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Posts posted by Uros

  1. fwiw hasn't happened again after I've logged out and come to revisit watmm a couple times after. X worked for me too. Managed to press it while hysterically laughing at the blinking page. Some fancy Esc buttons are way over my expertise. Next level shit, not there yet.

  2. 2 hours ago, chronical said:

    this made me think-were there any analord outtakes amongst the sc dumplings?

    Cottage3E and Cottage4 Af 1 are the only ones I can think of. And of course Love7. Medievil Rave Mk2 [pre-plague mix] because of Midievil Raves? Doesn't really sound like anything on Analords though so maybe not.

    47 minutes ago, goDel said:

    we'll find out if/when the analords end up in his bleep store. with or without extra tracks.

    How many times must one buy the 'Lords? Didn't Rich say after the new Rephex launch and bonus tracks that he was done with the series? Have to wait and see...

    • Like 1
  3. 9 hours ago, Joyrex said:

    Second, the mods aren't "trigger happy" - we react when there's something to react to, not just for the sake of doing so. And if we do take action on something, it's typically for a good reason (or there is more to it than what you may see or know from your side of things). Granted, we're not perfect, but we try our best.

    Just to avoid any confusion which would lead me to become hated by every mod, I was only saying that it just seemed out like that, since I've found this hiding somewhat incremental when compared to older times. That's all. It hasn't had so much to do with anything which have violated my undeniable rights to bury innocent bystander under my bullshit spree, but more like.....having no actual point behind it. That's just something what I thought was little quirky. BFF's? :cattears:

    • Like 1
  4. fwiw, I was mainly pointing the deleting trend since it seemed like a new policy to the forum in consequence of the new forum launch. I don't remember that our old watmm had any thread deleting anywhere even though there has been way more questionable stuff in the past. Now it looks like mods are trigger happy with their new delete button or something. And in cases when there really isn't any point behind using that. So was only wondering if this is now the new routine for lame ass threads and deleting will be commonly used method and we just have to swallow it. I still think very strongly it would be pretty lame. :cerious:

    • Like 3
  5. I find it little stupid that nowadays threads just disappear all of sudden. Just this week first the Monolith tape thread and now the Beatwife in new releases are gone like fart in the wind. imo, if it isn't full of some obscene offending shit, locking would be enough. Not so much talking particularly about the threads I mentioned above but just in general. There still may come some discussion or posts one likes to revisit etc. Just feels kinda odd if I can't be sure if the whole thread even exists anymore when I log back. Maybe some limiting about who can delete threads to mods and admins and with a good reason or something

    Of course your forum, just my plug.

    • Like 3
  6. ^Tried a good time to find the thread until realized that it really can't be found anywhere. Just thought to give a heads up to @BCM and @dr lopez or other peeps who maybe (really strong maybe?) can get their tape sets or refund. Can't remember everyone who had paid for the whole set. Well, most possibly will eventually stumble on this thread too if they haven't already. Good on Dave that he's back in business. ?

    • Thanks 1
  7. 15 minutes ago, Extralife said:

    Ok where’s my demotape Dave?


    Ridge sounds tight.

    Well, there's this in the text field:

    "For those who have been patiently waiting for their next tapes please email orders@photodementia.net with any change of address


    And yes, Ridge sounds good!

    EDIT: wtf. Has the demotape thread been wiped from the history of watmm or what....and by whom? Outrageous Orwellian shit.

  8. 9 hours ago, andrd said:

    When I received my summer bundle last year he included dowload codes for 2 other releases not in the bundle as a gift.  Very nice guy and was very responsive when I decided on buying the bundle after I had bought the bewwip 7" by itself. 

    I've also received free codes not just once, but twice to soften the ludicrous rise of postal rates. Erik's a cool guy. Took some time to thank me for my order and had some conversation with him via couple of mails, didn't even have to send a demo to chat with the man. Really respect how he has built OR as a functioning label with its own distinctive style. There's some serious effort on the physical products. Never had any delays and announcements come something like a week or two before the actual date. Also the BC prices are bargain (not like on - cough cough - AF). Top label.

  9. Speaking of Naks Acid, Usually like to play the LFO/AFX split along with analords:

    Grew up really liking this, first thought it was ok at best:

    Anyway, AFX side of the EP: good, LFO side however: huge

    Dunno, analords are something I've to be in the right mood of to really enjoy. Sometimes have to get my quick fix of the lords so usually just play Vlari's mixtape (and Chosen Lords).





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