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Posts posted by Nebraska

  1. 18f5688306eb83c060f8ad1ebd76e8ba.png

    a group of "adults" decide to drive to the sticks to make a porn movie in the 70s. this felt like a horror film made by people that watched the texas chainsaw massacre for the first time and decided to make it more edgy by making those "kids" pornstars. every chance they got they included something cliche about porn- especially the soundtrack that has a cue from the 'debbie does dallas theme' coz i guess all porn music sounds like that (or did).

    couldn't wait for it to end out of ten

  2. 1121976

    interesting star wars clone that attempts to create a more realistic effect using 3D and computer animation; the script, dialogue and direction however is like a 5 year old trying to explain to you the plot for 2001 a space odyssey. 

    every cheesy line, every stupid decision and every dumb comment you can think of is in this. it's almost like they went to the trouble of making a very expensive animated feature, then decided for everything else to be purposely as bad as they could to make a point about plagiarism. even the music from andrew belling and the london studio orchestra is so silly, when my wife heard it at the opening credits she began laughing hysterically. 

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  3. Story_of_a_Cloistered_Nun.jpg

    supposedly this is a true story of some girl that refused to marry the dude that knocked her up, so she's cloistered at a nunnery where she's constantly seduced by mother superior and some of the nuns. remarkably for her us, most (if not all) of the nuns at that place are smoking hot, especially mother superior.

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  4. Quote

    The United States Postal Service suspended service in a Santa Monica neighborhood after reports of repeated attacks on mail carriers.

    In a notice posted at apartment mail boxes in the 1300 block of 14th Street, the USPS informed residents that service to the neighborhood is suspended. The letter cited several assaults and threats against mail carriers by an individual.

    "This is unfortunate, but please be advised that the Post Service does not enter into decision to suspend service lightly," the letter stated. "Multiple carriers have been subjected to assaults and threats of assault."

    straight outta santa monica

  5. 42 minutes ago, Rubin Farr said:

    She thinks now is the time for her to get in line to be POTUS

    while she could be eying POTUS position, i see this more about her trying to align herself into congress because any "conservatives" can already smell the blood in the water. come november, there will be a lot of "suits" getting primaried; like this guy who not only has a confusing last name, but committed the ultimate conservative sin and became persona non grata after doing so.

    there's also a number of RINO's who will be undergoing the "great reset guillotine" like mitt (the twit) romney, mike (gullible) gibbons, "absolutely unhinged" liz chaney and two duos of susan collins and lisa murkowski since they voted for KBJ for SCOTUS (what the hell were they thinking?) and of course there's cancun cruz who has never done a single admirable thing. here he is holding a press conference to express his disappointment of KBJ. a conference that went completely unnoticed and didn't seem to do anything for his popularity. oh and greg abbot, who's has been trying to shadow desantis since he lost his mind and admitted covid as a legitimate threat (and not the conspiracy theory it really is)

  6. s-l400.jpg

    early 70s french doc on vaudou in benin. focus here is on the rituals (not the dogma, history etc) and thus it's a little low brow and proper fucked. clearly some scenes are clearly staged but it's enough to guarantee this will probably never see the light of day again.

  7. 2J2OilMcbUPgZfyyAhGKrBSd0Fk.jpg

    a scottish dude goes on a manhunt for anyone (and everyone) who worked on cannibal holocaust. in colombia, he's accompanied by (probably) the cutest spanish translator who has ever existed. doc is basically the scottish dude's home video despite finding some form of distro for mass consumption. 

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