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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by diatoms

  1.                                                                               Yeah, realized this was already posted a couple days ago and deleted

                                                                                                     You were too quick Tim_J:)

  2. 52 minutes ago, user said:

    It does look a bit like the pretzel is self conscious about how disgusting (and appealing at the same time) it looks but someone is about to eat it and it makes a sort of chuffed/aw-shucks face. 

    At one of my grandparent's funerals my nephew pointed out a ham sandwich that looked as if it was sticking its tongue out and I started laughing uncontrollably. Don't think I've ever been on the receiving end of as many disapproving looks since.

                                                                                                                   Haha, this also made me laugh, Thanks:)

  3.                                                                              When growing up I thought of the Mormon Tabernacle as a sacred building

                                                                              where the Mormon Tabernacle choir sang and the bi-annual conference was held

                                                                                 it's right next to the Salt Lake City LDS temple located in Temple Square

                                                                                           I'm shocked at this change in history, so is my Mom who is still a mormon

                                               I'm surprised because in church there were always quizzes or games about mormon history where this would've come up

                                                                            prizes were usually a bible, book of mormon, or a CTR ring (Chose The Right) with adjustable band


                                                                                     I've seen a lot of old pictures of mormon history, a lot, Ha:)


                                              So I was shocked to see the sacred Tabernacle now being used in history as a location & direction display for airplanes


                                                                                                          In the 1930's it says "SALT LAKE AIRPORT" in huge white letters with a white line arrow



                                                                                                   In the 1940's they repainted it with "SALT LAKE CITY" with a north arrow and a circle


                                                                                           Look at all those flat top building to write on instead of the tabernacle




    • Like 2
  4. 7 hours ago, dingformung said:

    What about a pretzel with pretzel filling? 


                                                                                          I don't know why but this pic made me laugh, Thanks:)


    • Like 1
  5. On 10/9/2020 at 2:46 AM, zero said:

    something doesn't feel right here...I think the matrix we're in is glitching the fuck out

                                                                                                           I agree, something is happening

  6.                                                                             Well @Tim_J we don't need to worry about washing those Temporal pair-o-sox:)

                                                                                                                      This is Huge:)

                                                                                                     No more Sox......... No more Sox!!!


    ‘Paradox-free Time Travel Is Theoretically Possible’ Claims University Study


    Rob Schwarz   1 week ago

    A new study out of the University Of Queensland attempts to explain how paradox-free time travel may be possible.

    Undergraduate student Germain Tobar, alongside physicist Dr. Fabio Costa, did the math. Their goal was to find a possible solution to the so-called “grandfather paradox” — if someone traveled back in time and murdered his or her grandfather, that would prevent the time travel from having ever taken place, thus the paradox.

    However, according to their study, they may have found a hypothetical scenario in which you could time travel, and even meet yourself, without causing any kind of paradox or disturbance to the timeline.

    “Some physicists say [time travel] is possible, but logically it’s hard to accept because that would affect our freedom to make any arbitrary action. It would mean you can time travel, but you cannot do anything that would cause a paradox to occur. However the researchers say their work shows that neither of these conditions have to be the case, and it is possible for events to adjust themselves to be logically consistent with any action that the time traveller makes.”

    Their idea suggests that, if one variable in the timeline is changed, another variable will simply swoop in to take its place, continuing (or “recalibrating” as Tobar says) the timeline along the exact same path. The universe, in this way, is “self-correcting.”

    From a science fiction standpoint, this sort of idea isn’t particularly new. But seeing the math laid out and a possible explanation for why this might (hypothetically) be the case in the real world is pretty interesting.

    Just off the top of my head, the 2002 adaptation of The Time Machine shows this kind of “universal recalibration” at work. The time traveler tries desperately to save his fiance from dying. In the original timeline, she dies after a mugging. In an altered timeline, when the traveler attempts to save her, she’s run over by a carriage. “I could come back a thousand times, see her die a thousand ways,” the traveler says. The variables change to compensate for the existence of the time traveler.

    At least, that’s a fantastical rendition of a similar idea.

    “…when multiple local regions communicate with each other in the presence of [closed time-like curves], there is a broad range of communication scenarios which still allow freedom of choice for observers in each region without the development of a logical inconsistency such as a grandfather paradox.”

    You can read the full paper, titled “Reversible dynamics with closed time-like curves and freedom of choice,” right over here. It’s much more technical than the press release lets on, which elevates it above the usual time travel speculation.

    Now, dipping into ye olde John Titor file (I can’t help it), what did he have to say about paradoxes?

    “…the reason there are no paradoxes is because the universe doesn’t care how we react to its handy-work. In a Universe made up of infinite worldliness (super universe), everything is possible and has a 100% probability, therefore…no paradoxes.”

    The universe doesn’t care. There’s a certain elegance to that.




