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Posts posted by jejunum


    Tried to check all this fuzz around footwork and nope, couldn't really feel the genre, not my thing. I really like 1st 44 though, maybe I'm listening to it wrong. Find myself snapping fingers along with 1st 44 and MT1. Groovy, baby.


    First off: loving Collapse - some of his best work to date IMO.


    Second off: Anyone hearing "old" sounds in some of the tracks? I don't want to imply Richard is recycling old sounds (I am 1000% sure he has throughout his musical career though and is really good about tweaking them so they sound new and original), but sometimes I get a feeling of recognition during some of the tracks with certain sounds (I need to sit down and write down the times in each track to identify them for sure).


    Anyone else notice or feel this?

    Oh you adorable dotard, ie. Collapse (the track) sounds familiar as Rich played it at Houston...and you were there yourself :dadjoke:

    I know Collapse was played at DfN... that's not what I am talking about. To be clear(er), I hear sounds that are reminiscent of older Aphex tracks (like the "farting bass" in T69 Collapse that sounds similar to the

    You’re not refering to the T69T07 stasspa+3 bit in T69 Collapse?

  2. Aphex has a new EP coming out and you lot are discussing transients, bitrates and aliasing.


    Soon ya’ll will be ranting about audiophile speaker cables. Are some of you getting old and jaded?


    Remember the days when you just enjoyed the music and you felt that incredible rush even though the sounds came from a hissy cassette taped off the radio — in mono? /pointless rant



    I fear daddy1 has lost interest in the Bleep store. :-(

    we need to chill people

    that extended field album is a superb new afx record + we got like a new album of top notch unreleased tracks + he mastered our favorite soundcloud tracks, that is another album and he just toured around the world

    give the man a break will ya :rtfm:



    edit: afx bro, put that dfn vinyl in the bleepstore pliss




    For real




    -releases 5000+ tracks on soundcloud with free downloads



    -Lets super fan direct his video

    -Shares favorite songs + conspiracy theories 

    -Listens to fans and tells Bleep to change it so that if you order any physical copies of his shit a FLAC download is included at no charge, retroactively even

    -Releases a bunch of exclusive vinyls at festivals

    -Had a few WATMMers in his set lists

    -Aphex store opens with remastered SC tracks plus shit you've never heard before like all the bonus Tuss tracks

    -Helps design the korg monologue

    -Probably handed out king size candy bars on Halloween


    and these hoes have the audacity to call the gawd stingy?





    what has RDJ ever done for US!? lazy fuck

  4. I wonder if Richard named "[s770/SCI 3000,powertran]   beautiful Japanese people" the way he did as a nice gesture after that "Chink 101" track (which later became "Clissold 101[dat28 otari] 48k"). A few people got really upset and worried that it was racist. Saying Japanese people are beautiful made them less upset. He OBVIOUSLY named it "chink" since the melody is played on the black keys on the synthesizerrrrrr and has that "oriental" feel. That armour business was just an excuse and a cover-up for something BIG. Conspiracy theories!?!?!? 1984?"!2




    Important thought of the day.


    [s770/SCI 3000,powertran]   beautiful Japanese people is a stellar track by the way!


    Also, I'm a racist. Hope you're not offended.

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