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Everything posted by Uzohvezxfn

  1. That's if he upgrades his SC account I wonder how willing he'll really be to do that. He might move to another account, delete old ones to make room, or stop posting entirely. the suspense is killing me. what's going to happen ???? Quick, make one of the SC staffers upgrade his account.
  2. It is :) both were recorded at Llannerlog, so it probably came from the same tape: Ops, didn't see your post, thanks. All this 'not afx' is overwhelming the senses.
  3. Almost sounds like the beginning of Bike Pump Meets Bucket at the end of X-Rays
  4. That's just Q-Chastic - 002 played a tad slower? Suzanne and Quad Rave are brilliant tracks btw... What is going on exactly :) "like early aphex but I'd never heard of him when I wrote all these tracks im going to be uploading" That's the description of Original Chaos Riff, that uses the exact same drum beat and pads as some SAW 85-92 era tracks. Eeither a good fake or Richard is up to something good again :) Hah, he re-upped it
  5. Ye, I don't think Aphex would enjoy being nut to butt from the nearest person when he's used to being 2m up, 3m away.
  6. the logo was always there but I don't think it was on a slow blink/flash? It was.
  7. Uzohvezxfn


    The line where this form of 'Trap' ends and begins is being blurred as time progresses. ( ^ :
  8. Uzohvezxfn


    Krampfhaft, Rustie, Evian Christ, Hudmo & Lunice
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