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Posts posted by Schlitze

  1. Thor The Dark World 7/10

    The sequel sees a new threat in the form of an uncontrollable ooze which in the wrong hands could release mayhem. Theres a new enemy in the form of the dark elves who have dwelled in the galaxy longer than dinosaurs.

    The relationship between Thor and Jane Foster is a focal point but it's pretty bullshit in comparison to the sweet visual delights. The physics is the most mind boggling bits, with anomaly's and people popping up in different dimensions and time zones. I mean, Stellan Skarsgard drops in from the set of Nymphomaniac Vol. 2 naked on a few occasions.

  2. Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones

    The demon is back, shamelessly, fresh from his catalogue of embarrassment in Paranormal 4 where it spent most of the day playing dancing games on the x box and fooling around in the sand pit in the back yard.

    He's possessing mexicans in a place called Oxnard, CA now.

    To say any more would give away the plot.



    Cool piece of exploitation with a chewy moral centre


    Love it!


    Most people have seen Basket Case but haven't heard of Henenlotter's Brain Damage & Bad Biology, check'em out.


    Ha, yeah i've slowly been working my way through the Basket Case trilogy which i recorded on my tivo a while back (Film4 had it on). Then saw Sc-Fi channel was playing Frankerhooker and started watching and watched Basket Case 2 later! This Henenlotter guy is a legend!


    Other films of note:

    The Selfish Giant

    Jurassic Park 3D

    The Iceman



    will someone explain me why inside llewyn davis is a good film?


    the photography is nice - check. wouldn't expect less from the coen bros

    john goodman plays in it - check. anything with john goodman is worth watching, just for him.

    the chicago trip scene is nice - check. ok, that was a cool, in a wtf am i watching way, scene.


    for the rest, i'm clueless. what's supposed to be interesting about that film?


    It's just refreshing in it's depressive edge - exploring the life of an artist, and in the grand scheme of things - the theme of what it is to exist.


    not a film for intimidate satisfaction, but a grower, a thinker and a re-watcher...can't say i was 'blown away' when i saw it first, but since then it's been in my thoughts and am eagerly awaiting a re-watch whenever it comes around


    It's one of the best films of the year and a joke that it wasn't up for oscar glory. Too subtle for the academy. The key theme in the film is artistic integrity so perhaps good that its a sleeper. Definitely worth a many viewing...especially that bit at the end where Llewyen catches a glimpse of the act onstage after him.....

  5. Inside Llewyn Davis - 9/10

    Dawgs, i love this film. Who the hell would want to beat up a folk singer outside a folk club? It's got my favourite scene of the year in it with the cat on the subway, the cats glancing by all these station stops its like ''WTF am i doing on the subway in 1961".

  6. As a someone who don't like heights, this structure scared me. I'd been to the Seattle space needle about 10 years ago and i knew that was high. Turns out this was higher. I'd melt in one of those Dubai buildings. Don't know how Tom Cruise does those stunts.





  7. clark runs faster than a train across smallville and reaches his house before the douchebags get there

    Nebraska, After seeing this again about 3 weeks ago on TV, i gotta say this scene was the hum dinger of special effects fail. Even the flying scenes look more realistic than Kent trying to keep up with a train. The legs and body of Kent chasing are completely out of sych. Really clunky. Not even modern day digital effects can't fix it. They blew the budget on Brando.

  8. DJ What's in a name?


    DJ Foolish Yet Realistic


    DJ The Party Don't Stop Til I Stop The Beats So Dance Bitch Otherwise I'll Pop A Cap In Your Ass


    DJ Anal Preparation (Wipe/Wax/Bleach)


    DJ M. Night Shyamalan Looking For A Fast Buck And A Twist In The Tail


    All good names I've suggested there :emb:

  9. The Hunt

    However my enjoyment of the film was disrupted by the fact that the captions were about 10 seconds earlier than the dialogue on the screen. So I had to wait to see who said what and how, which did ruin it.

    Man, that is not gonna work. You should have given up and waited for a proper dvd. It reminds me of when i'm watching football on an internet stream and seperate FM radio commentary on the hi-fi, the stream is usually 10 seconds behind the live radio commentary and it becomes a complete mindfuck. I would say rewatch it properly but you've ruined the movie for yourself already watching it in this way. You probably would have enjoyed it.

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