    Reversible dynamics with closed time-like curves and freedom of choice


    Germain Tobar3,1

    and Fabio Costa2

    Published 21 September 2020 © 2020 The Author(s). Published by IOP Publishing Ltd
    Classical and Quantum Gravity, Volume 37, Number 20



    The theory of general relativity predicts the existence of closed time-like curves (CTCs), which theoretically would allow an observer to travel back in time and interact with their past self. This raises the question of whether this could create a grandfather paradox, in which the observer interacts in such a way to prevent their own time travel. Previous research has proposed a framework for deterministic, reversible, dynamics compatible with non-trivial time travel, where observers in distinct regions of spacetime can perform arbitrary local operations with no contradiction arising. However, only scenarios with up to three regions have been fully characterised, revealing only one type of process where the observers can verify to both be in the past and future of each other. Here we extend this characterisation to an arbitrary number of regions and find that there exist several inequivalent processes that can only arise due to non-trivial time travel. This supports the view that complex dynamics is possible in the presence of CTCs, compatible with free choice of local operations and free of inconsistencies.


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    Original content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence. Any further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.

    1. Introduction

    The dominant paradigm in physics relies on the idea that systems evolve through time according to dynamical laws, with the state at a given time determining the entire history of the system.

    General relativity challenges this view. The Einstein equations, describing the relationship between spacetime geometry and mass-energy [1], have counterintuitive solutions containing closed time-like curves (CTCs) [217]. An event on such a curve would be both in the future and in the past of itself, preventing an ordinary formulation of dynamics according to an 'initial condition' problem. The question then arises whether some more general type of dynamics is possible.

    Although it is an open question whether CTCs are possible in our Universe [1822], considering dynamics beyond the ordinary temporal view is relevant to other research areas as well. In a theory that combines quantum physics with general relativity, it is expected that spacetime loses its classical properties [23, 24], possibly leading to indefinite causal structures [2527]. In a quite different direction, it has been suggested that quantum physics could be reduced to some kind of 'retrocausal' classical dynamics [2839].

    The main problem arising when abandoning ordinary causality is the so called 'grand father paradox' [40]: a time traveller could kill her own grandfather and thus prevent her own birth, leading to a logical inconsistency. A popular approach holds that the grandfather paradox makes CTCs incompatible with classical physics, while appropriate modifications to quantum physics could restore consistency [4156]. A common feature of the proposals within this approach is that they postulate a radical departure from ordinary physics even in regions of space-time devoid of CTCs, or in scenarios where the time travelling system does not actually interact with anything in the past [57, 58].

    A different approach is the so called 'process matrix formalism', which takes as a starting point the local validity of the ordinary laws of physics and asks what type of global processes are compatible with this assumption [5974]. This framework enforces that all operations that would normally be possible in ordinary spacetime should still be available in local regions. First considered in the quantum context, this approach has been applied to classical physics too, with the remarkable discovery of classical processes that are incompatible with any causal order between events [7577].

    In reference [78], a classical, deterministic version of the formalism was proposed as a possible model for CTCs. In this model, one considers a set of regions that do not contain any, but might be traversed by, CTCs. Agents in the regions receive a classical state from the past boundary, perform an arbitrary deterministic operation on it, and then send the system through the future boundary. Dynamics outside the regions determines the state each agent will observe in the past of the respective region, as a function of the states prepared by other agents. A simple characterisation was found for all processes involving up to three regions; furthermore, it was found that, for three regions, all non causally ordered processes are essentially equivalent.

    In this work, we extend the characterisation of deterministic processes to an arbitrary number of regions. We provide some simple interpretation of the characterisation: when fixing the state on the future of all but two regions, the remaining two must be causally ordered, with only one directional signalling possible. We show, by explicit examples, that there are inequivalent, non causally ordered quadripartite processes, which cannot be reduced to tripartite ones. Our results show that CTCs are not only compatible with determinism and with the local 'free choice' of operations, but also with a rich and diverse range of scenarios and dynamical processes.


    5. Conclusions

    We have developed a characterisation of deterministic processes in the presence of CTCs for an arbitrary number of localised regions. Our proofs have demonstrated that non-trivial time travel between multiple regions is consistent with the absence of a logical paradox as long as once the outputs of all but two regions are fixed, at most one-way signalling is possible.

    The most significant result of our work is our discovery of distinct non-trivial quadripartite process functions which are compatible with the presence of CTCs. This demonstrates that when multiple local regions communicate with each other in the presence of CTCs, there is a broad range of communication scenarios which still allow freedom of choice for observers in each region without the development of a logical inconsistency such as a grandfather paradox. The range of distinct communication scenarios which are consistent with the presence of CTCs proves that the way CTCs allow multiple observers in distinct regions to communicate is not overly restricted by a conflict between locality, freedom of choice, and logical consistency. As a result, we have demonstrated that there is a range of scenarios in which multiple observers can communicate without causal order in a classical framework. Our results are derived in an abstract framework, that does not depend on the details of the dynamics or of the space-time geometry. Further studies will be necessary to find genuine physical scenarios realising the acausal processes we have discovered.





