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Posts posted by Roo

  1. Yeah been listening back to NTS1 a lot since last Friday, and gonk steady 1 seems to pack even more of a punch. Along with e0, it would have to be my pick of the sessions, despite countless classics.


    t1a1 has also raised in my estimation a lot, love getting lost in it.

  2. I think it's fair to assume that the pitchers, the (too soon) playlisters and editors are a minority of NTS Sessions listeners, let's just leave it there. It's not worth getting worked up about.


    Went back to NTS1 yesterday, t1a1 and bqbqbq remain a wonderful opening. Gonk Steady One and Four of Seven remain classics. The rest are good album tracks, but those four remain the chief takeaways for mine.




    NTS4 is such a high quality release. I think it will go down as one of the more unanimous releases among ae fans, despite the understandable misgivings on live broadcast.


    My dog of nearly 14 years had to be put down on Tuesday, and column thirteen was the final track I heard whilst spending time with him a few hours earlier. That last mournful part on the track was unnerving.

    Sorry to hear about your dog :(

    yeah, condolences.

    Yeah man. Really sorry to hear that, it's a hard sad time losing a dog.


    Thanks all, I'm fine. It is tenderly sad, but you are also happy for them to go beyond after a decent long life and given the decrepitude, lost senses and cognitive dysfunction of old age. I had my dearest younger sibling die suddenly a few years back (a few weeks after AE Live), whereas this planned exit by comparison was soothing. I think I got through it pretty well, you miss them but you are also happy for them in a way, and thankful for time spent. It was a loving injection at the vets, wish I could go that way when the time comes, helped to ease those torn emotions. Funny thing is, based on his persistent puppy looks, he seemed to attract the loving attention of strangers on his last day on earth (unbeknownst to them), so I'd like to read some sort of cosmic relevance or transference into it. Anyway, enough on that.


    First 'chresday without the new stuff, but there is so much decent music being released at the moment that I'll be occupied. They just released my favourite album of the decade, I'm satisfied for some time.

  4. NTS4 is such a high quality release. I think it will go down as one of the more unanimous releases among ae fans, despite the understandable misgivings on live broadcast.


    My dog of nearly 14 years had to be put down on Tuesday, and column thirteen was the final track I heard whilst spending time with him a few hours earlier. That last mournful part on the track was unnerving.

  5. https://www.rollingstone.com/music/lists/best-albums-to-stream-now-janelle-monae-autechre-and-more-w519628


    I don't like these cyber-spaceship-horror metaphors for the music of Ae. For me there is nothing sci-fi-like in it.

    Completely agreed, so lazily overplayed as musical metaphor, even among die-hards. Couldn't relate to any of that description, just reads as insincere.


    By the bye, Dirty Computer on first listen at the moment, that flow! a worthy follow up to the dual classics.

  6. Elseq 2 exists for the purpose of elcy6 onset... Also: eastr was weak/boring imo (not trolling) #meshcinereal

    I can understand the viewpoint. I'm all about chimer, c7b2 and eastre in 2 & 3.

  7. c16 deep tread followed by eastre were always my elseq standouts, but I do need to revisit following NTS.


    previously for me it was;

    Elseq1 - adore

    Elseq 2 - remove elcy6 (for flow reasons)

    Elseq 3 - keep eastre

    Elseq 4 - good

    Elseq 5 - needs further listening

  8. I have no qualms calling this my most valued music release of the 2010s. None at all.


    And agree, NTS is too strong for me to playlist it. Not a dud track, flows handsomely. Elseq (2,3 & 5) maybe, but not NTS.

  9. I'm just moved to tears by NTS1-4. When your longtime favourite artist comes out with something like this so deep into their career, and you get to see them live for the first time not long after, what more is there to say. Orgasmic sigh.

  10. At this point I think it's very unlikely for it to top the first 3 sessions for me, but only because the first 3 are so damn excellent.

    Agreed, victim of such preceding riches, but it is thankfully something different once again, potent in its own way, glad of that.


    Looking forward to getting to know this one better in time. All end is an overwhelming emotional ending to this NTS beast. Bravo!

  11. All end to me reads like the twilight of hearing, like tinnitus eating your ears alive.


    This isn't one of those "my ears hurt' posts, just the ending image I'm feelin, sad but glorious, your hearing crumbling in realtime.

  12. NTS4 strikes me as a rare release which builds to better things with each track. I'll bet you'll find a proportion of people who end up going all end>shimcazh>column13>mirrage>frane casual.


    *still on my first listen here

  13. Was expecting an elseq5-esque comedown and we got it. Probably not as essential to me as 1-3, but I do especially love Shimripl casual. Just ducking off to grab a coffee before proceeding into all end for the first time.


    Also expect insta bans to anyone who compared this to 2001 (or similar), made multiple references to gonk or ambient whinging or believed "all end" meant retirement. Shit posting criteria right there.


    All in all, definitely a landmark ae release. For now, I'm happy calling NTS3 and e0 my have Session and track respectively, but looking forward to exploring this in total now.


    Thanks Autechre! I doubt I've listened to a single artist more in a month than I did in Aepril. Thank you thank you thank you! And aussie tour to come!

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