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Posts posted by d-a-m-o



    well, something's happening, which i've been asked not to pass on (speculate away!), and i know he looked at the data/results a few months back, but he's been fairly unresponsive on SC as of late due to I assume getting messaged by everybody and being buried in inbox notifications. so we will see - i know some stuff but am largely in the dark

    Cool, first bit of good news we've had in a week or so.


    i can live with "something's happening" fuck yeah, good news indeed :)






    Spill the beans Joyrex! We know that you know!

    that's right ! when exactly is "imminent" ?!

    I saw some post dub step music someone linked to their stream on soundcloud with "imminent' in the title, has imminent pervaded th culture outsid the borders of watmm now?



    imminent is not a word, it's a way of life !

  3. confusing, all this.


    so he uploaded another track from "bradley's robot" and then removed everything? rest in peace, soundcloud. hope we get something on physical media soon. i don't trust the internet. discovered several new favourites today when i played all of the sc stuff on shuffle. thanks once again for this incredible gift!


    edit: there's a link to the last upload here in case someone's missed it: https://www.reddit.com/r/aphextwin/comments/3zekzg/8_linmiri_bradley_stryder/


    I can feel the imminence in the air...

  4. the latest bradley one uploaded is from the second ep, is that right ? i have that record, not the first ep. aphex is really one of the musician i got all mixed up, with all those rare stuff, i mean, even the "physical" releases. With the soundcloud madness there are so many stuff that sometimes i have acid/electro melodies in my head from what i heard from Aphex recently, that it takes me hours to figure out which tunes is it. I wish Warp will make a boxset, or some archive releases with some rare selected tunes.


    I hope something is imminent !

  5. "Gun control.

    Just remember, the U.S government and media are making the people ask the wrong questions, as they usually do.
    The question should not be ’should normal citizens should have guns or not’ but should be ‘is it ok for the controlling forces to have guns and the controlled to not have guns’
    your being tricked.

    If I was a U.S citizen id say yes ok have my guns on one condition NOBODY is allowed to be armed, this is the action of a truly peaceful nation.
    Don't be fooled.
    In the UK were screwed in some ways because the people are mostly unarmed but were under the illusion the police force is unarmed, which is not true, they have plenty of guns when they need them and they have been slowly but surely putting them on display more and more, while the gun laws over the citizens gets tighter and tighter. This is sold to us by reminding us there is less gun crime, its a fucking joke.
    The police have shot innocent people down in cold blood plenty of times.
    But thats ok isnt it becuase they are the police?

    Why do you think it is that Obama has been told to talk about how many citizens were killed by other citizens but not about how many citizens were killed by police?

    Please remember Im sticking my fucking neck out in the name of whats fair for all of us saying these things, so play nicely please, cheers."

    very true imho

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