                                                                                             Shown to me by Tim_J, Thanks:)


    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Kennylogg Bubblebath said:

    not that we needed anymore confirmation, but this is from the man himself...

    its a re-skinned bs2, I love this machine, MUCH easier to use with the functions written in the right place, sounds beautiful. I opted to make ZERO money out of this, just doing it for the love of putting awesome affordable tools out there into the world and extremely happy to help out an amazing company like Novation, very talented people working there. We also have something completely new designed from scratch planned but its a long way off but hopefully if this BS2 does well it can become a reality, it will be something I've dreamed about making most of my life, fingers crossed.



                                                                                                                         like I thought

     I opted to make ZERO money out of this, just doing it for the love of putting awesome affordable tools out there into the world and extremely happy to help out an amazing company like Novation, very talented people working there.


                                                                                                     Thanks RDJ for all the music you've created

                                                                                            There's no one who comes close to the Beauty of your Rave:)


  8.                                                                                          growing up, christmas time & royal dansk butter cookies

                                                                                                                bringing back memories:)

                                                                                                    glad they've descended back to their original location

    • Like 1
  9. 1 minute ago, Lacerbanerva said:

    Vinyl preordered, must admit its been a while since a vinyl release has got me this happy

                                                                                              Welcome to WATMM:)

    • Like 2
  10. 9 minutes ago, ignatius said:

    30 month CT scan all clear. no abnormalities.

    so i'm going to celebrate with some kind of food maybe. or have ice cream for the first time in months.

                                                                                            That's Awesome News!!! Have an extra ice cream to celebrate:)

    • Thanks 1
  11.                                                                                        SIGN was my first complete ae experience

                                                                                     i see GREEN in my future......... soon.

    • Like 2
  12. 38 minutes ago, Brisbot said:

    I know the general narrative is weed is 100% harmless. But it's got to mess around with your mindset and the "wiring" in your brain to some extent if they smoke every day for 20 years. If anyone does anything for 20 years, there will likely be some kind of effect on their body.

                                                                                                       I consume cannabis everyday                                                                                    

                                                                                     27 years in remission from cancer

                                                                                                     I also eat coconut oil with cancer busting Lauric Acid

                                                                                          100's of scientific studies back up both cannabis & coconut oil for apoptosis of cancer cells


    • Like 5
  13. 46 minutes ago, Ivan Ooze said:
    59 minutes ago, diatoms said:



                                                                                                              I taught I saw a mad one traipsing around the cows in the early am:)

    Expand   Expand  Expand  

    rip diatoms ego

                                                                                                               livin' that ego death life

  14. 1 hour ago, phudoshin said:

    Im all set for a good ol listen later..... ?



                                                                                                              I taught I saw a mad one traipsing around the cows in the early am:)

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 2
  15.                                                                                           I Remember humans can't evolve that quickly

                                                                                      I Remember taking my pulse in the middle of my wrist now it's in line with the thumb

                                                                  I think the researchers are scratchin' their noggins on this speed-up

                                                                              the median artery sticking around really get my blood pumping



    "Dr Teghan Lucas from Flinders University says this study into the prevalence of the artery over generations shows that modern humans are evolving at a faster rate than at any point in the past 250 years.

    “Since the 18th century, anatomists have been studying the prevalence of this artery in adults and our study shows it’s clearly increasing. The prevalence was around 10% in people born in the mid-1880s compared to 30% in those born in the late 20th century, so that’s a significant increase in a fairly short period of time, when it comes to evolution.”


    Forearm artery reveals human evolution continues

    Humans haven’t developed mutations or superpowers just yet, but a new study shows our species is still evolving in unique ways and changes in natural selection could be the major reason.

    An investigation by Dr Teghan Lucas at Flinders University and Professor Maciej Henneberg and Dr Jaliya Kumaratilake at the University of Adelaide published in the Journal of Anatomy has shown a significant increase in the prevalence of the median artery in humans since the late 19th century.

    The Median artery is the main vessel that supplies blood to the human forearm and hand, when first formed in the mother’s womb, but it disappears once two arteries seen in adults develop.

    The radial and ulnar arteries usually replace the median artery during developmental stages in the womb, so most adults obviously don’t have a median artery, but increasing numbers of cases retain it, so a person can have all three arteries.

    artery-1-300x114.jpg Sketch of median artery vessel which supplies blood to the human forearm and hand. Credit: Professor Maciej Henneberg

    This evolutionary trend will continue in those born 80 years from today, with the median artery becoming common in the human forearm.

    Dr Teghan Lucas from Flinders University says this study into the prevalence of the artery over generations shows that modern humans are evolving at a faster rate than at any point in the past 250 years.

