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Posts posted by YO303

  1. more laws to make a couple of ceo's more money with zero benefits to the american public


    the government is rotten to its core, how are these lawmakers allow to get away with obvious corruption?  


    the rest of us have to obey the law and god forbid we step out of line

  2. it was bait for ratings


    i hate this shit and all the people involved, we are suckers for watching this reality tv show, when he gets impeached you'll know, no need to be follow this like you would follow game of thrones 


    a year of our lives has been taken away by this man and his tornado of shit, time to unplug! bye 

  3. Cult: Doomsday music from the fringes of religion




    This is a mix made up of tracks and testimonies from religious groups that have been described as being cults. Some of the voices you'll hear have fallen victim to their leader's wishes, while others are testimonies, or music from the leaders themselves.




    listening to that was scarier than any horror movie of the past 20 years 


    I'm asking CHARTNOK, he champions breitbart and infowars all the time but why do they lie so much about minorities, why so many fake negative headlines about immigrants


    They lie about many things, how are you so sure they are not lying to you about everything else ?


    This alt-right culture comes straight out of stormfront, all the racist shit you see on social media was being said on white supremacists forums in the 90's 


    I can smell Neo nazis from miles away, they don't fool me


    I totaly understand where you're coming from. It's a reactionary thing from my side, I try to remain neutral (right nor left) in all of this but from what I've seen from videos posted on Youtube refugees are causing trouble and harassing innocent people on the street, not taken from any right wing given news sites. Those refugees that are detrimental to society are not welcome and those who wish to contribute and make something of themselves are very welcome to stay. 




    No liberal or SJW is going to disagree with you on your last point, the problem is that the alt right adds so much racist and hateful rhetoric to it that people think you lot are just a bunch of cunts 


    there are ways to be critical of immigration policies without all the hateful retarded shit 


    The sad truth is that conservative online media is a propaganda machine for stormfront, we all can see the tweets, the comments, the fake headlines by infowars and breitbart , you can't deny this shit 

  5. I'm asking CHARTNOK, he champions breitbart and infowars all the time but why do they lie so much about minorities, why so many fake negative headlines about immigrants


    They lie about many things, how are you so sure they are not lying to you about everything else ?


    This alt-right culture comes straight out of stormfront, all the racist shit you see on social media was being said on white supremacists forums in the 90's 


    I can smell Neo nazis from miles away, they don't fool me

  6. I hate to use this card but as an hispanic immigrant I am able to see all the lies websites like braitbart and infowars tell about my people


    they claim we pay no taxes, they claim we get free healthcare, they claim we get free college, its all fucking bullshit


    what is the point of all of this lying? some really sinister shit going on here


    Its sad to see some many people buy it, it hurts my soul 




    So Fox news now knows how to manipulate him .. talk about mainstream media control jeez



    Being called a racist is obviously the bigger issue for Swedish people (and other people around the western continent) than letting in these violent refugee thugs. They'll proudly take the beatings over it and ruin their country for diversity's sake. Also, 'Feinberg', oy vey? Let them in. Goyims! What's the issue?




    Governments need to do a better job at blocking illegal unvetted refugees from entering the country


    but go head and continue your hate towards innocent properly vetted refugee, its what all the cool alt-right internet kids are doing

  8. If we drop another WMD on a city I think we deserve to go extinct, thats why I'm relaxed about this issue, yes it will be a horrible death but the kind of civilization that destroys itself in such a horrible stupid way doesn't deserve anything other than be an insignificant footnote on the history books of the universe

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