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Posts posted by Roo

  1. Kangaroos can be twisted in their outburst. When I was a little kid I came across a kangaroo attempting to drown a young puppy in a creek bed, saw them as evil for a while after that, they have that eerie human quality. Most you come across in the burbs though are harmless by nature, like those big flightless birds just don't piss them off and give them provocation to stand up for themselves and kickbox (hitting them with a car, dogs, kangaroo hunt, golf, etc.)

    • Like 4
  2. Weird how Americans seem fascinated with the alleged deadliness of Australian wildlife. Our largest land predator is a dingo, which is just a wild dog that in rare cases might pose maul risk to young children. Whereas they have fckin bears! We have crocodiles in the tropics but their alligators cancel that out. We have sharks, but they have Jaws.

    poisonous animals arent as scary as man eaters

    • Like 1
  3. She is my favourite female artist after Ella Fitzgerald, and my favourite pop star after George Michael. I'll chuck in an album rank:

    1. Bedtime Stories 5/5

    2. Erotica 5/5

    3. True Blue 4.5/5

    4. Ray of Light 4.5/5

    5. Madonna 4.5/5

    6. MDNA 3.5/5

    7. American Life 3.5/5

    8. Like a Prayer 3.5/5

    9. Like a Virgin 3.5/5

    10. Madame X 3/5

    11. Hard Candy 3/5

    12. Rebel Heart 2.5/5

    13. Confessions on a Dance Floor 2.5/5

    14. Music 2.5/5


    Her 5 best singles:

    1. Justify My Love

    2. Live to Tell

    3. Frozen

    4. Like a Virgin

    5. Cherish

    • Like 2
  4. Melbourne region back into lockdown for next 6 weeks. Borders into Victoria (NSW and SA) both closed as well.

    All the Australian Rules (10) and Rugby teams (2 across League/Union) from Victoria have recently relocated elsewhere to keep those competitions going.

    • Like 1
  5. Have to sit this one out, as I just shelled out overs for a beloved film on rare oop dvd (easily triple the price of when it was newly stocked), and finally picked up The Saints - All Times Through Paradise (basically a deluxe edition of their strong late 70s heyday) for a pretty good deal.

    Been mostly in the mood for revisiting old hip-hop faves the last month or so anyway during BLM, and after dabbling in a few of these Fridays you build up a little purchased queue.

    FYI - If you have somehow managed to avoid diving into Bjork until now, her catalog hit Bandcamp in recent weeks for about 7 pounds each.

    • Like 1
  6. Apparently Texas recorded more cases yesterday alone than Australia has during the entire pandemic. Similar pop. (29 v 25 mill).

    Melbourne has seen a recent flare up resulting in 10 hot spot postcodes returning to lockdown in the last few days. Not technically a second wave, but on a people level sad for those forced back into retreat for 4 weeks.

    • Facepalm 1
  7. To be fair, I haven't even seen anyone wearing a mask where I live. I don't even own one. I would wear it immediately if there was community risk, or if I lived in a more urban area, as it is the responsible thing to do, but QLD hasn't had a new case in nearly 10 days and I'm days from the nearest state border (which is still restricted).

    • Like 1
  8. 10 hours ago, rhmilo said:

    Wait ... so is his the same cold blooded killer as in he post above yours?


    Yeah different continents. I live on the Cassowary Coast and a lot of the road signs and Big Things here are cassowary-related. We drive slow here so we don't hit them, you often see them moving about in families with the smaller chicks.

    Despite that dangerous streak, their nature can tend to be librarian-shy though.


    • Thanks 1
  9. https://www.google.com.au/amp/s/amp.abc.net.au/article/12364266


    This old lady and local icon died this week in a hit-and-run. I live here and had seen her out and about from time to time :(


    • Sad 4
  10. Quazarz: Born on a Gangster Star - Shabazz Palaces

    ^foolishly ignored this on release despite loving their previous two, and despite typically focusing on supporting local artists during waived Fridays, the BLM right now compels me to be slightly more willing to brave the USD and contribute in some minimal way. This is exactly what I want from SP, can't complain with what they offer here. And also given they have a new one out which they can't tour on.

    Mr Experience - Donny Benet

    ^his best LP yet, a little less silly, a little more consistently refined, and another supa banger in Girl of My Dreams. Plus local.

    • Like 2
  11. 7 hours ago, cwmbrancity said:

    This was my old man's favourite film. Good to watch & then afterwards try & drive a wagon calmly.

    Reminds me of driving home from the cinema after Fury Road. You have that adrenaline to drive in a deranged manner to keep in check.

  12. There was an all-night house party next door last night, so I guess things are easing/loosening up here (from today QLDers can have household visits between groups of 5). Sucky for me after an all-nighter the previous night and 40 hours without sleep to have to contend with loud shenanigans until 5am but also novel in a way and felt chill about it.

  13. 10 best first viewings I've seen this year:

    1. Summer with Monika

    2. The Dead (Huston)

    3. Abigail's Party

    4. The House That Jack Built

    5. The Wages of Fear

    6. The Nightingale (Kent)

    7. Hypernormalisation

    8. Bangkok Hilton

    9. The Ballad of Buster Scruggs

    10. The Red Badge of Courage


    • Like 1
  14. 11 hours ago, zkom said:

    Well, people outside US don't usually actually remember this, maybe because of all the other terrorism that overshadowed it in the 2000s. But I'd guess most people in watmm do.

    I think this is the first specific news story I actually DO remember. My family didn't own a TV until late '93 and other than a general sense of bad things going on in Bosnia, Rwanda, Israel and Afghanistan (already an Atlas nut), other news stories pre-'96 are a bit murky for me. I have no memory of  conjecturey things like OJ or Tonya Harding.

    In Australia, the early '96 election campaign and Port Arthur massacre (which relevantly changed our gun laws) was really when the news cycle came into being for me.

    • Like 1
  15. Darren Cross from Australia's turn-of-the-millennium Gerling has been releasing some avant-folk/americana/new agey type stuff the last few years. Has a new one out which leans into the Fahey American Primitive instrumental, and sounds like he was recently evicted during lockdown. His first solo LP Xantastic from 2016 is pretty good. Worth checking out and supporting for WATMM folk fans and old Gerling fans.

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