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Everything posted by Lewps

  1. I heard that the supposed crackdowns on tourists smoking were just rumors, wait for a dutchman to confirm though.
  2. brilliant! looks like obama's puffin on a dutchie trying to be discrete
  3. Nah I use a felt tip pen. kinda mooshed em together for that gif by overlaying them in photoshop and erasing parts of the top layer. hope 2 do more digital stuff soon. as always Yek, paint trains. ^ by Sofles
  4. Autechre and Hyde come up together for a second time!!! Colab imminent wit Simmm Hyde
  5. Nice work as always Yek - ive been working on more of the same.. gonna smash out some more faces then start doing different (interesting) stuff Study of Girl 1 faces december
  6. wow delet the aquatic maths genius i hope one day you can combine your skills for something great.
  7. Hey thanks a lot. Yeah what delet said I'm 20 y/o and have got to where i am through practicing daily yet i'm not satisfied with my work and hopefully never will be. Please post your drawings!
  8. ye sweet poster ghosty!!! been trying more portraits getting better slowly. faces november by lnatko
  9. How did you hear about AE? friend/ family member ☐ newspaper classifieds ☐ promotional website ☐ neighbourhood shaman ☑
  10. makin big cummies wit loads of fly honies
  11. Angry comments can make or break any youtube startup fire away & ye man no hype though i'm no dank savant.
  12. cant stand this guy. got some dank brewing ill cough up the goods b4 the week out
  13. Well Bassnectar is considered the god of EDM, I've heard he's inseminated virgins with his low frequency bass wobble! it's a miracle! seriously though thats funny as fuck.
  14. Real nice Bronchy!! Trying my hand at some photorealism lnatko on Flickr
  15. WATMM doesnt have green text friend, try it out at one of your local chans.
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