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Posts posted by Roo

  1. I started with Amber in 2007, but that was more about the album than the artist in general. I had no plans at that stage to continue on with other ae albums. The Quaristice release was an immediate fave of mine, largely responsible for stirring my interest in Autechre and Warp Records in general. I had just turned 19, and according to my iTunes I've listened to the front half through Rale at least 50 times.

  2. Rob & Sean are the Aubrey & Maturin of their day. Consistently excellent, prolific, rich in comedy and adventure, complex hardware, hypersensitivity to new lifeforms and environs. I suspect Patrick O'Brian would have been a big fan, I bet he had ep7 on rotation when he died.

  3. 9 chr0 reminds me of Osla for n: strange, industrial noises that fall into a groovy rhythm as the track progresses



    Time is out of joint my love


    still hoping that AE + EL-P collab is gonna happen some day

    Some root elements of Osla also pop up briefly in glos ceramic.


    It is sad how brutally supplanted they become. I'm incredibly attached to NTS3, so the thought of NTS4 is vaguely threatening, however enticing. ye old t1a1 feels as embedded as the 90s stuff now.


    Mostly I have been listening to them session wise, but I return to favourites. Once all of the sessions are out, having them all in one playlist might be a good way to go. That said, there's a whole lot of stuff to digest. Might ration it out, so I don't burn out on it too quick.

    There'll be a perfect Autechre album for everyone once all the sessions are released, pick n mix heaven


    Oddly, I don't feel the need with NTS. I'm happy with them in the NTS1, NTS2, etc. formats. Elseq I wanted to separate out a bit of 2, 3 and 5, but I'm more attached to these as individual albums.

  5. I was worried about the lack of bass then I remembered I was listening from my phone whilst cycling into the wind

    haha that happened to me 3 times last week. Was straining to hear the mouse squeak of tt1pd whilst steamrolled by wind.

  6. The thing I learnt from NTS2 is that you can be saddled with 3 casuals and still be an excellent release.


    That's my vague impression as well. Casual played a bit loose, see what comes up. I assume 'stpl' is stipulate idle, so that works, some elements in the track are put into a fairly static pattern crawl.

  7. Sesh 03 = best Ae LP ever :O

    I know :O It just feels like one of their very best albums. We'll be talking fondly about this one for many years to come.


    Untilted, Confield, Amber, Chiastic Slide, Exai and Draft are going to be tough to overtake for me, but I can feel it overhauling Quaristice and Tri Repetae today.


    I haven't been immediately knocked out by an ae release at this magnitude before, desert island material. I'm too conservative to commit to something declarative after 2 days of listening, but this is beyond my wildest imaginations.

  8. I was at the beach when glos ceramic started and then the skies instantly started to drip. Made the trip home just in time before it poured (in the last minute of track). Can't help but imagine charging, darkening nimbuses.


    I remember back in the day whenever I played pce freeze in the car a police car would materialise.

  9. With NTS2 I immediately gravitated to the center (Gonk tuf hi through e0) whereas with this it is all about the opening three and closing two bookends for now. NTS3 sets the pace, but I'll need to listen to the central tracks a few more times to put this up with NTS1 or 2.

  10. Just going back through the 12 hours of pages, nice work guys. Sillies for thinking there was anything vaguely gonk in there, but nice get on the nines.


    Currently 2/3 through tt1pd, NTS3 has a live-ly unhinged EP vibe thus far.

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