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Posts posted by Uros

  1. Pissflaps, just to ensure you didn’t get me wrong; I wasn’t trying to piss on your territory. Yeah I got it that you can’t get only that drum part hence I mentioned the possibility of same machinery. Like I said you know your shit while I don’t know a shit so I’ll trust your judgment. All in all my whole post was like my posts usually are: dull and pointless so you should treat them as such.


    I guess it brings some new dimensions to the listening experience when you actually know how to create music yourself. It must be great! I for one get my kicks from other elements. But hey, you don’t have to be a cow to know if the milk is sour. Some rock people who still think that electronic music can be made by pressing only a button should really pay a visit here.


    I don’t understand why some people are so upset of us speculating if Richard indeed has something to do with Steinvord. I never said it was without a doubt Richard but what I said was that if I had to make a choice between the two titans, my bet would be on him. Don’t see why it couldn’t be but on the other hand I think it’s possible that it really is some new dude. Now if everyone is happy let’s all join hands and sing a Celine Dion song.

  2. Sooo if I gather all the clues from this thread and Aphex Ripping others thread this is how it went: Tom sent some tracks to be released on Rephlex which Rich nicked and made his own versions which were put to myspace and finally released few years later. Joyrex was allowed to say what Steinvord is when the album would come out on Rephlex, but as clever as Richard can be he shut the label down and now Joyrex can't say anything and has to stand me teasing him frequently about the subject. (sic)


    Lame jokes aside, if those soundcloud tracks really are Steinvord and that means the project is back then great. Hopefully something will come out eventually. Now that I've become more familiar with Squarepusher's drill side (albeit briefly) I think that if Steinvord should be either Tom or Rich, it would be the latter. Especially Mangle is so Steinvord (or should it be the other way around). Sorry pissflaps but I still can't help but to hear the same drums on Bonneville Occident and Backyard. The rim sounds exactly the same. Maybe sampled or same machinery. Don't know.

    Karsten Pflum can out-Steinvord Steinvord.



    Thanks for this. The track was good but sadly the whole album doesn't really keep me interested long enough. Yet I'm part of NI63 thankcamp and will bear this in mind in case I run out of new stuff.

  3. The album has the classic Aphex sound but wow that Japanese bonus track is really futuristic =)


    Love this album with good headphones! :music:

    I really love the bonus track, sounds very futuristic indeed. Can't believe I even doubted if I shoud get the japan version or not :fail: .


    Haven't fed up with the album. Loving it both ways: with headphones or speakers. I still get shivers when listening to Minipops and smile like an idiot when PAPAT kicks in. Have to confess though that I thought that Metz was little bit too long and there was nothing happening somewhere near the end. Now I'm surprised when the whole track seems to end before I even realize. It's as long as it should be. Amen

  4. That PSA track at the start of the show (after "Porch") is really wicked! Is it an existing track or completely made for PSA?


    The first Vibert track is a new one I think, I heard it before in a set I believe. Might be the track on Halloween Part 2, not sure though!

    The second Vibert track they play (+- 30 min. in) is from this upcoming record: http://www.japhy.co.uk/luke-vibert-i-love-acid-003-i-love-acid.html

    Cheers sir :catsalute: ! I was after the first one. Makes me think if I should give Ridmik a chance if Luke's new output is that good. BTW was the EDM C2 PRE4 track a new Jodey moniker? I believe it was said to be Black Orchid or something. Sure it wasn't Black Narcissus. Well we're going to find that out soon in any case.




    If Richard didn't mention it on the interview, I guess we'll never know, unless he does in the future. Maybe what we need is an interview with Grant, since he was the person that mentioned an album was going to happen. I would like to hear from him, specially post-Rephlex and if he has something planned. If Rephlex will come back or if another label will be created, why did they took that decision, what will happen with the pending releases and whatnot. I just don't see someone that has been involved with music since forever simply dissapearing from the game. That itch of putting out great records always stays within you.



    I’ve tried to lure Joyrex to spill the beans a few times but no luck. I genuinely think that Joyrex was under an impression he could reveal it soon or it would be revealed from some other source. Don’t know why he would only point out that '' :nelson: I know something you don’t''. He can’t be so cruel.