    “Since the 18th century, anatomists have been studying the prevalence of this artery in adults and our study shows it’s clearly increasing. The prevalence was around 10% in people born in the mid-1880s compared to 30% in those born in the late 20th century, so that’s a significant increase in a fairly short period of time, when it comes to evolution.”

    “This increase could have resulted from mutations of genes involved in median artery development or health problems in mothers during pregnancy, or both actually. If this trend continues, a majority of people will have median artery of the forearm by 2100.”

    rsz_dsc_1615-300x200.jpg Dr Teghan Lucas, Professor Maciej Henneberg and Dr Jaliya Kumaratilake investigated the prevalence of artery in each generation by analysing published records and dissecting cadavers from individuals born in 20th century.

    Senior author Professor Maciej Henneberg who is also a member of the Institute of Evolutionary Medicine at the University of Zurich, Switzerland,  says the median artery offers benefits because it increases overall blood supply and can be used as a replacement in surgical procedures in other parts of the human body.

    “This is micro evolution in modern humans and the median artery is a perfect example of how we’re still evolving because people born more recently have a higher prevalence of this artery when compared to humans from previous generations.”

    “We’ve collected all the data published in anatomical literature and continued to dissect cadavers donated for studies in Adelaide and we found about one third of Australians have the median artery in their forearm and everyone will have it by the end of the century if this process continues.”

    Other examples of human anatomy changing over time, include the prevalence of spina bifida occulta (opening of the sacral canal), abnormal connections of two or more bones in feet, increasing absence of wisdom teeth, thyroidea ima artery (branch of the aortic arch) – decreased over time, disappeared completely by the end of the 20th century) and fabella (small bone in the back of the knee joint – increased over time).



    Found on: https://old.reddit.com/r/Retconned/comments/j9tyft/its_always_funny_when_science_discovers_new_stuff/





  16.                                                                                                     I Remember 90% total body water in the human body

                                                                                                                     I need a drink......... of H2O


    "Ugly, ugly giant bags of mostly water." -Lifeforce/form

    "An accurate description of humans, sir. You are over 90% water surrounded by a flexible container."  - Data, Star Trek: The Next Generation


    By weight, the average human adult male is approximately 60-63% water, and the average adult female is approximately 52-55% water. The figure for water fraction by weight in this sample found to be 58 ±8% water for males and 48 ±6% for females. The body water constitutes as much as 75% of the body weight of a newborn infant, whereas some obese people are as little as 45% water by weight. This is due to how fat tissue does not retain water as well as lean tissue. -https://en.wikipedia.org


    The amount of water in the human body ranges from 45-75%. The average adult human body is 50-65% water, averaging around 57-60%. The percentage of water in infants is much higher, typically around 75-78% water, dropping to 65% by one year of age.

    Body composition varies according to gender and fitness level because fatty tissue contains less water than lean tissue. The average adult male is about 60% water. The average adult woman is about 55% water because women naturally have more fatty tissue than men. Overweight men and women have less water, as a percent than their leaner counterparts.


    The amount of water in your body could be anywhere from 50-75%.
  17. 2 minutes ago, thumbass said:

    I just keep listening to that 20 second snippet...

                                                                                                 in one week that snippet will grow into song which will have grown from an album


  18.                                                                                                            breathe in the ventolin

                                                                                                                   through the ears/brain


  19. 11 hours ago, Kennylogg Bubblebath said:


                                                                              Thought I'd repost this on the new page instead of returning to page 3 to listen again & again

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  20.                                                                                           Yes, Awesome clip!!!

                                                                                                       Aphex Acid Rave:)


    • Haha 1
  21.                                                                                      If anyone wants to talk about the different changes in their reality

                                                                                but doesn't want to post on this thread because of others

                                                                                              You can PM me to talk about anything You experience in this new reality

                                                                                                                   I Believe You:)



    • Thanks 2
  22.                                                                                        Awesome post & replies on Retconned about personal changes

                                                                   It's a bit of a long repost but full information about the Matrix Effect (or whatever You want to call it)



    Hello retconned-Community!

    I follow the forum for years, specially since the climate in the mandela-effect-sub is so toxic and it seems, its only purpose is to humiliate us experiencers...

    I´m not a native speaker, so if my grammar seems off, it`s because im german and we like long, unnecessary complicate sentences.. ?

    My experiences with the ME began in 2012, but I didn´t realized it that time. I got some basic stuff in my field of expertise drastically wrong. I was studying at university and also teaching younger students as tutor. Don´t want to sound arrogant or else, but I was/am very very good on waht I´ve studied. So good in fact, that several professors tried to get me as their right hand and wanted to promote and foster my carrier.

    When I started to get things so drastically wrong sometimes, people thought I was joking...this is imaginable, because I´m a very loud, extrovertive, chatty and not-at-all-serious in private conversations. I learnded quickly to swallow the terrible punch-feeling, that the ME produces, once you realize that a (for you) well known fact just isn´t anymore...I belive, all experiencers in the forum know this feeling.

