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Posts posted by d-a-m-o

  1. I never realized how much FM got used in so many circa 2000 Warp & co records... until now.

    Here's a simple Bazille patch with some reverb, running a simple 160bpm rhythmic melody. Reminds of something halfway between Ae and SP's Go Plastic / DYKS era: https://www.dropbox.com/s/iv0j67a8qmdsuiy/%C3%A6uto1.wav?dl=0


    Not the sort of music I want to write (nor the most inspiring loop ever, to say the least), but I'm quite satisfied to slowly get a better grasp at FM. I'm now seriously considering saving for a Digitone. I'm a software guy, and it's weird how I'm more appealed to digital hardware than analogue synths... while I guess I could do it all in the box, right?


    Using a somehow similar patch as above, I can go into Gabor Lazar'ish territories... but it's still way to unpredictable to be usable (and not as hmmm refined, though definitely as organic sounding). I really want to nail these sort of timbres and tones, to make something quite different in the end though.


    Nice one Nil ! can't wait to ear your next release !






    Even sharks need water from Verdant brewing, nice hazy IPA from cornwall.

    that looks disgusting lol how was it?



    loool yeah the hazyness is unusual to say the least ! that's a great brewery for hopsy beer and I'm pretty new to this kind of brew but I like it a lot ! 



    Super hazy IPAs have been all the rage in the states for the past year or so.


    There's also a lot of beers showing up in my local scene that verge on straight up fruit juice too -- sour/tart base beers with pounds and pounds of fruit puree added.  







    Even sharks need water from Verdant brewing, nice hazy IPA from cornwall.

    that looks disgusting lol how was it?



    loool yeah the hazyness is unusual to say the least ! that's a great brewery for hopsy beer and I'm pretty new to this kind of brew but I like it a lot ! 

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