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Status Updates posted by ambermonk

  1. When a bunch of people get killed in the world every day, should we still give a shit about the Kardashians?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. triachus


      how can reality tv shows be real if your eyes aren't real

    3. Friendly Foil
    4. ambermonk


      Ugh, what was I thinking. At least this isn't a thread.

  2. Who the hell calls from Antarctica?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ambermonk


      They are smarter berds than we give them credit for.

    3. ambermonk


      NIN - March of the Pigs should have been on the soundtrack of March of the Penguins. But at least it was narrated by Morgan Freeman.

    4. barbu


      arctic ants

  3. wonder how Torontonians are coping w/ their mayor

  4. You've still got it, Mr. Jenkinson.

  5. Чики Брики

  6. 毎日運転しながらVitalicやん。いまは最高の電子ダンス音楽、俺の思いに。

    1. hello spiral

      hello spiral

      The Yan Vitalic while driving every day. Electronic dance music best, to think of me now.

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