    (I think about making an own post about ist, because for me it is THIS feeling, that divides any ME I experience from a simple misremembering. Something is torn apart, because something you have known, really known, isn´t true anymore...it feels like looking at an open gory wound, like a jumpscare in ahorror-movie where the camera suddenly and unexpected jumps to an image of a broken leg with ist bones sticking out...this horror, when you are not used to seeing gory wounds and your body reacts to that shock with falling blood-pressure etc....)

    Back to my story: I learned the phrase "Oh no, that was just a joke" very quickly...and later I would sit in front of my books and the internet, to re-learn some basic facts about history, human cultural development and physics, depending on what had been a new fact for me. I felt like loosing my mind (which was and is my only capital in this world, specially since I got an injured nerve in an otherwise simple medical procedure in the 2000s and now need a cane when walking more than ten minutes and sometimes need to walk on crouches...)

    In 2014 i finally stumbled over the term Mandela Effect and never felt so relievd in my whole life. Since then I feel much more sane, because other people have exactly the same problems and even it would be some mental or physical disorder or illness, I wouldn´t be alone with it.

    Meanwhile I am sure about one thing at last: It could be anything and I can´t know for sure.

    But this community here showed me, that there are things that are nearly the same for all experincers...the bone-chilling wrecking feeling about facts that aren´t facts anymore, the problems/behaviours you get when talking to other people about the topic, the eery presence of mandela-effected stuff in cultural presence (sometimes makes me feel mocked by media, celebretiys and other cultural outlets tbh).

    So there are similiarities all over the world in relation to an effect, that nobody of us fully understands but experineces and has to deal with. This common ground is the most important fact for me in all this mess the mandela effect got me in...(I am not teaching anymore, couldn´t complete my dissertation and got dropped by my former promoters.) But because of my (former) field of expertise I feel also well equipped to think about something like this experinece (rather than ignoring it, finding one answer for me and trie to live with that or to totally loose shit about the whole freaky situation of re-learning basic knowledge again and again - specially with flip-flops or ongoing changes this drives me mad sometimes. Learning, that something I knew, isn´t correct anymore, re-learning the damn stuff and realizing a few months later, that there is again a new explanation for the topic I just re-learned. This problem I have specially with physics and meterological stuff...)

    So, yeah, all in all: Thanks for sharing your experineces here in the forum, because I think the commonalty of our experience is the best ground for intelectual investigation of the whole thing. Different people may be effected by different effects, but the experience itself is kind of similiar and I think, this is the part worth thinking about.

    And because of that I felt obligated to finally make a reddit acc myself and tell you all that. Thank you for sharing! I think we need others to deal with all this - and to ponder about it, too.

    And if you read till here: double thanks, this was a looong post! ?


    Welcome to the sub!

    Thank you for the kinds words and sharing your experiences.


    Can you give an example of some of your experiences?


    Examples for getting history wrong:

    I once stated, that the history of iberia would be very different, if you could arrive gibraltar with foot-soldiers...just to get an eerie look from everybody.

    Once we discussed the transition of knowledge and I held a lamento about alexandria and how one fire blew humantities knowledge way back - just to get corrected about this myth of the fire of the library of alexandria and a rude comment, that specially a philosophy-teacher should know this.

    I got historical dates wrong all the time. I am not good in remembering numbers, I know that since I was a child; thats the reason, I build mnemonic hooks my whole life, to remember exact years and stuff. And these hooks started to fail me, after they served well for decades...

    The historical changes are the ones I get agitated about the most. They are massive; they are in relation to stuff I knew well. not only dates or geographical positions but whole contexts to conflicts etc...As a german I learned so much about the Wordl Wars (and how we germans are all bad people and have to be ashamed etcpp...) in school and later on university. nowadays I am even afraid to read a wiki-article about it because it seems, collaborations, dates and contexts seem to change regulalry 8for me). Same with the crusades, what is/was more problematic for I taught history (kind of, because philosophy always lives within the historical context, so you have to know this context to understand the ongoings of philosophers in a given historic time.

    Experience with others:

    I once wanted to start a conversation about the ME with my dad and had the example with uncle sam´s hat in mind. So I started my sentence (was a new topic in conversation with nothing about the effect, my memory-problems or anything even known to my dad). i said: "dad, do you know this picture of uncle sam from the "we-want-you-poster?" And even before finishing the word poster he said "Yes, but there are no stripes on his hat." I didn´t even mention the hat, just uncle sam. My dad doesn´t know anything about the effect even existing and this answer (even before finishing my sentence) was so weird - or, it wolu have been. Because it was totally out of context (for him, not for me) and in no way something, anyone would normally say to a question like that.

    It is easier to talk to people about stuff like the possibility of space-nazis, the queen being a reptilian or even chemtrails (the last one being a hobbyhorse for my mind for years) as talk to them about these "failures" of my memory. Even people, who experience a ME tehierselves might not be willing to talk about it. People seem to get agitated and angry about this topic very very easily. Thats one scary thing I realised for sure and thats bothering me.

