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Posts posted by Roo

  1. This might seem blasphemous, but winter is probably the season that I least listen to Autechre. Don't know why exactly, although I guess their last few LPs have all been late summer releases in the southern hemisphere, so maybe a slight burnout in winter. I associate Autechre listening with spring/winter/autumn. I also don't associate any full Autechre albums with any seasons, although Oversteps to me suits a bright sunny day walk in the country, among the cows and all that. Some ae tracks evoke Antarctic imagery in me, but more summer Antarctic than wintry chill.

  2. Group 1





    Group 2


    Chiastic Slide


    Group 3


    Draft 7:30

    Exai (veeeeery premature, just feel its nestled in this group)


    Group 4

    Tri Repetae



    Group 5



    (Still dont own Incunabula, but love the track Kalpol Intro)


    Still pretty much the same deal for me;


    1. Untilted

    2. Confield


    3. Amber

    4. Chiastic Slide


    5. Exai


    6. Quaristice

    7. Draft 7:30


    8. Tri Repetae

    9. Oversteps


    10. LP5


    Still yet to listen to Incunabula. Saving it for when the in-between-ae-releases pangs start hitting hard.


    Not a lot has changed I guess, except that Exai has consolidated itself in outright 5th for me. All are great, in fact, Oversteps isn't far outside my top 100 favourite albums, and comes in 9th here. LP5 comes last because it just hasn't left much of an LP impression on me to date. I've had it for 3.5 years, listened a couple times, but it hasn't really spoken to me yet as a whole piece. Still some excellent tracks though.

  3. Amber was my entry point to ae, and I'd still have it in my top 3 (marginally over Chiastic Slide, and behind Untilted & Confield).


    I still regularly play the Nine-Further-Yulquen sequence, it's a great chill sequence just after a work out. When you add on Piezo & Nil around that, it's surely one of the best sequences in their discography. Amber has a great 1-2 opening as well, but we kind of expect that from them.

    The only notable issue I have with Amber is that I never was convinced by Teartear. To me, it is a try hard, darker closer. On other ae albums, that sort of track is fine, but it sticks out like a sore thumb on Amber. Okay track in its own right, but in the context of Amber I don't like it's inclusion a great deal. I usually stop the album about half way through Teartear.

  4. Draft is a funny one. I found it instantly accessible, but it has never blown me away as a whole like several other ae LPs. To me it's similar to Quaristice, liked both from Day 1 but not in my top handful of ae albums.


    I've used Exai so much this year as essay background music, that I kind of need to give it a break for a while. That said, the stretch from Bladelores through to the opening of Recks On is really great.


    CD1 to me is like a single piece almost. CD2 is more like a traditional ae album, with fully formed tracks, but it's beautiful. Sort of like the next gen son of Tri Repetae. A few of the tracks have an extended outro sound to them as well on CD2.


    Lately I've been thinking a lot about the sound palette. To me it mixes a lot of mothy bass, clunks and buzz with a lot of high pitched squeaking. It feels like an insect album to me (with irlite being the centrepiece, the lifecycle of a moth of may fly). Kind of like the love child of Iera, Fermium and The Trees, as its not as evil insect as Iera, but it certainly has a microscopic world feel to it.


    Exai is an insect album, but not in an obvious way like Iera or something like the video of Basscadet. Exai lives in the wet, muddy habitat of dragonflies, it's more about insect life than insect politics.

  5. Newbound works well as an outro. The EP is increasingly holding its breath up to this point, Newbound gives it a chance to chill. That said, the opening tune is obnoxious coming after osla for n.

  6. FYI Aussies


    My CD (from Bleep) just arrived in the mail today (Canberra). Im guessing the sizeable Melbournian contingent should be getting their packages as well, seems like a lot of non-UK countries are getting today (atleast in major cities).


    By the way, just have the CD playing atm on my lamo DVD player, speakers arent great, but it still sounds rather awesome. Pleasantly suprised. Havent tried the car yet.


    Also, due to the 2xCD format, I can see CD1 getting a little more physical love.

  7. An attempt, without listening. This is a rough estimate at my favourite track from each album in chronological order.


    Kalpol Intro







    Ipacial Section



    Irlite (get 0)



    Doubt it works, if I was making an album, tracks 2-3 would not be Further & Overand lol. Sort of starts off reeeeally mellow for the first 20 minutes or so, Cipater-Ipacial Section increasingly ups the ante, and then chills a little before funking if up with Treale and Irlite.

    • Big Brain 1
  8. Quaristice is dope up until the end of Rale, great flow. After that, still awesome, but more forgettable and all over the shop.


    Quaristice is smack bang in the middle of their discog imo. not their best and not their worst.

  9. yeah I listened to oversteps again last night and was reminded how much I liked it. More than Exai I think. BUT. There is something very unique about Exai, it sounds like one big long song almost. Oversteps still has the very traditional song-song-song structure. But Exai feels more like a living organic beast that flows along. Imo. Still if I was going to make an "Ae best mixtape" I think several tracks from Oversteps would make it on, but maybe none from Exai (possibly irlite I guess). I'm not sure it holds up on a track-by-track analysis.

    Largely agree with this post.


    Exai to me feels 'genuine' and real, despite its alien atmospheres. It has a similar soul to Confield actually. Oversteps is beautiful, but does have that traditional structure which makes it feel comparitively plastic.


    But as for standalone tracks that work outside Exai, that is where the side effects of such an approach are felt.

  10. Group 1





    Group 2


    Chiastic Slide


    Group 3


    Draft 7:30

    Exai (veeeeery premature, just feel its nestled in this group)


    Group 4

    Tri Repetae



    Group 5



    (Still dont own Incunabula, but love the track Kalpol Intro)

  11. For those that are complaining about the last 3 albums, it's probably to do with number of songs.


    As album listeners, a lot of us are drilled into thinking that a classic album needs like 7-12 songs. 5 or 14 at the most extreme. So when a trio of albums come along with 20, 14 & 17 tracks respectively, It can be a lot for some mere mortals to take in. Especially given the 2 hour running time.


    Really liking Exai so far, it's another beast in itself yet again.

  12. Oh yes! After working on my assignments all day, I just found out about the new 2 hour release from my favourite music act. Hella yes! If that's my valentine's day, I'll take it!

    It's taking forever to download but oh well., I'll try and have an initial listen or two before looking at this thread.


    (I was working 12 hour shifts over the weekend, only found out now).

  13. no one ever really mentions Xylin Room. to me it's one of the best tracks on that album, and one of their best openers.


    Ae open all their albums perfectly, and Draft is no exception. The first two tracks are excellent mood-setters imo, and Xylin Room with the right sound system is awesome. The following 2 tracks and Surripere keep the juices flowing, but I feel the album, while still good after this point, loses some flow.

  14. I found Surripere to be incredibly immediate. On first listen of the album, it's really the first track that grabs you. The first few minutes is incredibly moody and then it starts to whip whap itself into a coma, whilst remaining catchy.


    It really stands out, obviously the centrepiece of the album.


    I do like the atmosphere of the album, I think the first 2 tracks especially set it up quite well. But after that it's a bit hit-and-miss for me, especially after surripere. Even V-proc really goes nowhere after the awesome first 90 seconds.


    Im happy for the existence of draft, it really does show another side to ae.

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