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Posts posted by Schlitze



    This was impressive, but the horror aspect is kinda overshadowed by the brilliantly scathing dissection of the loathsome hipster schtick. An actress who would do anything to get to the big time goes for a couple of auditions with some otherwordly producers who send her mind wandering into the sky about the possibilty of getting the lead in their upcoming horror film 'The Silver Scream' and break free of the hipsters who she feels are holding her back. The reality is she serves burgers and fries at a resturant and hangs out with some real ironic self absorbed doucebags who, in true hipster fashion believe that they're part of the film world too. We're introduced to them at a party where one of them is talking Poe lyrics over an electropop beat. They spend their days sitting around around taking photos with retro camera's and talking about non-existent scripts they have in the pipeline, it starts to grind down the aspiring actress, after a couple of successful auditions inspired by positive feedback from the casting agent she quits her waitress job only to come crawling back, where the tolerant boss (Pat Healy) tells her ''Look, i know we're not self aware and ironic enough for you, but this is my thing, do you want to be part of that?''. Depressed to be back where she started, she talks to the loser from the party who said he had a script, she meets him at his defunct RV which he lives in (it has a little library inside and a couch outside on a path) and they agree over ecstacy that she'll star in his film, knowing that he's a boring cliche with thick rimmed glasses a showreel like a pile of used toilet roll. Having previously being warned by the producer of 'The Silver Scream' that hipsters are talentless nobodies who sit around talking about doing things and try to make people believe they are part of something they're not and will never amount to anything apart from their shit part time jobs, she finds herself at a crossroads, does she make a sacrifice? Or does she stay hip?


    this was alright. I dunno, I may appreciate it more with another viewing, I'm pretty tired and my brain isn't really functioning right now. I didn't like it when



    it went all Contracted and her body started falling apart. meh. but it fit into a bigger plot device, so ok.



    cool soundtrack. lead actress is cute and talented, hope to see more of her. the violence was super-effective because the build up to it was so slow and deliberate and I didn't really think it was going to go that way.


    all-in-all, a p deece horror flick. I don't agree about the commentary on hipsters overshadowing the horror, your writeup makes it sound like an episode of Nathan Barley or something.


    Glad you checked it out, usagi :biggrin: I think my hipster evaluation must have clouded your mind before you watched it and you went in expectin a barley. The hipster shit wasn't something that occurred to me until a day later when i was thinkin about it. I guess i overthought it a bit when i wrote the review...Mmmm.

    Spoiler tags on every film review from this day forth.

  2. The Rave Colonel is a good name, he should have put out some releases under that alias. Someone in that other thread where they were making up all the tracks into folders had tagged them 'The Raver's Friend' (also quite a cool name) I was going to copy their folder contents but never got round to it, If i ever do it i'll change the title to the Rave Colonel so user45563631 can feel the wind under his wings of an actual RC release... well, on my mp3 player.

  3. Not seen anything of this so far but skimmed over this thread without reading too much, good to see the pilot was well recieved. Saul was pivotal as hell in BB, will be weird seeing him out on his own without the 2 protagonists. Do u think they are gonna go down a more comedic route? Looking forward to bringing out 4 episodes at a time.

  4. Starry_Eyes_2014_film_poster.jpg

    This was impressive, but the horror aspect is kinda overshadowed by the brilliantly scathing dissection of the loathsome hipster schtick. An actress who would do anything to get to the big time goes for a couple of auditions with some otherwordly producers who send her mind wandering into the sky about the possibilty of getting the lead in their upcoming horror film 'The Silver Scream' and break free of the hipsters who she feels are holding her back. The reality is she serves burgers and fries at a resturant and hangs out with some real ironic self absorbed doucebags who, in true hipster fashion believe that they're part of the film world too. We're introduced to them at a party where one of them is talking Poe lyrics over an electropop beat. They spend their days sitting around around taking photos with retro camera's and talking about non-existent scripts they have in the pipeline, it starts to grind down the aspiring actress, after a couple of successful auditions inspired by positive feedback from the casting agent she quits her waitress job only to come crawling back, where the tolerant boss (Pat Healy) tells her ''Look, i know we're not self aware and ironic enough for you, but this is my thing, do you want to be part of that?''. Depressed to be back where she started, she talks to the loser from the party who said he had a script, she meets him at his defunct RV which he lives in (it has a little library inside and a couch outside on a path) and they agree over ecstacy that she'll star in his film, knowing that he's a boring cliche with thick rimmed glasses a showreel like a pile of used toilet roll. Having previously being warned by the producer of 'The Silver Scream' that hipsters are talentless nobodies who sit around talking about doing things and try to make people believe they are part of something they're not and will never amount to anything apart from their shit part time jobs, she finds herself at a crossroads, does she make a sacrifice? Or does she stay hip?

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