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Everything posted by MadameChaos

  1. wrong thread moite http://forum.watmm.com/topic/75676-what-video-games-are-you-currently-playing-part-ii, plus playstation is poo
  2. https://soundcloud.com/anafxer/synth-pod-1-master
  3. my department passed the audit i've been stressing over. only had one area we were no compliant on and it wasn't my responsibility.
  4. There's an old belgian saying which goes "what 'appens in ze tunnels stays in ze tunnels, ze nudge nudge ze wink wink"
  5. The bling ring - couldn't hack it, switched off after around 30 minutes.
  6. AAAARRRRGGHHHH!!! There's a spider! There's a spider on me!!!
  7. The full video for that cracks me up [emoji38]
  8. I just went to see this, who wants to touch me?
  9. I have a very nasty cough, so I'm ill over possibly the best (weather wise) weekend of the year.
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