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Posts posted by YO303

  1. That press conference was a riot!

    I don't know how anyone can defend the guy,best case scenario he can't communicate his thoughts well, he is clearly unable to form coherent sentences.

    If people can't understand what you are saying you are doing something wrong, and if you are the president and u can't communicate your thoughts it's not gonna end well

  2. I've seen what happened and I don't like it, thought it was gonna be more of a black comedy, what we got instead is a very dull car crash


    I wanted trump to use his inauguration speech to make fun of rose odenell then fuck shit up and get impeach


    what we got is a very calculated take down of America, trump will milk it, Bannon and Putin will enjoy watching it all burn down




    "The President" didn't do that, that's just a PAC... but yea keep fighting fearmongering with fearmongering see where that leads :^)





    if you are not afraid of Steve bannon getting this much power I don't know what to tell you




  4. Wat?


    U lyin



    not lying, I'm able to work and study here legally thanks to DACA


    Trump and his team are sending mix messages so I have no fucking idea whats gonna happen but I read the draft for the executive order to end DACA, he'll just let the permits expire and after that who knows, he has all of our information so its gonna be easy to find us and ship us back


    Trump was quoted in this article saying we shouldn't worry but all of his advisors are strongly against DACA and favor our deportation 


    If he ends it I have 'till September of this year after that I'll be an illegal immigrant 

  5. This administration is Hydra, Trump is just one head, removing it won't do shit, Pence, Bannon , the weirdo christians and the Putin sympathisers would still be in there. If trump is assassinated they would make him a martyr.


    what we need is a scandal to sink all these cunts to to the bottom of obscurity 

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