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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by pcock

  1. you must have a lot of shit. my flat contents is insured upto £25,000 for like £175 a year. thats the only insurance i pay. 


    realised immediately afterward posting that that i dont own my flat, so the insurance is only contents. still, 5 grand a year in insurance is crazy.

  2. free soloing is the most ridiculous thing i can imagine. i only recently learnt that they will practice the run with ropes multiple times to get their handholds and shit, but seriously. there is an unbridgable and vast gap between my level of consciousness, and the brain of a human who wants to be hanging off a lump of rock with no ropes 250 metres above the ground level, with another 100 metres to go. 

    it actually makes any level of musical genius look like peanuts when you consider the concept of consequences to failure. 

  3. even a second 770 is 220 odd quid. i need to save 11,000 by next september to get the right house in the right location so im on an a year of insanely tight budgeting unfortunately. which is a shame because 40 quid on a game is actually a great investment for spending time on instead of expensive social events. 




    on the other hand, last man on earth still delivers, laughs from start to finish... curious about what's gonna happen on the next season...

    Sorry dude, got canceled. Mighty big cliffhanger to get no closure with eh.


    really? wtf... i thought people were enjoying it as much as i was...




    FYI - Forte spoke on what the final season would have been like...


    In May, the same week Fox aired the fourth season finale of “The Last Man on Earth,” the network cancelled the post-apocalyptic comedy. The series began with Phil Tandy Miller (Will Forte) convinced he was the lone survivor of a lethal virus, and ended with a group in gas masks confronting Phil and his small band of fellow hangers-on, just as they were about to establish a settlement in Mexico. Forte — also the show’s creator, co-writer, and executive producer — spoke to Vulture’s Good One podcast about what would have come next.
    Had “The Last Man on Earth” received a fifth season, the audience would have learned that the masked individuals had hidden in a bunker while the virus wiped out most of humanity. Among their ranks was “probably a couple famous people” and “some kind of medical expert or scientist who knew, ‘At this certain point, the virus will be dormant. You’ll be safe to get back out,'” Forte said. When they discover Phil and his immune cohorts — played by Kristen Schaal, Mary Steenburgen, and Mel Rodriguez — “we represent a real threat to them, because they’d thought everything was dead, so they quarantine us.”
    While the captors “look scary,” Forte said “they end up being nice people… Eventually we’d all get comfortable with each other, and they would kind of let one person out. They wouldn’t be scared anymore.” However, the newly-sprung crew remains carriers of the virus. “So we would infect them and they’d die like wildfire. And then we’re back to just us. And maybe one famous person we could talk into staying around.” Cue credits.




    this was one of the worst programs ive ever watched. that synopsis is just... fuck sake. 


    (d-lo out)

  5. The latest rumours are that the new batch of iPhones this fall will come in multiple colours, similar to the 5C (but hopefully not plastic housing) - colours are supposedly a yellowish orange, blue, and red (not PRODUCT).

    In other news, my original Apple watch's battery puffed causing the face to pop open - Apple is fixing it for free. Say what you will about Apple, but they do stand behind their products.

    this is the most untrue thing ever. a friend of mine has a wildy successful business with the model of promising to fix any problem apple say is unfixable. he claims to have a success rate above 95 percent. 

    he owns his own 4 man plane to go hanggliding with. thats how well he's doing fixing gear that apple refuse to, so you buy more shit off them. 

  6. I have 40 achievements (10%) left to 100% Isaac. they're mostly going to be real pain in the ass type achievements like getting a 5-win streak with all different characters etc.

    i have only 1 left, finish the entire game in 20 minutes picking up no bombs or hearts. its the most annoying challange ever, because when you get a room that it is just a bridge through the middle, and then a heart drops on it, your run is over. 

  7. so, they have made enter the gungeon easier in a way that is undiscernable to me? mechanics seem the same, yet ive gotten to the forge twice in 24 hours. anyway its so much more fun. i made the mistake of watching a little bit of youtube videos and see the end bosses and stuff by accident, but im looking forward to playing through myself and discovering everything. it seems easily as deep as isaac gets the more you play it. 

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