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Posts posted by d-a-m-o

  1. Ivan Ooze 9w 2a+1 e !


    thanks for all the music you nice ass ginga! if you put some more tunes here before 2020 i promise i'll will even buy that gak albumUnlike

    daddy1 7h a+1 !

    Yes man, been doing other stuff, will deffo be getting back to work on this site asaik.

    Was also waiting for tech to finish some custom mods on cassette decks, want to have them perfect before I insert my precious old tapes, nobody is more excited than me to do it )


    Something struck me as a mild annoyance today, that I realized has kind of been the case for many tracks here on NTS, as well as elseq. That's the boys' cavalier attitude towards extremely loud high frequency noises. I can't find many examples off the top of my head except gonk steady one at 16:15 (and plenty of other parts) and mesh cinereaL's general high end loudness but I know I've had this thought many times while listening to the NTS sessions the last few days. I'm sitting there listening at work and I feel like I've really gotta just turn the volume down all of the sudden because of some unexpected 2-4khz burst of loud noise.


    This is not a get off my lawn thing, I actually think NTS is shaping up to be my fav ae release yet, and gonk steady one is probably my fav track of the lot so far, but that high end stuff is really grating on my ears.


    Does anyone else feel this way or am I broken?



    You are not alone in that . I find it really hard to listen to Mesh CinereaL as it almost 'hurts' my ears / brain... i've wondered if it is just a pain of processing that weird resonance effect (i.e. my brain hurts when it processes the visual) or if its actually my cells dying from being exposed to loud high freqs. I haven't had the exact same effect listening to this one yet but have found myself turning it up and turning it down so now you mention it there is probably something to it.


    I'm seeing them in a few months and can only imagine that wearing ear plugs is a bad idea but don't wanna get an audio spear through my head either ... anyone had experience in a live setting recently and if plugs are in fact a terrible , terrible idea.


    Last time i wore plugs was at Sunn o))) and thank Christ i was. I took them out just for a little bit at one time and felt my brain being carved out

    At the lyon OneSix set the sound was just perfect, well balanced, powerful but not too loud, so no need for earplugs.


    Edit: of course I was outside during Haswell's set

  3. Violvoic is like Sean and Rob were in the studio experimenting with a new patch in the system when suddenly something has gone horribly right! The AI has achieved sentience and is now an out of control synthcat that is now attacking Rob! So now Sean has to keep hitting it with a stick in an attempt to tame it. Meanwhile the metronome patch Rob was working on plays on unattended. After about 7min his efforts seem to be working but just to be sure he hits it even harder to establish dominancy and control over it. Finally at about 9min, success! Sean has tamed the mighty Autiger and allows it to purr and groove for the remainder of the track while he goes to check on Rob in the corner.


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