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Posts posted by jejunum

  1. Long overdue update of my archives, things got a bit messy when we went through that long phase where not all tracks were downloadable but I've finally gone back through my entire collection and tried to ensure that everything is thoroughly up to date with new art and comments on the older uploads etcetera. Looks like he may have just started a new batch with the modular tracks so not the most strategic time to post these probably but I know there exists at least one WATMMer who'd like to download them, so I decided to share right away. If Aphex continues to upload and make everything downloadable I can always do a smaller update again whenever there is a lull.

    Thanks a lot!


    Btw, loved you in Cul-de-Sac.


    Saw this description on the PrncDMC track, didn't see it before so don't know if it was there cool story though :)



    made on a qx21 sequencer, nightmare

    how i got the recording qual this good on cassette is a mystery to me now, lots of trial and error spose, not sure how those cassettes would sound these days, safe to say that they wont sound better but i could do the transfers better and ADC's are much better these days, so dunno, swings & roundabouts.

    i encoded this and loads of others onto DAT about 25 years ago, when London records lent me a Sony DTC 1000 for 2 days around 1992 and i quickly backed up as much as poss [lucky i did] as well as giving them pacman :)

    Back then there was no way to backup a recorded song, no way at all !!!

    think about that you youngsters, sure you could record it onto ANOTHER tape but it would always sound terrible.

    So I used to get ver paranoid about my master tapes…i kept them in military water proof boxes, still in them now, most of em, not all.

    I’m actually getting progressively worse at keeping my stuff safe now .

    But then DAT came along to save the day, even though they pretty much always glitched on me, some of my mates got lucky with them, i thnk i was just in too much of a hurry and didn’t treat them very carefully.

    I went through about 10 DAT machines, portable ones, big ones, never liked any of them really.

    I bought a £7,000[new]DAT machine last year for £50, recorded beautifully until i dropped it 30 cm onto a carpet, but the thing was so heavy it totally broke, bugger,slipped out of my hands!

    I once hacked a DAT player to play back DAT tapes that i purposefully ruined, strtching the tape, spraying hair spray on the tape etc, fucked the speed of the motor up etc, sounded really good, will dig out., used plenty of sounds from it though like in ‘xepha’, that has some stuff from that.

    then from DAT to computer about 10 years ago."



    I'm enjoying these stories just as much as the music. I love getting a behind the scenes peek at how he made those sounds. Tell us more, Father Richard!

  3. I can probably whip up a voting thing (with it grabbing up to date tracks from the soundcloud api) pretty easily. Y/N?

    (I'm being serious BTW, already built something against the SoundCloud API earlier to pull down comments for archival)


    go, man, go! i'm serious too... this should be done right away. :emotawesomepm9:


    ps. sorry for spamming the thread and being so excited about this

  4. I suppose a poll should include everyone and not just WATMM people. Maybe that surveymonkey thing is a good idea, whatever it is.


    Either that kind of poll, or maybe Maestro himself should pick his favs, like those great playlists he put up on sc.


    ALSO: "There are lots of other releases planned on Warp" = :nyan: :nyan: :nyan: :nyan: :nyan: :nyan: :nyan: :nyan: :nyan: :nyan:


    I would love to have some of the soundcloud stuff on vinyl. It would be great if Warp released some of it but I kinda doubt it'll happen.


    How about another Kickstarter? We could do a poll and come up with a tracklisting for a three LP set or something. I can do the sleeve art in MS Paint for free.


    NB: the above is a serious question. I typed everything in font size 14 to prove my seriousness.

    Was already proposed, I think there's very good arguments in the thread why it shouldn't:





    Oops, sorry about that... I guess I should F5 more than just this topic. :emb:

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