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Posts posted by olo

  1. I was amazed MTV actually stopped it's normal programming & dedicated the rest of the day to Prince videos/movies. I never thought I would see the day of music being played on MTV again. Fuck man, still trippin' this morning on his passing. I hope the vault of unreleased music sees the light of day. I'm sure there's a few gems in there.

  2. One of my favorite Prince stories...


    Claiming that his $70,000-a-month tenant Prince undertook an extremely tacky makeover of his Los Angeles mansion, an NBA star recently sued the mercurial singer over the purple-hued alterations. In a January complaint, Carlos Boozer, a forward with the Utah Jazz, sued Prince/MPG Music over unauthorized work done on the 10-bedroom, 11-bath West Hollywood property, which is owned by the C Booz Multifamily I LLC. According to the lawsuit, Prince/MPG Music violated its eight-month lease by 'painting the exterior of the [house] with purple striping, 'prince' symbol, and numbers 3121.' Prince's new album, '3121,' is scheduled for release tomorrow. Inside the home, among other renovations, a purple monogrammed carpet was installed in the master bedroom and plumbing and piping was added in the downstairs bedroom 'for water transfer for beauty salon chairs.' As part of a promotion, Prince is expected to hold a private concert at the Hollywood property--which recently was listed for sale at $11.9 million--for album purchasers who find a Wonkaesque 'purple ticket' inside their CD cases. The Boozer corporation filed its lawsuit two months after hand-delivering a 'three-day notice to cure or quit' to the Sierra Alta Way property (which can be seen in the aerial photo above). Responding to the lawsuit, Prince's counsel denied the owner's allegations, adding that rent was accepted for December and January 'without objection.' In mid-February, a month after the complaint was filed, an attorney for the Boozer company sought the suit's dismissal, a request the court approved.


  3. ^ Yes, the end.


    Quality episode all around. McKean was awesome throughout the episode. He brought it. The scene when he's on the gurney especially, his terror was palpable. Going back to Mike, it's a testament to the creative team that you still feel tense as hell during his attempted assasination scene. You know he's in no true peril, but when the insects go quiet, I was all "Turn the fuck around Mike". One of Fring's boys no doubt.


    They did a talking Saul after the finale, Jonathan Banks is just a badass. It's also amazing how many easter eggs are in this show & how many layers are built into it that I miss. I appreciate their craft. Bow.

  4. oh boy.


    New Indiana Jones film will be continuation of ‘The Crystal Skull’
    The fifth film is set to follow on from the plot of its critically panned predecessor
    Disney’s new Indiana Jones film will pick up where the previous film in the series, The Crystal Skull, left off.
    Producer Frank Marshall has confirmed that the as-yet-untitled fifth Jones instalment will be a continuation of the plot of the 2008 movie rather than a prequel as previously rumoured. Screenwriter David Koepp, who worked on the last film, has been hired to write the script.



  5. The Last Panthers - 1st episode I guess. It aired last night on Sundance. Seemed alright, had some quality to it. I think this show has aired overseas already. Anyone across the pond have any thoughts as to continue watching this show? as in, worth the time that is...

  6. is chuck dead????? this season have been amazing.


    Mike's plan didnt go as plan: the "good samarithan" got killed because of him.

    Also jimmy, his plan may have injured or even killed chuck.


    I hope Chuck makes it. I enjoy his character (McKean has done some strong work imo). But, it could work either way for the show depending where they want to take it...Dead or alive that is.

  7. It seemed too convenient that Jimmy showed up to the copy store right as Chuck's lackey was there, in the middle of the night. When will the mid season break be? BB and WD were 8, then 8 more. Unless this is another short season.


    Yea, a couple things were too convenient, but that's because the finale is next week. Only 10 episodes.

    Things moved a tad fast last night, but it kind of has to, to finish the story this season.

    GIlligan wanted more episodes, but not enough zombies, so he only got 10.

  8. EP9 Nailed - Jimmy & Mike's stories are both brought to the tipping point. Each thinking that their plans were achieved without any fallout, only to get a kick in the nuts. Kinda going back to the "No half measures theme" that was introduced in BB. Thoroughly enjoyed the episode. Some really strong scenes that lead up to what should be an equally strong season finale from the looks of it.



    Starts off a few hours after where the last season ended.

    They're on a beach at night time trying to get to some boat while zombies come at them.

    L.A. is being bombed.

    They get to the boat.

    They pass a boat with people needing help... They keep going.

    That teenage dude has his moms corpse with him not wanting to let go or something.

    The teenage girl is using a cb radio to try and see if there are any survivors or people needing help.

    They hold a burial at sea for dude's dead mom... he comes up and dumps her body in the water all pissed off like.

    Teenage girl has a convo with someone on the radio

    Strand gets pissed off at everyone and says shit like "My Boat... My Rules!"

    Teenage dude and Druggie start swimming for whatever reason... Druggie get's confronted by a floating zombie, gets away and finds an overturned boat.

    He goes in it and finds a log book... gets confronted by another zombie and he gets away.

    (Overturned boat appear to have bullet holes in it)

    There's an approaching boat coming at them at hi speeds... probably the guy the girl talked to on the radio.



    The End...


    OH... and they eat eel!




    lol. Thanks for the recap, sorry for wasting minutes off your life typing that out brother.

  10. Had a dream last night that I was in the Better Call Saul universe. I hitched a ride with Jesse from (BB). I was like dude, you're in this show now?!? He was in a shitty red econoline van. They wanted him to look younger so he grew long hair & wore it in a pony tail. They also gave him a touch of acne. I guess those were supposed to make him seem young...


    We went off to visit Hector. He was a cool guy. Nice crib.



    I'm pretty sure Hector will get disabled because of Mike.

    the old rubberhose spike strip gag to hector's car perhaps...




    it certainly looks like a contraption to stop a car, can't think of another use.

    thought it's for the truck, as the ep started with the truck and ended with the hose.


    is "the old rubberhose spike strip gag" actually a thing?




    Yea, could also be for the delivery truck as well.


    Don't know if it's actually a thing, but if we see a rise in home made spike strip use, we'll know where it came from.

  12. Apparently Trump has very recently said that women who get an abortion should be punished (by law). This will hit him harder than the muslim statement, I think, because there is just no defending that. I think even the evangelists (whose vote he clearly tried to win by saying such a thing) are shunning him atm.


    Dangit Donald.


    The Donald is unstoppable. Un. Stop. Pable.


    And it came out yesterday, the reporter his campaign manager supposedly roughed up was a plant by one of Cruz's top donors. Uh-oh.

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