    The answers to these questions are in the OOR interview that was transcribed by Herr Jan. Seek and you shall find wisdom


    Oh, thanks. I'm really lazy at reading interviews. Will try to find my wisdom.


    I guess I didn't make myself clear. I was talking about the Steinvord mystery and not the ending of Rephlex with those lines you quoted. That interview didn't really have anything new that hasn't been talked here before or then I missed something again. I was actually in a wrong thread, I thought I was on Steinvord specualtion thread...Maybe my words would have made more sense (?) there. It's my fault since I shortened Pissflaps original post. I Should've paid more attention anyways. Sorry :flower:



    If Richard didn't mention it on the interview, I guess we'll never know, unless he does in the future. Maybe what we need is an interview with Grant, since he was the person that mentioned an album was going to happen. I would like to hear from him, specially post-Rephlex and if he has something planned. If Rephlex will come back or if another label will be created, why did they took that decision, what will happen with the pending releases and whatnot. I just don't see someone that has been involved with music since forever simply dissapearing from the game. That itch of putting out great records always stays within you.



    I’ve tried to lure Joyrex to spill the beans a few times but no luck. I genuinely think that Joyrex was under an impression he could reveal it soon or it would be revealed from some other source. Don’t know why he would only point out that '' :nelson: I know something you don’t''. He can’t be so cruel.


    The answers to these questions are in the OOR interview that was transcribed by Herr Jan. Seek and you shall find wisdom


    Oh, thanks. I'm really lazy at reading interviews. Will try to find my wisdom.

  7. If Richard didn't mention it on the interview, I guess we'll never know, unless he does in the future. Maybe what we need is an interview with Grant, since he was the person that mentioned an album was going to happen. I would like to hear from him, specially post-Rephlex and if he has something planned. If Rephlex will come back or if another label will be created, why did they took that decision, what will happen with the pending releases and whatnot. I just don't see someone that has been involved with music since forever simply dissapearing from the game. That itch of putting out great records always stays within you.



    I’ve tried to lure Joyrex to spill the beans a few times but no luck. I genuinely think that Joyrex was under an impression he could reveal it soon or it would be revealed from some other source. Don’t know why he would only point out that '' :nelson: I know something you don’t''. He can’t be so cruel.


    Maybe there were some plans to release another Steinvord release on Rephlex like Grant hinted but the time run out. If Steinvord is now past for good, why can’t Grant or Joyrex (c’mon man you know your musics so don’t claim you don’t know anything :smile: ) just say that there isn’t any new stuff coming that they are aware of? Keeping things hidden still only keeps us in hope of getting new material. So some kind of an announcement would be nice, if not too much asked. I’m not actually so much interested of who/what Steinvord is but would love to know if there’s any point to wait anything from the project.

  8. Oh maaaan! Really enjoyed C2 track 4 in full. The snippet was lovely sure but hearing the whole track turned it to a beast. Like it was the case with English Electric those short YT snippets don't make right to the actual tracks. Really hoping the EDM set will be ready to go soon.


    Thanks Retrig for sharing this! There were lots of other interesting pieces as well. Could someone tell me what was the Vibert track? I'm Not really a fan of Vibert but loved the tune.

  9. For wisp, look up dwaalicht.

    I was more wondering if Wisp will ever be releasing anything under a label or create an own bandcamp etc. If I haven't missed anything there is only soundcloud available ATM for possible new Wisp stuff. Somehow got bored with Shimmering Hour but remember being more interested in those souncloud tracks. Thanks for reminding though, have to go to check them out again.


    Shit I forgot to put Scirem on my combo list.

    /Important post

  10. Sometimes after a while I as well think, "it's not that much", then I listen to it again and go like "damn, but this is actually great stuff". Like I try to find more records of a similar kind and I always end up listening to Tom or Richard's music if I want to get my fix, maybe Wisp and Monolith can do it too. The thing is, it's not like I can find any better than this for my braindance fix, beside the records i've heard a million times already. I hate that my favorite musicians release records at snail pace. Now with Rephlex closing, I can only hope that they get signed anywhere else or continue on their own independently, but some tend to not be as motivated to put out records unless it's done through label. Grant, why you had to leave us? :sad:

    Well, it’s not necessarily that desperate situation. When thinking of it Monolith has three EP’s coming, CN released Nu, AP has put out quite amazing amount of Colundi Sequences and Jodey has been active with EDM and Black Narcissus releases. Grant has been involved with the two latter mentioned artists and hopefully he continues to work with them and help to release some new stuff. As for other artists like Wisp and D’arcangelo don’t know where they’re heading if anywhere. Will there ever be new BW? Has been mentioned a couple of times but would really love to see Mu getting some Rephlex artists.