    Another thing are personal MEs.

    Scars change position on my body (I am happy to have a husband and a osteopath, who do confirm this); trees in a nearby park move around as if they were ents out of tolkiens middle-earth; a light spot on the nose of one of my dog jumps from right to left and back every now and then... These are the ones I just wonder about and can live with easily. After all, she stays my dog, no matter on which side of her nose her light spot is (at least, I have decided to see it that way.)


    Excellent post! Personal MEs are incredible. It's so funny that none of us realized these things before. But there are reasons why...

    The mainstream ones we all notice- even your dad's answer to the stripes not being on the hat, go along with this strange (to us) occurrence.

    • Please look up Dolores Cannon. Convoluted Universe, book 1. Chapter 18 & 19 specifically talk of this phenomenon (without mentioning it by name as that is a whole other story in itself).

    You can also get this book in an audio form, I have it both ways. I'm always searching for answers. Using my own intuition when I hear things to see what resonates with me.


    hey, thanks for the tip! I´ve watched a few interviews with ms. cannon on youtube and I really liked, what she said. I didn´t went deep into her teachings but will probably catch up on this.


    And even before finishing the word poster he said "Yes, but there are no stripes on his hat."

    That reminds me of the scene in Steins;gate where Okabe meets Kurisu and on the street and they're talking and she blurts out that she had told him she is not Christina and she is not his assistant! This was not in the timeline where she had been his assistant and she was also puzzled about having said that.

    Faris and Mayuri also had similar scenes where they said something that shouldn't have been in that timeline.


    Whoa, yeah, you´re right...didn´t think of that scene (have watched steinsgate enthuiastically years ago). Still puzzling, if the series is kind of a disclosure or if it only wanted to capitalize on titor..


    I don't know which, but I enjoy both John Titor and Steins;gate, so I don't mind if they were just capitalizing.


    Thank you- this is really interesting and I have to say I remember stripes on uncle sams hat- I’m an American so now I need to go look at that!

    Also I thought the fire of Alexandria happened until you said this. Fascinating. If you have more I’m intrigued to hear them (if Reddit responses haven’t worn you out).

    This actually brought up something interesting for me. I have always been “tapped in” as a kid and there were so many times that I would adamantly say something was different and told I was wrong that I stopped trusting myself. It’s since been corrected- I trust myself more than I do other sources - but it makes me wonder if that’s why I write off ME stuff and never note it. Very interesting.


    Hey, happy to gave you some new facts ?

    I was lucky (or not) to be a very stubborn child and because of some not so nice stuff in childhood-times I learned to trust myself more than others...but I got more meekly (is that the word? translator says so..) with the MEs...because I had some situation whre I got in an argument about something I knew for sure and was the idiot in the aftermath because I was wrong.

    The big big changes for me, that are still the ones that puzzle me the most are in european history. Will make a thread about it sometime, I think. In short: I remember the muslims invading the spanish peninsula in the 11th and 12th century (not 500 hundred yeras earlier). Instead of that I remember the earlier muslims invading places down the nile in africa, where they now have never been in the 8th-11th century. It totally fits a alternate course: the young muslim empire just didn´t went south after arriving in egypt, but went on the coastline of north africa. Makes total sense unless I remember differently ?

    another thing is the whole development of monarchy in europe...I remember napoleon NOt being imperator but abolishing the monarchy in france at all. I was never as perplex in my life as in the moment I got told, that the france revolution didn´t overcome the monarchy. That was a total deal-breaker for me.

    The same for the german nation. I remember, that germany got rid of official monarchs in the 1870s under bismarck and that we didn´t have an emperor in world war I. I even remember, that it was one reason, other countries were afraid of an economical uprising of germany because of the new order without monarchy and stuff and that the other monarchys in europe were afraid, that the idea could spread. One goal in "conquering the world" for germany at that time was to relief other countries from their monarch leaders...of course, nothing of this is true anymore.

    Also, the habsburger never got a foot into the spanish royals in my memory. The whole history of iberia is so distorted for me...

    The dates of vietanm-war change regulalrly for years now. In my earliest memory it started right after the korean war in the late 1950s and prolonged just 4 years. Than it started suddenly in 1961 and went on till 1967 and after a few more changes we got the time we have now... Whoa, uups, I took a look right now to give you the correct dates and learned, that it starts now 1955 officially again...crazy. Changed again for me. But still lasts till 1975.

    Some niche changes I am sure of are: the spelling, life and deathdates of Stephan Garlande (important person in france in the 12/13th century who organised the crusades and made politic in a big way), Odo von Reims/Paris/Champagne (a duke in the 9th century who is connected to the Robertinger monarchs in france; this familyline keeps changing) and some more I am sure, nobody can really rely to...

