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Posts posted by Schlitze

  1. The Shining - after watching the Room 237 I had to give it a spin on blu-ray.

    Its crazy to think that if it hadn't been for the documentary you might not have even bothered with the film at all. I'm glad at least the documentary is serving a purpose in encouraging noobs to watch the film for the first time.

  2. Untouchable - Damn fine. Eloquent. Nice. Pretty much everything I expected of it. I loved those damn paragliding scenes! that looks scary yet enthralling. Very well filmed scene aswell. The relationship between the two characters didn't engross me as much as the two in Rust and Bone, this went for a more humourous touch, but didn't fall into the trap of taking any obvious turns in the script. So i'll give it the same score as R'n'B - 7.6/10

  3. Upon further examination it has come to my attention that Killing Them Softly is 1/3rd Crime Caper and 2/3rds political allegory. How might this sway my original 8/10 rating you may ask? Well, while I believe the politics were screamed and shouted out of the tv's, i find this as unsubtle as the fact we are never shown Richard Jenkins character standing up. As a consequence my rating has dropped to 7/10.

  4. Wasn't sure about the bullet time death, just a completely gratious homage to Verhoevens Spetters? In any case it didn't matter. This is a crime caper movie, people, ala Dog Day Afternoon. Jeez.




    that movie gets a couple points for ray liotta's beating. maybe the drug sequence. other than that it was pretty bad.

    I also just couldn't help but lol @ the attempted conflation of gangster amorality and capitalism. I mean, it's not exactly a difficult connection to make in the first place, so why belabor the point? He was far more clever with the script of Jesse James - especially since the gambit wasn't clear for the first hour or so of the film.

    thats the crime caper part, u punks! I'd love to sit next to you guys in the cinema so i could explain all these nuances. I would whisper them to you :wink: ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````

  6. Project Nim - As previously mentioned in one of my posts earlier in this thread (regarding Shadow Dancer) I am a massive fan of James Marsh and his skill for jumping effortlessly between docu's n' fictional drama. Nim will draw you in with his animalistic tendencies and humanistic nature...it will also draw a tear from your eye. Nim seems to be a chimp corrupted by his human counterparts, and heartlessly left in a lab cage by 70's cliche's who could no longer look after him. I think the most saddening thing is that the ones Nim formed the strongest bond with were the ones who ended up caring the least.

  7. i watched the original Tron and the visuals were incredible for it's time...





    also, i suck

    You're not believing in yourself enough, dickwad. Jeez! Try having a little self confidence in yourself, Bieber/John Baxter.

  8. Watched ''Don't Look Now'' on Sunday. not seen it in ages, this was the first time i've seen it in HD with decent sound. All previous versions i've watched on TV and the the video quality aint been too good. it becomes an entirely new terrifying entity in HD, you can really see Venice in great detail.


    what the dweeb


    darjeeling limited is the only good film Lesbian Anderson has done apart from groundhog evening...


    honestly, the only time his "cooku" style has actually been style, granted it was showing his twatty "oh i have daddy problems" against the backdrop of real problems that could have been done better, hopefully he goes back to India to redit... i mean redeem himself again/....


    Darjeeling is clearly a low point in the history of cinema, along with Where The Wild Things are, Spike Jonze's abortion.



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