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cern last won the day on June 29

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  1. They mean Rob Hall and not Rob Brown. Rob Hall = Gescom DJ
  2. So Elon Musk is creating the worlds biggest AI system then he going to fight it because it is too woke
  3. This was so brutal.. Just hours of both Democrats and Republicans just shredding the Secret Service to pieces She's trying to talk around everything, not answering correctly, dodging questions, blaming other things and after that crap she got verbally executed! I would never vote for someone like Trump but I still think it is very wrong to try to kill the guy. Security was also a total mess!
  4. How many percent neglect to vote and which party benefits from this? I think it would have been smarter for the Democrats to take in someone like Michelle Obama. She looks more like a peoples person. Or is Kamala Harris a smarter pick to make people step away from the MAGA-Trap?
  5. The emotional reaction of the year! No but I hear u and I know the guy is a complete fucked up case like totally hungry for power only. But I say USA is a fucking roller coaster of political drama and shit from the White House every single year no matter who's in charge. In this topic I agree with Putin (Who is also a complete nuthead) In USA they change president and government every fourth year but in reality you can't just put a new tie and suit on every 4th year and becoming 100% up for the task. This task is far away too complex for being proven 4th years.
  6. cern

    tm1 open

    Yes good track! PLUS is better than SIGN for sure!
  7. Exactly finally someone said it! Wholy shit u gonna hurt the Biden fanboys here with that but man all the shit is exactly the same and yes maybe even worse.
  8. cern


    Pads from another world!
  9. So people compare Trump to Hitler and so here and like he is the devil himself. It feels like people are mostly just super angry of that Storming of Capitolium and the ol "he is a criminal" talk.. ..But can anyone here points out the things u did not like about Trump when he was running president for the country? Like he made some new laws that was totally crazy or started a big war or killed someone?
  10. I must be honest.. I would enjoy see all of u guys cry here if Trump wins. Not enjoying it because he wins and your Biden party fails. I would just enjoy it simply because you think everything is going to change! Taxes go up and down som precent and everything is just moving on in the same stupid way it has always done: Few Rich people becoming richer and more people getting much poorer for every day and have to work harder.
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