    I, for one, would love more this kind of stuff. Had an eargasm last weekend when listened to Steinvord tracks, Drukqs 2 track promo, MEN1 + Mangle 11, those added with Jidomatix/Jodey drillz like Coronet and Archive. Was the perfect combo I’ve had for a while. Pure bliss :music: .



    * assumes Joyrex actually knows who Steinvord is/are *

    Joyrex doesn't know who Steinvord is/are but what it is (whatever is the difference).



    if Steinvord is a collaboration or a split ep, that makes sense (knowing what it is Vs knowing who it is), well talking about making sense in a Steinvord thread is a difficult task


    Yeah I got it, don't really know why I wrote that last statement. IMO if Joyrex's post didn't somewhat clearly indicate that Steinvord is indeed a collab then I can't really come up with what else it could have meant (animals, extraterrestrial lifeforms? Nah). Like, why not simply use ''who'' but use ''what'' instead. So I guess that Steinvord is indeed a collab or umbrella project. Reading all these theories make me dizzy though, don't know anymore what to think.


    LOL when thinking the insane amount of Steinvord threads and posts etc. in the interwebz. Quite good for a 5 track EP release.

  12. Something drags me to listen to this again and again. I'm really enjoying the dream like soft tone of the album. Also the previously unheard tracks begin to grow like I expected. Really digging Circlont14 and Syro. Last time I had this teletubby effect was with BW's Good Programs last year. Want more albums like this!

  13. And in what kind of context Grant mentioned about that Steinvord bit? Was it asked or did he just happen to feel an unstoppable urge to share some Steinvord facts out of the blue? I should really stop hoping for the Steinvord album/comp/whatever. Maybe it's somekind of a mental condition.

  14. I’ve now listened to Syro twice with thought and played some random bits here and there, so here are my first impressions ( I guess that all has been already said so I’m not really bringing anything new to the table). I was expecting this to be more in the Tuss vein which was based on the preview snippets I had listened to. Yet it does contain some similarities but still there’s something different and new in it. I did find the overall tone of the whole album suprisingly mellow especially when compared to Drukqs which had so many edges that it could accidentally poke your eye when listening to it. I had similar feeling when I had my frenzy but brief affair with Autechre. Oversteps did have this soft tune in it when I was used to the soundscapes of EP7 or Draft 7.30. I can’t find similar tones from previous Aphex releases as Syro has. So this is something new to me. Feeling very sorry for those who cried after ‘’something new’’ and couldn’t find it here. And like most of Aphex albums the tracks will evolve when you get to know them better and get to deeper into their layers. I’ve only scraped the surface so can’t say anything infinite about the album yet.


    As for the favorite tracks I must be little lame since I really can’t help but to love Minipops and PAPAT4, don’t care how many times they’ve been heard before. I don’t hear anything wrong with 180db, I think it’s great. Also loving how the Produk29 is subtly bowing towards BoC (no matter if it’s intentional or not). If Basefree is the most Aphex-like song from BoC then this is the most BoCish song from Aphex. But instead of children from Sesame Street you get women restroom chat. As great as aisatsana is, it’s somehow out of place as the final track. It sounds so much different from the other Syro tracks that it somehow emerges too much. It’s more obvious in the Japan version when Marchromt40a takes you back to Syroland after aisatsana which could be seen as the actual closure to the album. Could the difference feel more subtle if aisatsana was fair and square somewhere in the middle of the album and giving the whole thing a little breather before the other half? Dunno. Well it doesn’t bug me too much, just thought to mention it.


    All in all Syro deserves a golden star from me.


    And the beginning of Tundra versus beginning of Ontrackv2 sound quite similar to me.


    Yes! My track titles were messed up; that's what I meant to say.


