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Posts posted by Uros


    Sounds like hangable auto bulb. Have we done that?

    yeah a bit! future hab


    Yes, this. Feeling this one falling under the same category as HAB-RDJ LP-CTD added with the 2010's Aphex flavor ála Syro and Field Day LP. Can't hear any Drukqs in this though. Can't understand where that idea comes from.


    First off: loving Collapse - some of his best work to date IMO.


    Second off: Anyone hearing "old" sounds in some of the tracks? I don't want to imply Richard is recycling old sounds (I am 1000% sure he has throughout his musical career though and is really good about tweaking them so they sound new and original), but sometimes I get a feeling of recognition during some of the tracks with certain sounds (I need to sit down and write down the times in each track to identify them for sure).


    Anyone else notice or feel this?

    Oh you adorable dotard, ie. Collapse (the track) sounds familiar as Rich played it at Houston...and you were there yourself :dadjoke:


    I know Collapse was played at DfN... that's not what I am talking about. To be clear(er), I hear sounds that are reminiscent of older Aphex tracks (like the "farting bass" in T69 Collapse that sounds similar to the beat in "On").


    psst, It was a joke, albeit a lousy one, but still...

  3. Tried to check all this fuzz around footwork and nope, couldn't really feel the genre, not my thing. I really like 1st 44 though, maybe I'm listening to it wrong. Find myself snapping fingers along with 1st 44 and MT1. Groovy, baby.

    First off: loving Collapse - some of his best work to date IMO.

    Second off: Anyone hearing "old" sounds in some of the tracks? I don't want to imply Richard is recycling old sounds (I am 1000% sure he has throughout his musical career though and is really good about tweaking them so they sound new and original), but sometimes I get a feeling of recognition during some of the tracks with certain sounds (I need to sit down and write down the times in each track to identify them for sure).

    Anyone else notice or feel this?

    Oh you adorable dotard, ie. Collapse (the track) sounds familiar as Rich played it at Houston...and you were there yourself :dadjoke:

    Slipknot vs Korn

    It was always about Coal Chamber



    I love this stuff but I'm secretly hoping the next full length album is a return to less chaotic rhythm and more easy listening melodies and synth. like ICBYD, or the analord series, or SAW 2. I want like an hour or two of just farty synth love, cottage tracks, notting hill buss, analord 8, analord 11. Don't even know, just want some chill melodies and vibes.


    there's a million tracks like that on the soundcloud dump

    Only like 5 of them are any good tho


    whoa man, stop right there.  There are shitloads of gems among them....imo it's the other way around, maybe only 5 of them are shit. You're aware though he continued to upload after the first eight, right? :wink:



    I like new thing, but can we please go back to 20 year old thing

    Once again you don't understand how music works.


    Tried to dodge and stay away from the inevitable shit throwing fest but seriosly, wtf does that even mean? ffs, it's music/tunes/sound/noises, there's nothing bigger truth, enlightenment or system behind it to be discovered. One simply tends to listen to the stuff he likes, age doesn't have a thing to do with it. Maybe it's a language barrier, but do you realize how cocky your post sounds?


    I can totally get what you've been trying to say with your appreciation towards early AFX stuff, but imo you come out kinda arrogant by heavily implying, that this new stuff will not be appreciated by future generations as the old stuff is today by these top underground dj's, (who are they anyway?). How the hell can you know that, magic 8 ball? I've heard tons of great mixes which do include those shit and useless drukqs and tuss stuff, and damn, even tracks from syro. Yes, my experience might be invalid as these dj's in question don't necessarily pass some magic line there is between top dj's and other mortals. Maybe I've gotten your posts totally wrong but when talking about this legacy (?) between old and new afx, you tend to generalize a lot based strongly on your personal likes, implying any opposite opinion is just wrong, in worst case scenario made by person who doesn't have enough credibility to even form an opinion. That, my friend, is what triggers us....or me at least. Sure, one can have an opinion but it's totally different thing to act as an ultimate authority. You've had some great points on your posts too but please dude, check little your attitude.


