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Everything posted by Milwaukeeeee

  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aleksandr_Dugin https://euromaidanpress.com/2016/01/26/how-alexander-dugins-neo-eurasianists-geared-up-for-the-russian-ukrainian-war-in-2005-2013/ https://www.thedailybeast.com/alexander-dugin-the-crazy-ideologue-of-the-new-russian-empire?ref=scroll https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eurasian_Youth_Union Dugin maybe the satanist behind this Putin war nonsense, the guy studied tantric magicians like Julies Évola and stuff. Pure nazi esotericism magicks ideals. The Z and V Symbols are some clearly hermetic V for Vendetta Aleister Crowley shit
  2. In this case maybe you are correct, let us have the legitimate right to see at least the RT, sputnik, etc bullshit and form our own opinion about different kinds of biased data from different sources.... censoring russian channels is becoming aswell totalitarian and polarizing. This woman supposedly activist anti-kremlin and then editor in chief of RT, resigned. Damn these russians do not trust themselves. Bismark was right https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10589863/Editor-chief-Russia-Today-resigns-Ukraine-invasion-branding-government-totalitarian.html
  3. denazification man https://9gag.com/gag/aWg4eV3
  4. All your posts in this thread are cheap prorussian justifications of the current invasion, don't fool yourself
  5. Wow some water has been realeased from a canal according to a russian defense propaganda minister lol good for some crieman russians putin a** lickers sure they need it, nice . Meanwhile thousands of innocent people some kilometers above are being massacred for freedom and opression sake right?
  6. The encirclement with nukes thing is a bad excuse. Nato or Russia can already destroy themselves from any distance with the reach of nuclear weapons they have, not to mention the nuclear submarines and other stuff. Maybe some countries next to Russia want to be part of NATO to cover their asses from possible illegal military invasion from Russia trying to regain territories it had decades before. Examples like in the 2008 Georgia thing, the Crimea anexion and now this war are the proof. NATO hasn't done any military coercion like that. Maybe those countries like democracy and capitalism more the western way than the rusky mafia way. The point is if a country wants to join NATO democratically, Russia has no right to invade any sovereign nation for that to "solididify it" (lol, more like demolish and murder it) as a neutral buffer state new imposed russian oblast like Crimea. Also Belarus has to be counted technically like a russian satellite oblast not neutral state.
  7. Nato played geopolitics where it should not have been, that is correct, but the only illegitimate guy in this game is Putin, a mafia psichopath midget that has been 22ys in power. A fool like that should not run a nation like Russia. He did an illegal military move in 2014 and has repeated it now in a bigger scale just for totalitarianism sake. Negotiations could have been more elaborated and precise in this topic, but the man just wanted to put his belic shit at play to enlarge his retarded old days sovietic ego
  8. Sorry for that crap situation. I'm trying economicaly donate something to help and defool some russian monglers in Internet. Maybe its time to chill, have a beer or roll a blunt while listening to some shit, everything is absurd anyways
  9. https://www.josephazize.com/2020/01/13/george-adie-there-should-be-more-work-11-july-1989-final/?fbclid=IwAR2X7CX_N0XYz1qExRQr5Pvj8ippL4agu9cSSCOvXUFzT9Av4H1webtX6ws https://www.gurdjieff.org/pentland3.htm
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