    But that ''pad could be about any pad'' :wink: j/k


    lol this thread will go around in circles into perpetuity

    I spent one evening glancing through every page of the thread so yes it kinda does. But don't be so possessive. We the new members wan't to be the part of WATMM steinvord maddness of speculation too! You can't have all the fun for yourself


    Grumpy, you forgot to add Ultravisitor to your list of squarepusher albums.

    I sold it years ago. I recently listened to District Line II (recommended in this thread) and I don't remember even hearing it before. Back in the day Ultravisitor didn't keep me interested long enough so I just listened to the beginning of the album and passed the rest. Tried to get into it again but there's just too much jazz bass diidle duudle and other strange compositions which I'm not really into so I guess I'm not going to buy it again.


    I'm digging myself deeper here ain't I?

  16. Well it instantly sounded like a cheap "Go Plastic" rip-off to me. Doesn't achieve anywhere near the groove or "certain-something" of Squarepusher... even though we all know Tom himself can diverge from his own sound, if you know what i mean.


    And its nowhere near RDJ at all at all at all!

    I'm not certainly as rough on him/they/it but quite the contrary since I love Steinvord. Steinvord has been the closest thing to Drukqs from all the music I've tried to dig up. Can't really tell who (or what) Steinvord is but it doesn't bug me a bit. If it's Rich and Tom then fine but I love it as much if it's someone else like say Odan - another artist that has sadly gone missing. I'm kicking myself to head for not grabbing Charlbury Gardens when the net lab had still their archives available. Last time I ckecked the link to their download center it wasn't active anymore. Only got Voltek.


    I was under the impression that the Steinvord record Grant talked about was this EP which was originally supposed to be released at the same time with Welcome but which was delayed (and delayed and delayed). Was there some announcements after that? After all this time there still seems to be much interest towards Steinvord so it really should deserve a re-release or something though I'm really sceptical of that happening. Would love to get RulesthereadII of the unreleased ones.


    Again defying the golden rule of ''if you can't swim stay out of the pool'' but have to say that the first time I heard the beginning of Maelstrom Gwarek2 sprang to my mind and partly it still does. I didn't know that I was this suicidal.


    /runs to cover

  17. Have to take your word for that since I don't know a shit about sampling or making music in general. Simply jumped to conclusions based on how it sounded to my ears and thought I had spotted some similarities. It was 100% IMO type scenario and I wasn't trying to speak any universal truth. Anyways thanks for clarifying! :smile:

  18. I haven’t really been a big fan of Squarepusher so I couldn’t fully get why some people were so sure that Tom was involved with this. All I had heard were Hello Everything and Hard Normal Daddy which aren’t necessarily the most Steinvordish stuff from him. But since you brought it up frequently I decided to give it a shot and holy shit what I have missed! Go Plastic!, Feed Me Weird Things and especially Big Loada are awesome. Selection sixteen and Do You Know Squarepusher have their moments too but they are not as mind blowing as before mentioned ones. The jazzy bass stuff drove me away from Tom’s work so I didn’t really bother to look more of his stuff until now.


    So now I understand better the Squarepusher side of the Steinvord speculation. It has been mentioned to death but My Fucking Sound and Maelstrom have their similarities. Also the beat from Boneville Occident from 0:41-1:19 could be the twin to the beat in Backyard. Just give it a little speed and add a break. And the beginning of Tundra versus beginning of Ontrackv2 sound quite similar to me. But still it raises a question why would he sample himself and not bring anything new to the table? There’s no denying though that there are some strong similarities between Steinvord and Squarepusher. I know you guys have known this all for ages though but I’m slow…

  19. I think i remember dave getting signed to mu at one point. if anyone remembers the mu forum (rip) , signed artists to mu, used to be in orange if they had a forum account, and people assumed he was gona have his first release on there but then the rephlex download shop opened and volume 1 was released

    Interesting, thanks for sharing this since I’ve never heard of such possibility. All I’ve heard is that Mu was interested of Steinvord. Seems that they chose the legendary status of Rephlex over the functionality of Mu, but how did it work out in the end. Well Venetian Snares knew better. Wasn’t Rephlex interested in Aaron or have I been severely trolled?


    See Herr Jan, not so far-fetched idea. :biggrin:

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