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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by Boxus

  1. i barely finished its first episode, it's just so dull, turgid and cliched. it really pales in comparison to silicon valley which kinda deals with the same stuff, but in much more fun, clever and vigorous way. take for example that ultra-hot and ultra-smart punk/goth/gamer/engineer/whatever girl that gets established as a main character in the first episode, it's just so stupid, it's borderline angelina jolie from 1995's hackers but without a hint of self awareness of its cheese. or that montage of american psycho guy ruining his apartment by hitting baseballs everywhere and looking all determined and serous with some 80's post punk song with overly literal lyrics for the scenes as a background, i mean come on.

    SV deals with both "women in hi-tech" issue and with this wild and often misguided entrepreneurial ambition (in the form of bachman, for example) in a much more fun and ridiculous but nevertheless more illuminating way.


    First season is the weakest one, I liked 2 and 3 more. The dramatic cheese is kind of the point - the characters' interactions become very entertaining in a weird soap opera sort of way.


    I watched the first season of Silicon Valley and it was kind of forgettable. The humor fell flat a lot, even when it was successfully satirical. I liked the cast a lot, but not so much the writing. I was watching at the same time as Veep though, and I love that show so maybe it just didn't hold up in comparison. I'll probably check out the rest eventually and see if it gets better.

  2. I would not compare this season to Inland Empire, it's much less experimental and more coherent. It's definitely heavier on the avant-garde than the original series but not nearly as much as IE. I think it has more in common with Mulholland if I was gonna compare it to any of his films - the whole Vegas arc reminds me a lot of MD's universe. If MD was originally going to be a series, it seems like he might have folded some of the ideas he wanted to explore there into this season.

  3. ive been trying to go through and finish some of my steam games i never played, starting with divinity:original sin. ive never really liked turn based computer game combat, but im having some fun with it. the story is quite good aswell.


    I've been playing through this too, it's really good. I love the magic system. Once you get used to the elements and status effects there are so many different ways to approach combat.

  4. The new series is fantastic imo, but I understand some people being disappointed by it. It's a huge treat for fans of Lynch's other work, since this is basically a massive Lynch film in all its confounding surrealist glory, but set in the twin peaks universe. Of course the quaint small-town soap opera aspect is mostly gone now (though we get bits of it, like Nadine and Jacoby, all the diner scenes, any scene with Lucy).


    My biggest complaint with this season is that there isn't as much music. It's missing the perpetual Badalamenti jazz backbone that ran through almost every scene in the original. The music and sound design has been really good in the new episodes, but the fact that so many scenes are relatively silent does contribute to the overall tone being way different. I think that "cozy" feeling of the original series was largely thanks to the score.


    anyone else think audrey is actually in therapy? maybe we haven,t seen her till now cuz she is being held in some sort of institution/hospital,possible bob rape drove her crazy?


    she's been in a coma since the season 2 bank blast i'll bet. notice how there was no modern technology in her scenes. rotary phone, etc...



    I was thinking she could be in some pocket of the black lodge/spirit world but yeah a coma would make a lot of sense. Since no other characters have mentioned her or tried to contact her despite drama in the family. And the fact that both her scenes have her in the same weird home, talking about leaving without being able to commit to leaving, seems like dream logic.

  6. Uviol is totally a winter song. Pure ice world. I don't know how you guys can hear hot weather in there. I used to get an image in my head whenever I heard it of this pristine icy wonderland slowly getting wrecked by a shambling multidimensional snow-beast

  7. Production is way more low-key on this album, which is not what I expected but it really gives the lyrics room to shine. This album is all about the rapping, way more raw and stripped-down than tpab. Some amazing tracks on here. Some I don't like (the Rihanna colab is the weakest link imo), but tons of fire. YAH has been stuck in my head all day.


    Rumor has it part 2 still to drop today...  :emotawesomepm9:

  8. LSD peak you say?...


    Ween - Poopship Destroyer


    lol. I've definitely listened to ween while tripping and it has been good.


    Also had great experiences putting on autechre for tripping friends. I know some people who would never listen to ae sober but went fuckin nuts for vose in on a good acid trip

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