    Classic bit of New York City Latin Freestyle there.  Wouldn't doubt it at all if Richard listened to stuff like that.  Here's a couple more from that genre...


    Best gated reverb 808 snare ever -


    Listening to these make me see everything in neon. Seems I've got a soft nostalgic spot for the stuff like that.


    1st 44 has something hypnotic in it. Have enjoyed that one most, even more than Primavera/MT1 t29r which I was most eager to give a proper listen. Like always, I'm a bit slow at digesting new stuff so all the other new pieces are still in progress. But yeah, It's a yet another great EP.



    A couple of SCD-related questions to take a break from all the Collapse EP hype:


    1. Has anyone made a comprehensive list that sorts the Soundcloud tracks into rough eras?




    2. Have the Soundcloud tracks that were added as bonus tracks in the online store been mastered or altered in any way?



    Mastered? afaik yes

    Altered? Apart from some name changes, the only one gone through some rougher treatment is 28 organ. The bleepstore version (on ComeTo Daddy EP) doesn't have the vocoder (?) part from ~4:49-5:29.

    As for the titles I prolly should mention these

    Chink 101=clissold 101 [dat28 otari] (Surfing On Sine Waves)

    blue carpet = bank lullaby (Come To Daddy)

    flabbard [DAT 14] = Gak 7 e,+3

    Other are just some variations such as Hilo = Hilow


    And merry maidens is the short 2 min version


    Adding to this:


    SC track '30 MS Short' is in the Bleep store as 'gak5 e,+3'

    SC track '2 Bradley Un' is in the Bleep store as 'gak6 e,+3'


    Ha thanks, have missed those completely. So all the extra tracks were SC tracks. A cruel proof I haven't given the new and improved gak EP the attention it deserves. Well sigh, there went my expertise.


    wtf, the link in the pinned thread works fine in this end. Maybe some temporarily error? Doesn't it let you download them or what's the issue? If it really is broken they're also here: https://archive.org/details/AphexTwinAllUser18081971SoundcloudTracks


    the download ends up timing out. it'll download about 10% of it then stop altogether. thank you i'll try this link. 


    I take it that you tried to download the whole bunch at one go? Mega seems to have some problems when trying to download big files straight via the site. I managed to bypass the problem by installing the mega sync app to my desktop. Was the only way I could get bigger files (>1 GB) when transferred the files through it. If you downloaded the tracks one by one you should have no problems. But whatever, hopefully you get the bunch from the other link. :smile:


    Richard is really creative and has a lot of ideas, sometimes they don't pan out down the road or as quickly as we would like. That's why we've seen a lot of things that haven't been released, like melodies, or sosw2, or the extended version of saw 1, or the best-of mastered soundcloud dump, or the extra orphan tracks on the aphex store. I'd put the weirdcore extra vids into that metaphorical bin for now until we've seen it with our own eyes.


    I guess that's the best most perfect post 


    Agree with both of you. Can relate to everything Bubba said. Rich throws some ideas around and we take them as a hard proof of long designed plan. Like in instance, when talking about sosw II, iirc all Rich said was something like "oh yeah, would be cool if warp put out a sosw II, maybe you guys should compile the tracks for me and make some playlists". Not seeing any official announcement there, but quite a bunch of people took it as such.


    Melodies though did sound more like it was happening soonish (ehm, added with the bunch of hints by our bossman). Extended SAW 1 (or SAW 1.5) was/is more R&S and Apollo related in the spirit of 25 years anniversary, so I guess the possible delays etc. should be found on their end. Dunno about others, but I take the bleepstore with the mastered soundcloud tracks as "best of soundcloud dump". Yes, I know you're talking about vinyl and stuff but maybe plans changed. But I'm happy if I'm proved wrong and will gladly take every badger release Rich puts out.







