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Posts posted by Roo

  1. 'chresday is really friday morning down under (unless up in the wee small hours), but I did get in another NTS2 bicycle ride today, so I hope that counts. If conditions allow, I'll plan to download and ride blind, so a sudden aural assault unbeknownst could make a meal of me.

  2. Most listened NTS tracks thus far?
     (or everything with higher play counts than t[rack]1a[lbum]1?)


    sinistrailAB air - 23

    gonk steady one - 19

    four of seven - 18

    dummy casual - 18

    e0 - 17

    debris_funk - 17

    bqbqbq - 16

    carefree counter dronal - 16


    Obviously NTS1 with a few days head start.

  3. The first half of my 20s was largely spent hunting through radio frequencies, so you're talking dozens of hours a week of static, and straining through limited optimal feeds and radio traffic. At the end of this I had a hearing test, and my hearing had technically deteriorated. Not in a way I'd notice, and the training means your ears are hyper sensitive and actively engaged in constant detection and analysis like satellite dishes (hard to turn off). I joke that I have piccolo (namek) ears. But whilst my hearing skills are fine-tuned, my hearing itself deteriorated markedly from 20 to 25. And I had colleagues who listened with max loudness in their work, I preferred quieter settings. That said, I've never developed tinnitus.


    I'm fine with most Autechre tracks. I struggle to enjoy things like the squelchy, throbbing alarm sound that you get in things like the second half of elcy6 onset, like electrodes bleeping in heat, and parts of mesh cinereal, as well as the metal nails down chalkboard washes and snippet blares from time to time, but that might be personal taste.


    Whenever listening through static, my ears used to try and discern some subtle ae-esque rhythm lol.


    Just took NTS2 out for a slow late morning summer cycle along miles of beachfront esplanade.


    Officially mid-autumn, but average is still 25-30 degrees Celsius. Gorgeous hearing the stomping swag and lapping jam reverberate into one another whilst rolling along, basking in sights and sunshine. Couldn't help giggling as I zoomed past sunbakers and sandcastles to violvoic.

    Thats funny cos we just got a foot of snow here and i was walking around yesterday thinking of how beautiful it looks and listneing to the NTS sessions was very fitting :P and it's about 0° – -3° outside.


    haha I was thinking the same thing, just one of those releases which fittingly soaks up every setting. As I was typing it makes a great summer release, I was imagining how equally awesome it would be in chillier climes and more nocturnal times. Look forward to those feels in a couple months.

  5. Yeah I'll hold off on the drives until the CDs arrive, a few months later with a different sound arrangement to headphones, something to look forward to.


    My car can chew up the upcoming Monae and Monkeys in the meantime. Woodface and Penny Century have been dominating my car since the new year, love to revisit Aussie favourites in the summery Jan-March period, the car is thirsty for something different.

  6. NTS2 is their best flowing release to date. The way hour 1 perfectly finishes off with violvoic's as an climactic closer just wraps up a solid hour of mindmelting ae, then we transition into outerspace for their best ambient work ever, drifting into 9chro's abstract design and finally sailing off into space with turbile epic casual, stpl idle... such amazing cinematic sequencing.

    The tracks almost reverberate into one another, the sequencing is indeed amazing. There are times I get paranoid that the current track is a variation on elements of the previous track, and on it goes, as if NTS2 was evolving in your ears. And given their recent preoccupation with jams and edited live sequences, it captures some truth.

  7. Fingers crossed that the Dark Mofo performance turns out to be some freakish winter dark masterwork which they eventually release (and I'd be rapt for Australia to join the official AE_Live fray). Nothing short of whipping up the crowd into a ravenous orgy infused with twinkly antarctic ambience will suffice.

  8. Yep, you northeners are going to summer album these sessions dry! Beach balls, jetskis and soaking sunshine and humidity.


    Back in those days half of ae releases were 12-18 months before clicking, and the other half were immediate (Quaristice, Chiastic Slide, Draft 7.30). Even so, you find yourself returning to the latter and seeing them in an entirely different light, or appreciating a track more fully that you previously neglected.


    This doesn't happen to me as often anymore, I think I digest releases more effectively and enthusiastically than I did way back then. I rarely distractedly listen to something 1-3 times then backburner it, I'll try to give it sufficient attempt to win me over and typically they do. Maybe preconceived expectations collapse or liquidate with age. Even so, you still find yourself listening to another release and going "I bet this clarifies and brings out things I overlooked on the previous release" (regardless of whether you loved it or didn't care for it).

  9. Just took NTS2 out for a slow late morning summer cycle along miles of beachfront esplanade.


    Officially mid-autumn, but average is still 25-30 degrees Celsius. Gorgeous hearing the stomping swag and lapping jam reverberate into one another whilst rolling along, basking in sights and sunshine. Couldn't help giggling as I zoomed past sunbakers and sandcastles to violvoic.

  10. If I recall correctly, Untilted and Bitches Brew both 'unlocked' for me around the same time at the start of 2011. I was also getting more into hip hop and other Warps Records artists around that time. Funny how the brain unconsciously draws together unconscious semantic relations and comprehension experiences to process something.

  11. Session 1 for me as well, just a smooth listen I know I'll listen to at least dozens of times.


    Session 2 isn't far behind, has some brilliant tracks and an overall vibe, but maybe one too many of the 7hres, xflood, violvoic, etc. variants on the same release for me to get completely behind it, not as inclined to listen to it in full as often.

  12. You can both be right. I think their music capably caters to a background dimension more readily nowadays, but that doesn't mean the music itself isn't endlessly rich. NTS is almost asking to be remixed for other purposes. Its not an either/or thing, and "background music" doesn't have to be treated as pejorative or total. Your grandma isn't about to come to an Autechre show, we're not talking Kind of Blue territory, but their music can be more sinuously incorporated for a range of purposes.

  13. I've regarded this shift as very intentional since first listen of NTS1, these are very usable, employable, remix-friendly soundscapes moreso than usual. They can envelop as standalone tracks, but they are also very background (and royalties) friendly. I think this only adds and deepens their discography, and conforms adequately to streaming access.


    As a result of a jammier arrangement scheme, the abundant subtleties of their music are very much to the fore. Feels very much like the typical composer shift to their late period work.

  14. from 1:08 on gonk sounds like a clown car  when suddenly the breaks fail and the clown driver constantly presses the claxon to warn people while he drives in curves.

    flol perfect description.


    7:51 is screeching the brakes on gravel then righting itself, love it.

  15. I was already super psyched for Janelle Monae and Arctic Monkeys returning after a half-decade wait (once again within a fortnight of one another), not to mention the John Maus releases, but new Autechre (and 8 hours of it) has a way of eliminating all else.


    As I said earlier, I might save NTS3 or 4 for discovery on the CD/vinyl, just so my digestion isn't overloaded. Maybe a cursory sample. I'm the type that likes to initially immerse myself in an album for 1-3 weeks after all.

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