    The spelling of the capital of ecuador changed and I unintended drove a whole pen-and-paper-roleplaygame-party crazy with it, because we had an adventure, where the party had to go to the first city under the equator in south america (for story-reasons). They were allowed to use google-maps etc. and found (like I as gamemaster had planned) "Quinto". The players made different notes and stuff and we just played our story as I had imagined. A few weeks later the p&p-gruop meets again and we start playing. The group is (ingame) still in ecuador, thinking about what to do next to progress in the story and decide to looka for an airfield in quinto. They google and we all get baffeld, because the city is now spelled "Quito" without an "n". Everybody was baffeld, because everybody remembered Quinto (we had some jokes about it before because one charactername in the story sounds similiar) and two people took their notes to show, that google and the whole internet MUSt be wrong, because they wrote the stuff from the last session down...and of course, in their personal notes they couldn´t find the word "Quinto" but merely "Qutio". They were shocked...for a few second then got over it with a nervous laughter, that this must have been some sort of group-mistake or whatever. I thought this were a good moment to talk about the ME with them, but it wasn´t. Really crazy how they got over this....only one of them got interested in the ME and did believe his own memory, the others simply thought/think, we all got distracted in a strange way and remember wrong collectively.

    I was and am shocked, how easily people doubt there on memory, but again, I know that I am a very independent person in this respect and did trust myself more than other people for my whole life...probably this has something to do with the whole thing...


    Wow thank you for the expanded response- you’ve once again got me going, wait that DIDNT happen that way? Your examples of Germany in WWI, Vietnam are also the way I remember them..but the France/Napoleeon one just ?. I’m actually writing this down to go back and review because I absolutely have the same memory as you. Interesting.

    I am not a casual observer of history or philosophy either, I have dedicated much of my life to it and can say with certainty that these things were not how I learned them or what I’ve researched.

    I am grateful for your post as it makes me feel sane and allows me to somewhat laugh at it because it isn’t just me experiencing it.

    If you ever want to chat more please DM me!


    The ME that led me to the "conspiracy" in 2014 was a classic - the VW sign.

    The problems I got earlier were about Kant, Platon and Aristotle (studied philosophy, specially logic and transcendental philosophy).


    Hi. What if I say that in my reality it was written WW? Would you agree that this could be the case? I watched the substitution happen with my own eyes.)


    Hey there. I just remember there no being no gap but that doesn´t mean anything in respect to your own memories, I think. Probably I cannot remember that way because I am german and the "VW" stands for "VolksWagen"; something I know since earliest childhood and couldn´t remmeber different, I think.

    My anchor-memory for the gap is the feeling I got as a young child after learning the alphabet and finally regognize the logo on the family car as two distinct letters. (what would have been obviously without the gap...)

    Probably your memories come from a version of the world, where the brand was called WeltWagen or anything, that started with a "w"? Would make totally sens to shorten it to WW then...


    Hi. No. I save screenshots from different parallel realities. There are three possible spellings. Everyone is already used to VW. Only this notorious cross-stripe of the logo is discussed. The company itself was called differently. Language changes in reality. Change the letters in the brands. A lot of things change.


    I wonder how many experienced something but didn't notice it. For instance, names, logos, etc. people me included figured , "Oh they changed it." They do that all the time. But then you find out they didn't even go as far as looking it up. People telling you you are wrong and bam.

    Then if you are like me you start wondering what else did I see but didn't get at the time or felt or knew was off and now see clearer.

    Then there are the big ones, personal, religious, atmospheric,etc. that makes you do the Keanu Reeves, "Whoah."

    The medical aspect is interesting because you are right, surgery for instance is dangerous enough as it is.

    The whole effect as Mr. Spock would say is, "Fascinating."


    yeah, totally agree. Thinking about medical malpractice...probably sometimes even doctors just weren´t up-to-date to the status quo of facts...oO


    Ooh that's a good point. Too bad we can't figure which are "true" mistakes and which ones are M. E. So when someone says," I could have sworn" or " I knew I had it right. I don't know what happened. " Makes you wonder.


    me myself, I got kinder when other people doing stupid mistakes. It could have been a ME after all... ?


    I agree that there is a lot of toxic and mean spirited reactions in a lot of the subs on this topic. I have found people either push back as if we are insane or the other swing of the spectrum is to make newcomers sharing their experiences feel like morons for not being one of the original people first discussing it. I just wanted to thank THIS sub for always feeling like a safe and respectful place. This is a special collective space and I think that deserves to be noted.


    double this!


    Awesome post and Thanks for Sharing:) I've never had so much Fun (now that I have somewhat of an idea of what's going on, Ha!) in my life. This is all so fascinating, the many different changes for everyone. Has this been happening throughout the history of humans, I wonder? People thinking they're going crazy but they just couldn't confirm with others what they Remember. That's why I tell people about the changes, so they always know that someone else Remembers it the same:) Exciting times!


