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Sean Ae

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Posts posted by Sean Ae

  1. i think this question was asked before by someone else but it has yet to be answered: what do you think of gerald donald's 'scientific' solo work (after the passing of james stinson)? and what's your fav drexciya album?


    only heard bits, sounded alright, bit clean maybe

    need to hear more tho i can't really comment on like 2 tracks randomly

  2. :emotawesomepm9: maybe you can refresh my memory of what other track I'm talking about. I feel like it was one of the quadrange tracks.. maybe but it felt like the entire reverb bed was spring (not just quick sections) and it sounded really nice.

    the beginning of bnc castle, maybe? that might be a diff box actually, we had a beige one i can't rem the manufacturer tho, right noisy fucker, think robs got it now

  3. is that a real or simulated spring reverb effect at about 4:25 on Ipacial Section?





    i like the few tracks you've done that seem to have a lot of spring reverby type effects going on, i've forgotten the tiles now though.

    it's real, analogue systems eurorack one




    What is the most Autechrean planet?





    Jupiter has io, that has to count for something


    and europa


    altho that's not ours



    When you guys are on tour do you ever get to an unfamiliar venue, look around the place and have any concerns about how good it's gonna be? or do you put all your faith in the organisers to get the right venue? or get pissed off at a venue change at towns you've played in previous years? I saw you in glasgow 2005 and 2008 which were at the Art school (organised by Numbers i think), great venue, and the sound was massive. Then in 2010 at Sub Club, still a great gig, but a much smaller venue, more intimate and more subdued atmosphere (lots of chin strokers there that night / monday night, in comparison to Art School where the crowd can get a bit mental down the front {chanting ''one more tune'' i recall, lol}). I guess if i was on tour and had played a couple of gigs in a great venue, and was ready to go back there a coupla years later only to be told ''we're moving you somewhere less epic, you'll have to turn the volume down a bit, it's a monday night'' i'd be a bit pissed off. Any grumbles about that kind of thing?


    i way preferred the art school gigs but that stuff's beyond our control really

    it's as much in the interests of a promoter to put on a decent night as it is ours


    the monday night thing was just cos of us being on tour, we have to play somewhere on monday, glasgow got the short straw that time soz


    I actually turned up late to that sub club gig thinking u guys were playing later, as you never usually started at the art school before midnight. Walked in about 11.40 and went to get a drink at the bar, my mate was like ''i think thats ae started already'' i was like ''no way, thats Rob Hall, ae don't start till after midnight''. my mates like ''i think thats them on just now''. I pushed my way through the darkness to find it was indeed ae mixin it up there. I'm still annoyed i missed that lovely screechy track at the start. Anyway, went back to the bar finished my drink and then went and enjoyed the rest of the gig.


    It was only during Rob Hall's set i pondered ''Why the hell was Sean wearing, Rob's Planet 69 T-shirt?''


    ha we both got given them shirts when we were in the d in 96 or 97 whenever it was

    i still got mine

  5. talking about parhelic triangle @ sean, what does it remind you of? i guess it creeps me out a bit sometimes


    confield was my first proper ae album btw


    yeah i dunno what it reminds me of actually, some kind of lumbering deep thing

    it has that dragging feeling, sort of ancient and sleeping



    ++ Hey xox, totally seconded on YJY UX there. By far my favourite closer.

    Also, just wondered if you had any thoughts on an early minimalist/process piece for solo organ called Melody III (Discogs):

    It uses a 36-note pattern which is layered at nine different speeds... are you interested in this type of process/generation?

    i am if it sounds good

    sorry, the youtube didn't show up:



    ok this reminds me of laurie spiegel tons

    i like it



    Have you ever released a track on album that you made in a super short amount of time and just liked?


    yeah quite a few, esp on the early albums


    Sorry, can't help but be curious: how short are these? Less than a day? An hour? Any specific tracks you remember doing in a notably small amount of time?



    yeah most of the tracks on amber were done in less than a day for example

    incunabula the older ones took longer cos we were using a 4 track but soon as we got the atari we were firing them out, one or two a day, but not working every day cos we had jobs

  7. Do you have a track that was more difficult to make than it sounds?


    parhelic triangle

    all tomorrow's linoleum

    squarepusher remix


    there's 3, there are quite a few

    Ugh, haven't been here the last few hours and still have to read through 40 pages...


    Anyway, a question:

    Could you give a little input on the making of your latest webcast?

