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Sean Ae

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Everything posted by Sean Ae

  1. i got diff opinions on all them genres tbh, some aspects of vaporwave make sense to me, others don't witch house makes me laugh. it's like, there was a time when that would have just been one record, but anything can become a bandwagon now, so many people producing i like 0pn a lot i noticed you all put a sam tiba song in your radio mix earlier this year. what do you guys think of the music coming out on marble records (if you're familiar with them enough to say)? i'm not really but i like that record for not being squarely in any genre - and still being highly functional and stylish
  2. not really but i don't mind spending ages fiddling with something to make it good, that's how i learn stuff
  3. oh yeah that bloc gig was terrible some people think that if you just fill a room with f1 that it will sound good, that was one of those times altho tbh we never really sound very good on f1 but that was horrible. there wasn't a lot we could do with it as long as he does the beats on his guitar i don't care
  4. Hey, dr lopez, how did you survive through arch school? Yesterday I decided I'm dropping out, I'll be working on a degree in philosophy, but I'm very frustrated because I'm not too bad at designing actually, and I wasted a few years, also I come from a working class family and university has basically ruined us, it's just nerve wracking and it's got me nowhere. Ae, what do you think about architecture and music, not in the sense that music could be a construction of space, but in the sense that designers in general, not just architects, can have different ways of installing an order in a given place, or even inventing orders from preexisting conditions, and music can be structured in similar ways? I mean, the different approaches to form, and the many possible kinds of orders behind form, imply lots of things and you can sort of make a big deal out of them, so how do you approach structure? I mean, scrap the part about architecture, I just wanted to ask about form and structure. I agree that architects are full of shit, by the way... Also, could you tell me something about 4-op FM synths? I know it's a silly question (at least it's not as pretentious as the others) but I'm really attached to my DX21... yeah the 4-op model lends itself well to some kinds of modelling and i think its cos of the number of surfaces and their diff harmonics roughly correlating with a physical object structure i dunno i just try to make things that appeal to me stylistically, a bit like sketching out some graffiti (i never tried any other kind of design or drawing much, i got pretty into messing with letters, maybe the rules of form appealed to me) music is a bit like that, at least the kind of music i like that has usually some sense of movement in space to it, it's usually fairly restricted structurally and i like flexing the structures but not quite breaking them, it creates a kind of tension
  5. not sounds so much as whole tracks usually after some drugs trying to get to sleep i will get whole full morphing tracks going on, but i can never remember specifics, like dreams i dunno about recreating
  6. brilliant, weird as fuck like he folded vaporwave inside out context got obliterated, music just got handed a ton of new parameters
  7. they might have, it's hard to tell from here as far as impact is concerned, if anyone wants to adapt it that's cool, that's what it's all about i don't think of our sound as being that singular, i just see a web of connections and us linked to a few of them, in the way all other music does the same thing (only maybe people take it more for granted with things like genre music)
  8. yeah we just do what we like, we just ended up here by moving point to point, occasionally hopping branches we didn't even make a style, it just seems that way from over there
  9. just leave the room, do something else for 10 mins, go back in the room yeah sometimes, completely destroy it, save as
  10. actually yeah in 88 i was in salford college and brian was there, i would see gaz but like, down the corridor waiting impatiently a guy on my course booked them to play at the riverside in hyde as stakker, and there were tapes going round college as well, they were college celebs for a brief time i left college to buy gear after that, partly cos of their stuff being so good and him making it at home (rather than in the college studio) they were key to us even existing, looking back if they hadn't been there i would prob be an engineer in some studio by now
  11. Man, you know this place too well which makes me wonder...Sean, do you remember answering "Watmm? What's Watmm?" to an interview back in 2008? Guess you've been dipping in a bit since then i was trying to be polite yeah i mean, i come here, not as much if we don't have anything out but around release everyone does it, they're all in here
  12. yeah my gf watches both, def prefer svu cos the dilemmas are way more weird
  13. ableton is quick to learn if you want to do looping stuff logic is better for more complex arrangements, also quick to learn or any daw to be honest they all steal each others' features eventually
  14. i don't deal with these favourites Qs very well but probably unagi
  15. nah i keep waiting for someone to get one of them but no one has yet there are 2 main ones i didn't not plans but yeah would be cool in principle
  16. architects are worse than rockstars i think the main difference is the social element is more readily acknowledged in music circles, but architects (and to an extent designers) position themselves above it or outside it a lot. i think that's why there's been this drive toward functionalism again lately (altho even by framing it as an -ism they still manage to achieve some kind of intellectual superiority) ok so i know nothing about architecture, pls disregard prev paragraph as far as retro computing - well i like it if i see people doing new things with old machines, same as i like new things on new machines it's more about the actual output for me, if it's too much about the computer itself or about the past i get bored (that's more like a fashion thing really tho) I understand where you're coming from in regard to architects and designers (i'm a graphic design and my brother is a architect but we do not try to remove our selves from the politics of our work, that in its self is a political statement anyway.) forgot where i was going with this, anyway, do you like the work of architect peter zumthor or graphic designer karel martens? two people i adore both of you obviously know how to use synths and music programs very well, i find some people dismiss music if it doesn't show a certain level of technical know how which gets on my nerves because early wiley (i think he now has a good technical undestanding) or tracks like more fire crews 'oi' i love as much as autechre tracks. i doubt you do this. this is a statement not a Q, currently filling out a application form for a job, needed a break. edit: complete rambling mess from me... oi is unreal imo still sounds futuristic to me now, prob still will in another 20 years
  17. we don't really chart progress by album, it doesn't really work like that from our point of view there's lots of stuff going on besides what ends up on the albums, and things aren't always released in sequence but i can think of millions of tiny little realisations, i have several a day usually hard to know which are the important ones
  18. it's more that categorical description generalises the past into oblivion, and people even manage to fuck up teaching that properly, and i reckon we stand a better chance just picking gear up and fucking about but it's not necessarily pointless, just depends on what you're actually trying to achieve, why, who for etc it's mostly generated. like 95% still using occasional samples but it's just nature telling us who's boss
  19. i still wish krs had joined ultras yeah i mean thing is i rate ced gee so highly, i would feel a bit weird probably but i would love to work with keith, and krs if he would stop fucking shouting
  20. yeah max - and gen now as well is ace for anything feedback related loads of my reverbs end up sounding nothing like a reverb, but that's why i got into it, cos there's all that grey area as you say, tbh that's one of the most enduring things for me, all the overlaps between physmod and reverbs was using kyma for it a decade ago, well worth a try if you can get your hands on a capybara cheaply yeah def the water as well, the way the air smells all that grey
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