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Posts posted by Nebraska

  1. 5 minutes ago, zero said:

    I suppose I meant torch it down with hopes something better will come next. yeah trump is torching the shit alright, and things are definitely not getting better.

    but here is the problem: there is a large percentage of the country that doesn't believe he is "torching the shit alright" and instead making it "great again"


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  2. 36 minutes ago, zero said:

    I think the entire thing needs to be torched to the ground. but yeah, that will never happen.  

    but we're not done:

    Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt signed an abortion bill Tuesday that is modeled after a controversial Texas law.

    The bill, formally known as S.B. 1503, creates the "Oklahoma Heartbeat Act," which bans abortions after cardiac activity or a fetal heartbeat can be detected, which typically occurs around six weeks -- before a woman often knows she is pregnant.


  3. 55 minutes ago, Rubin Farr said:

    She was on tv yesterday shooting down the rumors like “there’s no way they would possibly do this” 

    in her defense, it's not like the right think the left cheated to win the election and therefore biden is an illegitimate president so i see where she's coming from.

  4. MV5BZDcyYzgxYjktYjk0ZC00ZjcyLWEwYjEtNTJi

    d'amato's 1990 homage to speilberg's horror classic jaws has been described as being better than the original- mainly because it adds a supernatural element to the narrative by introducing an ancient native american story about a spirt that infested a shark and began systematically killing people that were polluting the ocean. this same story sees 4 boys caught up in the action (one guy leaves for college and never comes back so technically it's 3) and their girlfriends. 

    a riveting exploration into the darkest recesses of the human psyche

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  5. 220px-Men_Behind_the_Sun_Poster.jpg

    a catalogue of the depraved experiments by unit 731 under the command of shiro ishii who (is this accurate?) is portrayed in this as completely mental. this film attempts to be incredibly accurate but seems to have over stretched it's reach and thus comes off a little exploitative and incredibly crass.

    also, salute to that one white broad that looks like sarah yarkin that was gassed to death. 

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