    How long were you working on it, what software did you use (could you rec any for a basic mix?), how did you choose tracks etc.




    mostly traktor

    made a huge playlist really gradually, like over the course of a year, and then went thru it later doing lots of 20-60 min mixes in certain bpm ranges, then mixed them together



    Last 2 questions I promise :-)


    Your live sets, say Oversteps,each year sound quite similar from town to town so how do you approach it? You have a foundation and then tweak over the top?


    I kind feel bad for you guys at the moment although I am sure we are all enjoying chatting to you, but I cant help feeling like you are doing tech support.

    So my final question is ,my Windows 8 computer isnt working. What should I do?

    not really they vary tons, unless u mean in terms of tracks, the patterns were changing constantly it doesn't even really repeat bars never mind whole tracks


    unless, is this a ruse?

    are you two going to make two separate albums in the future?

    i'm a huge fan of this idea

    it might have happened already

    how would you know

    Nobody could know... i bet rob made Oversteps. seriously tho, you should make separate albums once, not neccesarily under "autechre".


    another q's: what's your worst track? did you made a bot to make tracks for you? have you considered not making music anymore (plsno)? and please answer this: what are lyrics to "ccec" and what's the sample from?



    haaa i don't want to answer any of them

  9. I'd ask you hundred questions about this and that, but since I'm temporary retarded, I'll let the other members take care of that.

    I just wanna say I really enjoy your music, and repeat a question I asked a while back, that may or may not have been answered;

    Have you listened much to jazz, and if so, who are your favorite jazz musicians, favorite jazz albums, etc?


    not really

    i only have like 4 jazz records, all of which i just got cos i heard them round mates' houses

    i find it really inconsistent in terms of sound

  10. ++ Hey xox, totally seconded on YJY UX there. By far my favourite closer.


    Also, just wondered if you had any thoughts on an early minimalist/process piece for solo organ called Melody III (Discogs):




    It uses a 36-note pattern which is layered at nine different speeds... are you interested in this type of process/generation?


    i am if it sounds good

  11. pottery and textiles have transmitted design and art thru millenia,

    paper and musical notation has transmitted the great classical composers with acurracy for over 1000 years,


    1) where/how will *binary* data be stored and retrieved in 100 years?


    2) where do you think music such as yours is best stored if it were to be sustained for thousands of years?

    1) http://www.technologyreview.com/view/520541/million-year-data-storage-disk-unveiled/

    2) http://www.technologyreview.com/view/520541/million-year-data-storage-disk-unveiled/

  12. Have you ever released a track on album that you made in a super short amount of time and just liked?


    Also, from a long ways back but if you ignored on purpose then do so again by all means, I was wondering if there were any really cool unknown artists that you enjoy that you could share. Possibly even just soundcloud or bandcamp pages that you've stumbled across that you think deserve more listeners than they have.


    yeah quite a few, esp on the early albums


    i can't think of any but i'm not on sc much, and i think all the bc people i like are already known here tbh

  13. When you guys are on tour do you ever get to an unfamiliar venue, look around the place and have any concerns about how good it's gonna be? or do you put all your faith in the organisers to get the right venue? or get pissed off at a venue change at towns you've played in previous years? I saw you in glasgow 2005 and 2008 which were at the Art school (organised by Numbers i think), great venue, and the sound was massive. Then in 2010 at Sub Club, still a great gig, but a much smaller venue, more intimate and more subdued atmosphere (lots of chin strokers there that night / monday night, in comparison to Art School where the crowd can get a bit mental down the front {chanting ''one more tune'' i recall, lol}). I guess if i was on tour and had played a couple of gigs in a great venue, and was ready to go back there a coupla years later only to be told ''we're moving you somewhere less epic, you'll have to turn the volume down a bit, it's a monday night'' i'd be a bit pissed off. Any grumbles about that kind of thing?


    i way preferred the art school gigs but that stuff's beyond our control really

    it's as much in the interests of a promoter to put on a decent night as it is ours


    the monday night thing was just cos of us being on tour, we have to play somewhere on monday, glasgow got the short straw that time soz

  14. I've been trying real hard to think of something worth asking about, I'm unsure if these questions are that and/or have been phrased in some way before, but here goes.


    1. I want to ask about all that complexity in your music. Is it something purely to keep the mind interested, or do you both find it the best way to communicate that deeper artistic intention behind Autechre as a whole? Being a synesthete myself, looking at the context of the artwork and album track flows, a lot of it suggests a kind of synergistic communication - you mentioned Autechre being bigger than the both of you consciously and I found this a fascinating statement. I know how hard it is to put stuff like an artistic vision into words, but many of your tunes literally go all over the place and I'm curious how that connects with the intention that seems to be going on behind all that work.


