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Posts posted by kaini

  1. I have two Jack Russel terriers.


    i have one too; i used to have a mongrel/irish wolfhound mix, and i thought i'd never warm to a smaller dog, but link is seriously the funniest, smartest dog i've ever owned. she's spoiled rotten though. my neighbour keeps hens and she got into his garden once. it did... not end well.




  2. Question: Is the Mount Vernon Arts Lab cd worth looking into? I've always been hesitant about that one.


    very yes. think somewhere between eric zann and demdike stare, with a hint of bbc radiophonic magic and a sprinkling of the quatermass experiment. edit: it's a reissue, and it's the only reissue on ghost box. messrs house/jupp don't just rerelease any old shit!

  3. Without wishing to piss on any fires though, I never got any gratis downloads when I ordered the vinyl bundle. I already have the orinal CDs, but still... Really with Ghost Box would see to this, especially as I've had to pay twice for all of the Study Series to get digital copies.


    contact jim, they deal with all email themselves.


    jim at ghostbox dot co dot uk

  4. my personal favourite ghost box artist is the focus group, followed by belbury poly, but they're all great. also worthy of investigation is the eric zann album (another jim jupp alias, along with belbury).


    jim has quite a lovely synth collection/archive


  5. This month we're pleased to announce that by popular demand we've finally re-issued the very first albums on Ghost Box. The Focus Group's Sketches and Spells and Belbury Poly's The Willows. They're available right now in our shop on Vinyl and CD with special bundle offer for both albums. Vinyl only customers can get a free download version too.


    Next releases on Ghost Box will be numbers 5 and 6 in our Study Series of 7" singles. One is by special Ghost Box guest Jonny Trunk and the other by a teaming of The Advisory Circle's Jon Brooks with Seeland's Tim Felton working under the name Hintermass. Both very exciting additions to the series, they should be available this March, like all the Study Series these are limited and will not be repressed so make sure you watch out for our next newsletter to pre-order yours.


    In May(-ish) we'll have the new album from The Advisory Circle - As The Crow Flies, we've heard Jon's final mixes and we really think its his most breathtakingly beautiful work to date. Then in late summer we'll be presenting the new album from Belbury Poly. You'll hear previews of these and other forthcoming Ghost Box releases on the monthly Radio Belbury stream show over at our sister site, The Belbury Parish Magazine.


    And finally some confusing news just in from The Moon Wiring Club. The first pressing of the vinyl and CD versions of A Spare Tabby at the Cat's Wedding is sold out pretty much everywhere. There may still be a handful of copies in our shop by the time you read this, but the CD (not the vinyl alas) is being repressed right now. As you may know the LP was very different from the CD and this being the bewildering world of Gecophonic Records this second edition of the CD will have the same contents but a new cover (do try to keep up at the back there). So look out for this in our shop later this month.




  6. Some people would say, in looking at my career, that it betrays a confused musical standpoint; optimistically it is termed unpredictable, more derisively it is said to be self-cancelling, in that within the wide aesthetic range in the work, one part contradicts and undermines another, resulting in something akin to the mixing of all the different paints on the palette. This is an important point to realise: I take no refuge behind standpoints. This has manifested itself as part of my fundamental creative aspiration- to see across as opposed to seeing from.


    At first, there needs to be the presence both of a view rooted in inherited opinion, effectively treated as transparent and assumed to be inherently correct, and a will to play with that view, to endlessly distort it and to ultimately be prepared to destroy it. A kind of simultaneous faith and critical ingenuity are required as, without the latter one is bound to a reverential repetition of received wisdom, and without the former ones sparks quickly die away once the entrenched standpoint is supposedly vanquished.


    To make a lethal attack on, say a musical standpoint, that standpoint must first be loved, understood and accommodated before it can be assailed, and this problem is exemplified with much youth culture that seeks to destroy its perceived antithetical enemy simply by contradicting it. It is not enough to behead your enemy, they must first be invited in and made to feel welcome in order to be comprehensively destroyed i.e. they must be in some way incorporated.