    :aphexsign: :aphexsign: :aphexsign: :aphexsign: :aphexsign: :aphexsign:





    steinvord is skrillex


    that joke has already been used multiple times within this thread



    Sorry. I'll read through the past 63 pages of baseless speculation and shitposting to make sure it doesn't happen again.



    Well, it's great that someone finally brought some serious quality to this endless pit of baseless speculation and shitposting. :dadjoke: 


    If still interested, here's one of watmm's greatest threads ever: https://forum.watmm.com/topic/87762-is-steinvord-none-other-than-sonny-john-moore/?hl=steinvord+sonny+moore





    ok fuck it let's have a listen !

    Dude, nooooo :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy:

    *devil on shoulder* Do it.

    Keep strong man✊️ Don,t go for da CAM








    Hmmm....this is now getting tricky....if we-the-strong-ones were to break now, we would still be late from the cool guys in the frontline and at the same time show them we don't have a strong enough backbone to keep our untouched integrity and all this in front of the eyes of internet....I choose to differ: I'll pirate this a day before the release date...

  11. Seeing pissflaps in Steinvord thread brought some memories so time for some self whipping. Dunno if you remember my hilarious post from 2014:


    So now I understand better the Squarepusher side of the Steinvord speculation. It has been mentioned to death but My Fucking Sound and Maelstrom have their similarities. Also the beat from Boneville Occident from 0:41-1:19 could be the twin to the beat in Backyard.


    Im probably one of the biggest break beast freaks out there, and I can't spot any sampling. These are originally cut up and processed samples. You can't sample from these guys straight because their music is always so damn busy.


    lol look at that guy :) Yep I get it know that what I had actually spotted there was the use of Worm break in both tunes and since Amen was basically the only famous break I knew, I thought I had found something special. With the same impeccable logic I could have insisted that Asdar (Lord Of The D track) was a Steinvord track too. Haha, I'm an idiot. :biggrin:




    I'm going to wait but I hope they release it early.

    has this ever happened before anyway?

    i mean, premature release due to lowres leakage?

    Happened with Oversteps if I remember correctly

    Blerp. Release. The. Digital. Pls.


    I guess I fall into pro-wait team too so fingers crossed for fixed release date. I'm not an audiophile any way but I'm really skeptical about the 96kbps, although apparently they aren't too bad. While waiting will loop my precious T69 and those other 800+ Afx tracks I've got. Maybe will get me some good karma.

  13. Lot of interesting clues about steinvord, maybe worthy of a small google doc or something...


    e.g. watmm references in 'rules the read II' and creating a thread in 2008 linking to his own music, the imp sound effects from Doom in 'backyard', people talking at end of one of the tracks, the official soundcloud they made around 2012 but never uploaded anything to it, how RDJ said steinvord is an 'american dude' meanwhile grant said he was spanish :wacko:

    Wasn't there also a steinvord twitter account opened around the same time with SC? Albeit with 0 tweets but still...

  14. Personally I still find the 'vord tracks as fresh as they were when I first clicked play on MySpace. I believe there hasn't been a time I've felt like I had overplayed the tracks or got otherwise bored with them. Pretty good when we are talking about artist who put out only 11 track during his whole career (or did s/he???). That screams quality. Damn shame Rephlex couldn't put out the LP which was in the talks since there seems not to be a single other outlet to put it out in the whole internet.

  15. Good point though, why not just warn that it may trigger seizures (like very videogame on the market) and play it? =/

    A wild guess: some rules concerning about straight streaming....meaning someone who tunes in a couple of minutes earlier so he won't miss a second of Bob's Burgers starting at 01:35 am and accidentally witnesses this flashing 3d hell. You know, the traditional way of watching some t and v: gather the fam and watch together the shows when they're due.




    Filler is pretty subjective, obviously.  That said, if I'm sticking to just "Aphex Twin", I feel like there were a few tracks on CCAI that were pretty filler.


    Best 4 track EP would have to be Quoth for me.


    aye, and the five track version is even better. Hidden mix is pretty sublime.