    2. Your music has the strangest intricate combination of hard and soft, dry and wet, fat steady beats and arrythmic cacophonia. It's clear from most of your posts and your music that you are ultra-committed to getting your production process just the way you want it. Do you ever feel like you lose track of your musical output?


    3. In some of your work, you seem to make a thing out of hiding or disrupting melodical content, in the midst of percussion or disharmony/microtonality (An example would be the post 4 minute mark of Lcc on Untilted, it's like you're intentionally bordering on breaking the track). What's up with that?


    Thanks for doing this to the ridiculous extent that you have.



    1. it's not about intention. well it kind of is in a way, but our intention is to interact with the world in a way that makes stuff that we like appear. there is no deeper intention or thing that we're trying to accomplish beyond that


    2. production is music, all the same thing


    3.i don't think of it as hiding. and pretty much every sound we use is tuned, technically the whole thing is melodic

    • Like 1
  15. Last 2 questions I promise :-)


    Your live sets, say Oversteps,each year sound quite similar from town to town so how do you approach it? You have a foundation and then tweak over the top?


    I kind feel bad for you guys at the moment although I am sure we are all enjoying chatting to you, but I cant help feeling like you are doing tech support.

    So my final question is ,my Windows 8 computer isnt working. What should I do?


    not really they vary tons, unless u mean in terms of tracks, the patterns were changing constantly it doesn't even really repeat bars never mind whole tracks


    unless, is this a ruse?

    are you two going to make two separate albums in the future?


    i'm a huge fan of this idea


    it might have happened already

    how would you know

  16. WIll you ever make different kinds of music?


    (It's hard to pin down the things that hold all your music together exactly, but something about the approach to process is very consistent, and there's something about your music that is so easily recognisable as yours - literally nobody as far as I know does close to the same thing)


    Does Eutow sound sexual to you?


    Do you think porn is destructive or fine?


    Are you into Throbbing Gristle? The Tuss? The Melvins?


    Tesco have started scanning faces to target adverts, the UK has more surveillance cameras than any other country, the NSA and Google are watching everyone - is it the beginning of the end? Is there anything we can do?



    i thought we were doing that

    half joking there, really i mean yeah i do stuff that i think sounds nothing like me and it gets spotted straight away if i've got a mate round. so nah probably not. i mean i might think it's really different but whatever, everything we do sounds like us, it would do i suppose cos we don't know any different.


    i dunno is the sea sexual? it sounds like the sea to me




    tg yeah bits, tuss yeah, melvins yeah, random bits i picked up - (houdini, joe preston ep, bootlicker)


    most of the ones in the uk are privately owned


    nah you can't do anything, but they're not in charge either



    As consumers:

    Are you also infected by that vinyl records nostalgia? It seems like many people want vinyl releases. I don't...

    Or maybe do you prefer lossless/highest available quality downloads plus maybe booklet pdf's?


    Bleep btw is IMO not perfect in that department.Best labels offer direct PDF conversions from Quark/AI booklet sources...


    really depends on the stuff

    like for someone like UR the vinyl cut is totally different to the digi version, i prefer the sound of the records personally

    but i think for someone like luc ferrari the clean digitals are way superior



    How about your (newer) stuff?



    i think exai sounds good on vinyl but the digitals are what we delivered so.. i like both for different reasons

    i prob slightly prefer the vinyl but purely cos of the novelty of it sounding all new

  17. What percentage of your time awake per week would you estimate is spent doing some activity (research, daydreaming, experimentation, or active production) related to your music?


    Have you found yourself in situations where you have to reject certain obligations (such as earning money, or going on dates, or spending time with family) because they would get in the way of your projects?


    for me prob about 80-90% most days, day or two off each week, usually one

    depends tho i take weeks off randomly sometimes

  18. As consumers:

    Are you also infected by that vinyl records nostalgia? It seems like many people want vinyl releases. I don't...

    Or maybe do you prefer lossless/highest available quality downloads plus maybe booklet pdf's?


    Bleep btw is IMO not perfect in that department.Best labels offer direct PDF conversions from Quark/AI booklet sources...


    really depends on the stuff

    like for someone like UR the vinyl cut is totally different to the digi version, i prefer the sound of the records personally

    but i think for someone like luc ferrari the clean digitals are way superior

  19. Oh yeah I keep meaing to ask and I know you touched on it at the start but why not just put your live stuff out on DVD like Farmers Manual did? Or maybe just the better recordings if you are worried about quality control? I am sure us fans would eat it up.


    its just tons to go thru and we don't have decent copies of most of it

    but thats not a bad idea in itself, cheers

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