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Posts posted by ambermonk

  1. On 8/30/2023 at 1:28 AM, o00o said:

    interesting to me these starfield ingame trailers look kind of boring and generic but I am open to be surprised. I am always a bit cautious if the sandbox is too large.

    From what I hear it's about what fans of previous BGS titles (i.e. TES & Fallout) would expect - pretty much the same combat style, as well as exploration & loot mechanics. But supposedly fast-travelling between planets involves cutscenes, unlike the seamless entry & exit of planetary atmospheres from No Man's Sky. Supposedly inventory management can be a pain, too. But if we enjoyed FO4, then we should also enjoy Starfield.

    That's about all I know though. I guess I could have upgraded to premium edition for early access or whatever, but I don't think it's worth the extra money when we could just wait literally a couple of more days til official launch. Besides, I'm nearing the end of my current Fallout: New Vegas run.

  2. FL Studio...my primary music tool for the past two decades.

    So far I'm liking v21 and some of the newer plugins, like Sawer, Sakura, Toxic Biohazard, and Harmor. But I can't help but feel a sense of loss from the fact that WASP and WASP XT are no longer available.

    Even after all this time, I don't think I'll ever fully master this DAW. But I will say that Piano Roll makes sequencing an absolute breeze.

  3. My latest dream was early this morning. In my subconscious head-canon, it was a sequel to Prey 2017, but set farther into the future in deep space. I boarded some huge derelict space ship, but I can't remember if I was alone. But for some reason everything was bright and lit-up, yellow-ish orange. I think it was supposed to be like a space luxury cruise ship, but all the crew appeared infected by some alien virus and were therefore mutated and hostile. Then I got to the "final boss", which was some kind of huge bluish-green floating blob that had the infected crew tethered to it, and I shot it with what was a latest-gen Q-Beam (in Prey context). But before I could finish the fight, my fucking morning alarm went off.

    Srsly tho, how cool would a Prey sequel be where you can raid derelict vessels in deep space...

    • Like 2
  4. 20 hours ago, chronical said:

    I cannot contain my hype for Starfield :nacmat: 3 more sleeps. I feel like a kid waiting for christmas. Space exploring bounty hunter figuring out the mysteries of the universe with a robot pal going "Hello, Commander Gabriel" while I sit on my homebase on a beautiful planet lighting up a J watching the sun set.. Hopefully my 3070Ti will allow ultra textures with its measly 8 gigs of VRAM.. Fuck yeah baby it's space truckin' time

    Hell yeah. I already pre-ordered. But faced with a dilemma - whether to pay an extra $30 for early access so I can play over my four-day weekend, or just wait one more week for official launch...

    14 hours ago, Squee said:

    But those cutscenes, man... uhf...
    The original ones look better, haha.

    True, true.

    • Like 1
  5. 20 hours ago, Squee said:

    Seen the trailer? Made me unexcited for it.


    To be fair it's pre-alpha footage. Nightdive haven't let me down so far, especially after they finally dropped the System Shock remake three months ago. If they can successfully implement free look/aim, that'll already be one major hurdle cleared over the original, which currently feels like operating a forklift just to look up or down. (Granted this was back in 1995, and the Jedi engine was actually a reverse-engineered classic Doom engine, but still.)

  6. Just returned home early this morning after being in Las Vegas all last week.

    It's about the money pit I expected. Thankfully I'm not broke. Overstimulation is rampant. Bright lights and music blaring almost everywhere.

    I did get to fire a multitude of fully automatic weapons at the gun range though, not to mention a Russian sniper rifle and a grenade launcher. That was neat.

  7. I'm almost finished with the Athens set but so far it's the only one I've listened to. Can't say much atm because it's too early. But I'm also grateful for new Ae release, even if it's more live sets.

    Guess I'll save the London sets for last, based on what's been posted so far.

    • Like 1
  8. Listened to a fair amount of Brothomstates and Funkstörung back in the early oughts. Lately it's been VHS Head and LFO (esp. Frequencies), and sometimes The Bug. And one could almost include Rey Sapienz & the Congo Techno Ensemble in this genre.

    EDIT: Team Doyobi...can't believe I forgot them. But I don't think they've released anything in nearly a decade.

    • Like 3
  9. This comment probably belongs more in the "pointless thoughts and observations" thread, but I just watched a YT short of a WWII vet shouting at a bunch of protesters who were also vets. I think it was recorded in 2019, or some time before during the last presidency before COVID, because they were holding up signs calling from Trump's impeachment.

    Anyway, I think that old vet plus most everybody in the comments section misunderstood the protesters as disrespecting and making fun of him, when one of the protestors were making the point that Trump was using him as a prop. The top voted comment literally advocated for him to commit a mass shooting against the protesters. And then another comment in that thread was from an Iraq war veteran saying the medals the WWII vet were wearing somehow don't match his branch of service, therefore sus. Curious.

    I dunno. Keyboard warriors gonna be keyboard warriors. But it's just another reminder that even now nationalism/jingoism is alive and well. Also that as a country we're politically bipolar af. I mean, what happened to some fucking sanity being dominant in politics?

    Fuck it. If my Wi-Fi were to go out indefinitely right now, it would be a blessing. The internet gives me a headache sometimes.

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