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Posts posted by ambermonk

  1. 17 hours into Atomic Heart now. Turns out this is a huge game - not just in terms of file size (72 G according to Steam), but also in the overall map layout and architectural design. No idea how much progress I've made in terms of main storyline, whether I'm in the middle, or close to the end, etc.

    Pretty much have every weapon unlocked now. I've noticed that most weapons in this game can't simply be acquired, but rather you find the blueprints, and then gather enough materials to craft them. Ammo was relatively scarce in the beginning, but somehow I've managed to rack up a surplus of Makarov, shotgun, & AK ammo. Still relying heavily on melee combat though, and then the Dominator (which is like Doom's Plasma Rifle & BFG in one) for robotic crowd control. Also was finally able to fabricate the apex melee weapon - the Zvezdochka (apparently means "star" according to Google translate). The "uppercut" ability on the Zvez is borderline OP.

    Made it to the Theater. Getting strong Bioshock vibes there, especially from Fort Frolic district. Probably not a coincidence.

    Overall though I ended up getting way more immersed in this game than I thought I would. P-3 still needs to calm the fuck down with the edgy dialogue though. I feel like he'd be much more likeable if he showed more restraint, like Isaac in the new Dead Space. One of the ballerina bots in the Theater actually made a valid observation too: "You've been without a woman for far too long, Major."

  2. If iPods & mp3 players are obsolete, I must not have gotten the memo. Just went to Best Buy to look for one but they had none. My Samsung Galaxy phone from 2016 isn't an option either because the headphone jack has been fucked for the last few years but otherwise still works fine.

    And my iPod from 2011 won't sync on my desktop. So my only hope of editing my library on it is to boot up my Lenovo laptop from 2014 that boots up slow as balls. I just hope it'll still sync with iTunes on it. And my HTC Desire phone (also from 2011) finally died for good, which was still handy as an mp3 player the last couple of years.

    Guess I'm just a stubborn dinosaur when it comes to mobile devices.

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  3. Finally completed Dead Space 2023. Final boss wasn't as challenging as I expected, but best for me not to spoil anything more. Also the first Dead Space game I've ever played. Would have promptly started a New Game + if it weren't for Atomic Heart having recently launched.

    Speaking of which, played about 1.5 hours so far of AH. Can't say it's groundbreaking, but also not as controversial as some parties claim. The most controversial thing I've encountered thus far was a horny sentient refrigerator. Still has some cool aesthetics though. Gonna try and plow through it over the next week or so, free time permitting.

  4. Not sure. My mailbox is mostly like a toilet - 80 percent junk/feces but all inbox.

    Actually since I live in a condo I have a separate outgoing mail drop box where all my paper bill payments go. So the setup is already obvious to the mail carrier.

    Also I wonder if astrology is the middle/intermediate stage, with pumpkin spice being early stage and cats being late stage.

  5. Today is my first time ever playing a Dead Space game. Decided to try out the remake, into which I've put in about an hour & a half so far. Running better than I expected on my RTX 2070 I've had for three years now. Guess there's no need to fix it if it ain't broke.
    Already got the level 2 suit upgrade since I saved up enough credits along the way. It's nice to be able to move and aim at the same time too without any accuracy penalty. And I guess the same strategy in fighting monsters applies in this game as the Ghost People from Dead Money DLC in Fallout: New Vegas; dismember the fuck outta them so they don't get back up.

    There's been a recent update to the System Shock remake demo as well. Looks like Nightdive added an in-game economy, a new melee weapon, and a new enemy type. The full game is supposed to be finally released next month. This demo still isn't enough to scratch that itch. I can't put into words how badly I want to play it once it's officially launched. The TTLG original was one of my favorite PC games of all time when I was growing up - that's why this remake is so dear to me.

    Guess I'll continue on with the new Dead Space in the meantime. The new System Shock makes me wanna play Prey 2017 again though, since the gameplay is so similar.

    Almost launch time for Atomic Heart as well. And I just happen to have a soft spot for robot dames.

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  6. Good ol' Goldeneye...how could I forget. Pretty much spent all of my free time back in 7th grade playing that classic. I remember the unlockable "No Radar" cheat was a thing in splitscreen multiplayer. Although I wasn't that fond of the explosions, since they'd linger like fire for a few seconds and still damage you if you got too close.

    As for particular missions, I remember Mission 16 where you have to cover Natalya while she's hacking the central console was arguably the hardest section in the game, since infinite badguys would continue pouring out until she was finished. Sorta reminds me of the Entanglement section from HL2 where you have to wait for Alyx to disable the barriers inside Nova Prospekt.

    And the music...the Aztec and Egypt secret missions have some of the best. (Tempting to post the YTs here, but there's another thread for that.)

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  7. 30 laughs sounds like a reasonable goal. I don't even care what pic or meme it is, I just want to see that kind of reaction become a reality here. Or 30 burgers, I don't care which.

    Current FWP: There are two books I want to order online, but I'd rather not give Amazon my money if it's an option because Jeff Bezos is evil. Too bad they basically have a monopoly on online commerce.

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