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Posts posted by kaini

  1. there was a fascinating horizon documentary about dogs a while back; a dog will instinctively look at the left side of your face, because it's been proven it tends to show your true emotion whether you like it or not. in trials, dogs only did this for pictures of humans, not dogs or other animals or objects. dogs share 95% of dna with wolves, yet they have the ability to read body language and expression in humans alone due to their longstanding interactions with us. you can raise a wolf in captivity from a pup and they're adorable until they attain a certain size, then their wild nature starts to take over; that's inherent too.


    also dogs understand pointing like no other animal; even chimps don't understand pointing.


    that was a good documentary.


    it makes me wish we tried more to communicate with animals and really test the limits of their mental capabilities.


    there was another very interesting section in it about the tame silver foxes the russians have bred




    by breeding the animals most willing to interact with humans over about twenty generations of arctic foxes, the russians were able to produce a silver fox that you could keep as a pet. they contrasted these with the wild ones, who would rip a finger or two off in a heartbeat. the really interesting part is that the tame ones started to lose their 'wild' coat, and look more and more like dogs as the experiment progressed.


    dogs are fascinating creatures <3

  2. there was a fascinating horizon documentary about dogs a while back; a dog will instinctively look at the left side of your face, because it's been proven it tends to show your true emotion whether you like it or not. in trials, dogs only did this for pictures of humans, not dogs or other animals or objects. dogs share 95% of dna with wolves, yet they have the ability to read body language and expression in humans alone due to their longstanding interactions with us. you can raise a wolf in captivity from a pup and they're adorable until they attain a certain size, then their wild nature starts to take over; that's inherent too.


    also dogs understand pointing like no other animal; even chimps don't understand pointing.

  3. I have two Jack Russel terriers.


    i have one too; i used to have a mongrel/irish wolfhound mix, and i thought i'd never warm to a smaller dog, but link is seriously the funniest, smartest dog i've ever owned. she's spoiled rotten though. my neighbour keeps hens and she got into his garden once. it did... not end well.




    my friend had a jack russel, his family did. anyways, quite a wild little dog. when it got really old, it lost it's hearing and such and got very short tempered and would bite people

    it was a great dog though.


    my grandparents used to have a long haired jack russel, good dog too

    she definitely has a personality, lol. if my kid is staying with mates she won't stay in bed (she's at kinda 'rebellious teen' phase in dog terms, haha) - up and down the stairs all fucking night. i usually end up putting her basket in my room but that's not enough; not only do i generally wake up to her trying to sneak into bed with me, once she gets comfortable if i move in my sleep and hit off her she does this cranky growly 'don't fuck with me' thing. and usually wakes me up way too early by hitting my face with her paw. she knows we adore her and she can get away with fucking murder (literally, with the hens).

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