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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by pcock


    Also I've overcome the initial soreness phase of weight lifting.


    howwwwwwwwwwwwww? I really don't understand! I have read online stories of people overcoming DOMS within 2-4 weeks of weight training. 


    I've been doing it for years and still get muscle soreness regularly. Legs day yesterday and hard to walk today. 


    Congrats though lol.


    when i did my 5x5, i had no soreness after 2 weeks aswell. now im doing a routine with a split of Mon-upper push/wed- lower body + core/fri upper body pull, but every single workout has completely different excersizes, and im doing 12 reps to failure, im sore literally all the time. its better if i do HIIT training tuesday/thursday but its still there. 


    in conclusion i think if you stick to a weekly regime it goes away because you are using the same muscle groups each time, and they become resistant to the stress. for better gains you need to do routines that cycle over 3-6 months, but also you are constantly in pain. 


    i did DB bulgarian split squats for the first time yesterday and ive just been silently groaning through putting my shoes on to go get breakfast. 

  2. i still have 0.3 bitcoin on coinbase but i changed my number and now i need to take a photograph of myself holding my ID which i dont own to regain access to my account and i really cant be fucking arsed.

    although i havent looked at the price for a while until now and it turns out its actually worth fucking 1200 quid, maybe i can be arsed.

  3. im getting the same vibes as when you thought you might miss school because of a snowstorm, but then you still have to go in anyway but some of your teachers arent there and you just had to study anyway. 

  4. It was a fucking dog page that usually posts compilation videos of dogs accidentally falling in swimming pools , warning people about the risks of not giving puppies worming tablets.


    It absolutely floored me, I nearly threw up. The sight of about 100, white wriggling 20 cm long worms fighting there way out of its rectum will never leave me.


    The dog made a full recovery apparently though.

  5. I worked in a restaurant that used only Scottish produce, it was a logistical nightmare. Companies would try and cover up the origin stickers sneakily all the time.


    I would say for a good cook it won't be an issue, otherwise not

  6. if it turns into a situation like buying from america, no chance il be able to get anything from the EU. america is an absolute rip. your looking at an extra 100 quid on any synth gear

  7. why is that a good analogy? what specifically is the difference between the fee we pay to be in the single market, and the economic benefit of exporting without any import/export tax to 28 other countries?

  8. the biggest direct downside for me is that as a guy who got caught selling joints aged 18, i will likely never be able to live in another country. i dont actually want to so its not really stressing me out too much, but its a weird thought. 

  9. red dead is good. and easy. and nice and long. 

    ive got to say, as i get older, easy is very beneficial. month long bouts of practicing computer games increasingly feels like a complete waste of my mortal time on earth. the witcher was basically my perfect game. stoat about a beautiful set of fields and forests chatting to people and occasionally swinging your sword through a ghost. 

  10. so theresa may says she will resign to get her deal through, but i cant think of a single reason that would benefit anyone apart from other high ranking tory politicians? who gives a shit who is leading the tory party if the deal hasnt changed?

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