    This process should seem familiar as it is the time honoured way of dissipating polarised energy away from musical movements: by making them popular. What I am doing is turning this system on its head: instead of incorporating isolated views into mainstream equivalents, for the sake of destroying culture in the name of the corporation, I incorporate isolated views into my standpoint, indeed to the point of seemingly cancelling out a coherent view, for the sake of destroying culture in the name of the individual. In this sense I advocate completely respect-less exploitation of all forms available, as this is the only road that could possibly render an individual immune to being dissolved into mainstream castration, insofar as the music industry as it stands feeds most happily on artists with discrete viewpoints:identity-cults can only be effectively generated from one dimensional personalities. Personal identity must be entirely subjugated and rendered formless in order to have any sort of freedom in our era.


    A common error is mistaking contradiction or negation of a consensus view for freedom; this leads to phenomena symbiotic with mainstream culture and equally poisonous i.e. movements who identify themselves exclusively with a cynical commentary on the mainstream. This is a dustbin for so called artists: diametrically opposed to the mainstream, they are still very much obliged to march to its tune, or of course its inversion. Being conscious of the fallacy in their claim of independence, the views always deliberately remain self-contained, and just as a surfeit of cultural control gives rise to overweight smug cretins, an almost total absence of it gives rise to the revolting snide dinginess of the eternally subjugated. The lesson is that no punks have yet been punk enough - rejecting and negating the mainstream just as quickly becomes subsumed in its own poisonous cliches, (thus often becoming eligible for mass production).


    It is essential for any creator to want to negate and to reject, but this has to be coupled with a consummate understanding of the phenomena one seeks to reject. Otherwise, not understanding the language of negation, the object of the negating will misunderstands what is being shouted at it, and carries on regardless. I have learned to see inside every musicians head because, in order to prevent myself from being fully incorporated into any musical ghetto, I have to incorporate every musical ghetto into myself. I aspire to make music useless as a commodity i.e. a prop for the identities and personalities of the mindless; and if this is all that music constitutes in our era, then to maximise every conceivable parameter until it completely destroys itself.

  7. here's a cracked article i found pretty strange.


    Chinese Fleeceflower




    The Chinese use this plant in their traditional medicine for kidney health, strong bones and hair restoration, and as a mild laxative, and it's ... Hey, wait a second ...


    OK, weird, it's a root that looks like a little dude. But that's a rare, onetime fluke, right? It's not like that's what this species typically looks like or anything.




    OK, now nature is just straight fucking with us. According to traditional Chinese herbalists, these little dirt trolls are a cure-all for everything from high cholesterol to vaginal discharge ...




    They also ... um ...




    We here at ... uh ...




    We don't know. We just don't know.



    dunno if it's the same plant, but mandrake is an hallucinogen and used for hundreds of years in western occultism because it also looks like a dude: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandrake_(plant)

  8. i'd never take one into the forest with me though..


    yeah, i'm a city boy :)

    and unless you want to get into SERIOUS money, leatherman make the best multitools imo.

  9. well, troon's quote above seems to speak in absolutes, but the real world deals in relatives.


    what is 'good'? and the corollary of that - what is 'bad'?

    what is 'love'?

    when is the right time to say 'baby, don't hurt me'.

    when is the right time to say 'no more'?


    i think only you can know these things. i don't think you're arguing different sides here, from my point of view.


    well look - it's easy to form a relationship - with either the creator or another person - where you say 'never gonna give you up'. we must cleave to avoid statements like 'never gonna let you down' as a result of that - we are, after all, only human.


    to say things like 'never gonna let you down, or hurt you' is a very human failing. but we have discussed this many times over a soothing cup of camomile tea whilst chanting, and arrived at the conclusion that the best we can say is 'creator/love - we will never run around, or desert you'. here on watmm we encounter many runners and deserters, but of course they have not seen the truth and the light (troon 4:20)


    an interesting dichotomy arises when the thought 'never gonna tell a lie, or hurt you' arises - as it inevitably will. this is apparent on two levels. it is obvious that our creator - and by a process of pure illogical nonsense, so will our lover - know if we commit untruth - but will (s)he be hurt? usually at this point i consult the writings of saint thomas aquinas, and have a vigorous no-lube wank about how amazing i am.

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