for a short vacation unfortunately we were robbed at the park of the hotel where we stayed, worse of it was that our bags, cash, credit cards and cell phone were stolen of us at GUN POINT, it's such a crazy experience for us.


    We need help flying back home and the authorities are not being 100% supportive but the good thing is that we still have our passports but don't ave enough money to get our flight tickets back home and pay for the hotel bills and the hotel manager won't let us leave.I'm just gonna have to plead with you to lend me some funds right now,i'll pay back as soon as I get home. We need to sort the hotel bills and get on the next available flight home.





    From: Richi Jennings (richi_jenningsi@yahoo.com)


    I know it's rubbish but it just seems strange to me.


    this is a new scam but not uncommon... his email address has been compromised, i reckon.

  6. buck and bury is so very good. it's an incredible track. fuckin next-level shit.

    the way the beat slips and the on-beat moves by a quarter-beat in the second half for a while... :wub:


    there is a reason that burial loves zed bias and el-b so much.

    it's because it's amazing music.


    there are few musicks that make me want to dance as much as good 2-step.

  7. k25_00000092.jpg





    something strange seems to happen to the sensors of digital cameras when they are exposed to molten or very hot material. Here's a shot I took at a steel mill close to my childhood home. Notice the bright purple rod in the left hand side of the pic. It was nearly molten hot and looked glowing red/orange to the naked eye, but when i took the shot it came out purple for some reason..


    I think a similar effect is happening with the molten sulfur in the above image.





    it's because CCDs can pick up frequencies outside visible light. press a button on your tv remote control, and take a picture of it, you'll see the beam.

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