    Agree. In the beginning there was a lot of fearful moments for me until I (kind of) decided to feel blessed and happy to see the changes. It is harder, when there are new wars or old ones taking longer than before but what helped me a lot to develop a state of excitment are the mandaminals. So many new and colorful new species...

    And the question if it has been that way (with MEs) the whole time for humankind but we just didn´t notice is a driving thought. Have to think of a member of an earlier culture telling people that some bushes or trees in their territory have changed position and got laughed at...or there are times or circles of the earth, where those kind of changes happen and only "wise" people, shamans and priest knew about it? Would explain the interest in the occult of big leaders or people how know about...


    Welcome and great to hear about your journey thus far. Stay a while, things are going to get wilder however you now know how it works and that'll be important. The mods do a fab job of protecting the sub rules so it's a safe haven for thoughts and ideas on a range of retconned subjects.


    Thank you. thats the reason I dared to write in this sub..feels a little bit like a safe space because of the excellent moderation ?


    Yeah I used to post here and that other forum bout effects just to feel normal but I now have a comfort level. Just today in my flat state I was thinking that it would sure be nice to have some hills while driving my wife to shopping. after eating and on way home she remarked "I don't remember having hills here" and it happened a couple of times and I brushed her off by saying our friends aren't always right. anyway just before we got home I noticed that the next door housing development that only had a model house now had a new neighborhood of a dozen houses. wonder if there is a tradeoff for our thoughts or did some other ME'er want more houses?


    yes, for me too sometimes the changes seem to be a direct reaction to something I have thought of. Me and my SO bought a house a few years ago next to a nice park with an alley of big old trees. The treees were mainly beeches (which makes sense in a park because the toxic dust of the beech-leaves kills everything directly under the tree and it is an easy get-rid-off pestplants). In this alley of beeches was one linden tree. I love lindentrees since childhood, like making lindenwater out of the blossoms and stuff. I thought it was sad, that there was just one lindentree but around twenty beeches...but at least, there was one.

    A few months later we walked through the park and I couldn´t believe my eyes and nose: Only lindentrees. Every single beech got replaced by a lindentree! There is not one beech in the whole park now and it had been a policy to not plant such trees because of their leafs and there toxic behaviuor to the ground below. (Talked to some elder people in town about it without mentioning my interest in the parks history but got exactly the answers I needed, lol). The odour in the summer is unbelievable now ?

    But as long as we don´t know, what is going on and who has (if anybody) any agency in this, I try to not overestimate my own influence in this...too easy to get crazy that way... But I enjoy the synchronicity, as if they were a present from the creator himself, because I feel very blessed to got a park full of lindentrees ?


    Thank you so much for this post, and especially for your fantastic description of how the effects feel vs misremembering...there is an absolute world of difference that deniers just don't seem to understand (and never will imo unless/until it happens to them) - they mock us with 'you lot just don't accept you misremember things!'...that is completely not true in my experience, we are more than willing to admit we misremember but ME's are as much like misremembering as fish are like mountain lions

    Glad you feel happier on this sub! The main ME one is terrible, and I barely read Glitch in the Matrix anymore, either...there are only so many comments about C02 detectors and schizophrenia that I can personally deal with, lol ?


    I feel more mocked by media and stuff (when the new marvel-movie has 5-7 ME-items in his opening title sequence or some celeb wearing a strange outfit with brand signs all over - which are all MEs for the ones who experience the changes..

    The strange direct behaviuor of people (internet trolls not counted) feels like a psychic coping mechanism for me. Denying and ignorance are two coping mechanism our psyche definitley has and it seems, that the "deniers" are the ones who display a strong, intuitive and autonomous defense-behaviour; and although it´s us who seem crazy for the mainstream I am worried about that defensebehaviour of others and that they can´t see how irrational their denegation of our (!) experience is. It is absolute not rational to say to somebody: "No, you don´t experience this."

    And it is totally irrational for friends and family to ignore problems or strange experience their loved ones have. In my case it is frustrating, when I elll good friends about the whole thing (as it can be hard sometimes when big new changes arrive) and they just politely change topic or aren´t even interested in what has changed for me...this all even when I´m obviuously worried by the stuff I want to talk. That is not the behaviour I am used to by them. normally they care and even if they had to be worry that I might loose my mind and were in need of a psychiatrist they would say. because they like me and are interested in me not lossing my mind: but with this subject....nothing. No worrys, no questions about my experience, just changing the topic as it were nothing. Even if they experience a ME themselves. So from my perspective it is my peergroup who doesn´t act like themselves. And for me this is way stranger than the ME itself.


    Yes I agree with all that... it's very strange when people completely ignore our experience like they've not even heard us...kind of worrying imo


    For English not your native tongue you worded this quite well.

    I agree with above statement I would hope others read this because many people believe it is only a English language effect and doesn't effect the rest of the world.




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