  16. A couple of SCD-related questions to take a break from all the Collapse EP hype:


    1. Has anyone made a comprehensive list that sorts the Soundcloud tracks into rough eras?




    2. Have the Soundcloud tracks that were added as bonus tracks in the online store been mastered or altered in any way?



    Mastered? afaik yes

    Altered? Apart from some name changes, the only one gone through some rougher treatment is 28 organ. The bleepstore version (on ComeTo Daddy EP) doesn't have the vocoder (?) part from ~4:49-5:29.

    As for the titles I prolly should mention these

    Chink 101=clissold 101 [dat28 otari] (Surfing On Sine Waves)

    blue carpet = bank lullaby (Come To Daddy)

    flabbard [DAT 14] = Gak 7 e,+3

    Other are just some variations such as Hilo = Hilow


    And merry maidens is the short 2 min version


    The best answer I've got to your first question is this old faithful: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11ouNaaVrNp60Ib34Kp0TO1n1XSc7-9DvfiZ9ZiTiD2c/htmlview


    Does anyone remember from what era the 7 Cutting track is? Really love that track. 

    I remember when first hearing this, the beginning was so much HAB, but after the intro it sounds like pulled from RDJ album. Imo more RDJ than CtD. soz for necromancing your question from freaking May, but this shit is important, yes? :emotawesomepm9:

  17. For two years tried not to overplay the Houston track, didn't much play it separately and enjoyed it mainly when listening the entire set, so now that the shit got official I've played it like 20 times in 24 hours. The live version didn't so much blow me away, was more a fan of the Primavera track. It was yet another great afx track and all, but hearing this in full glory makes it 100 times better. yum yum all the details. Can't wait to hear the rest.

  18. Man that's a sad story, I feel you. Hope the next lil hog you see is an alive and happy one.


    When I was a kid and playing with the neighborhood kids one afternoon, we came across a little family of hedgehogs.

    We were fascinated by them and wanted to take care of them so we made a cozy little nest for them from a cardboard box filled with hay complete with a little opening.


    After carefully lifting them into their new home, we thought they'd like something to drink so we put a saucer of milk down to them.

    We then went home for the evening and when we came back to check on our small friends the next day things did not look good. One of the small ones was dead and the others seemed sickly.

    All sad and disheartened we took them out into the woods and let them go, then buried the dead one in my friend's garden and made a little cross for him.

    Years later i found out that milk is poisonous for them :/

    It isn't a summer until I've spotted a Hedgehog. Loved those dim late summer evenings when had the last cig for a day and quite often spotted a hedgehog toddling somewhere close. Didn't really seem to mind as long as I didn't move since sometimes they walked almost over my feet. Maybe should start smoking again....really would love to (today's FWP #1)


    Never had any built nests, although some people here have built some wooden boxes for them. For some reason they just like to hang in the garden under woodpiles etc. Never given any milk, but had to put a little bowel of water for animals outside since it's really dry now here thanks to the heatwave which has lasted over a month (today's FWP #2). btw happened to spot today that someone had made these cardboard notifications and put them along the driveways requesting to keep an eye for hodges, so they won't accidentally drive over them. Yay, one point for humanity.

  19. Was on a walk with doge and found a dead hedgehog on the side of the road (i sort of live in the countryish-side). Couldn't tell what had happened, was some blood and the little fellow's jaw was fucked, but apparently wasn't hit by a car. Was so bummed when saw it swarming flies and seeing some crow trying to pick it, so once I got home get some thick gloves and went back to get it and buried it in my parents' garden. Damn, prolly sound totally stupid for you guys. Since a kid there has been at least one hedgehog living at my parents' garden each year which I've been following, so along with dogs I've got a really soft spot for Sonics . Fuck, having some sort of a soft moment here thanks to seeing how my dog starts to get quite old (well it is already) added with again rising depression so things like these really get me....or then I'm pregnant and can blame hormones.

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