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Posts posted by d-a-m-o


    I would be genuinely surprised if he is throwing his toys out of the pram. If you post opinions like he did then you are bound to get a reaction from people who don't agree with it. I don't think that would have surprised or particularly bothered him and I doobt he would have taken all the tracks down for that. It would not seem consistent with how he has been engaging and seemingly enjoying the soundcloud experience. He knows how appreiciated it has been by all of us and I don't think he would do that to spite a few so the majority suffer.


    I think it is likely this is temporary and they will be back.


    Perhaps we should keep a look out for any new soundcloud accounts that appear!!



    yeah, it's not the first time he's taken them down, as people have been saying, and he probably doesn't give a fuck about pointless noise, so something else is going on, uploading things, etc. who knows. my clock says it's about time another release was announced. [-= .. or have we got to wait for jan. or summan.


    I hope he'll release the badger ! Richard please release the badger !!!


    Facebook is useful for communication but all the bullshit in the newsfeed are boring and depressing (pictures of other people's kids are annoying as fuck, who cares about that seriously ?)

    Out of curiosity, why do pics of other peoples kids annoy you so much? Only asking cos I post pics of my daughter now and then, mainly for the benefit of relatives who don't see her that much. I know it annoys people though, especially my wife's middle aged spinster mates who still behave like they're 18 years old. Probably makes them feel their biological clock is about to run out or something. I've seen a few passive aggressive comments from them 'apologising' for not posting photos of kids, then posting pics of themselves making drunken twats of themselves on a nightly basis. I unfollowed them, bloody harridans.


    Anyway, after reviewing my post above I realise I am a boring bastard busybody and seriously need to quit Facebook now.




    Pictures of your kid should not be publicly displayed on the internet until they're 30 and have accomplished something worthy of widespread attention, until then you're just showing off your ability to come in a vagina and not have a retard pop out, which doesn't impress anybody but your parents. :emotawesomepm9:


    Do you ever think about how your kids are unable to give informed consent about this public photo documentation of their lives and, upon turning 18, may seriously resent you for it? I know that if my parents posted "just had his first poo!" with a picture of 4-year-old me standing next to an excrement-filled toilet, and it was out in the digital ether linked to my legal name forever, I'd probably be furious. Not saying you'd do something that crude, but you ARE putting them into a giant facial recognition database that might land them jail time when they get into graffiti at age 19 and are picked up by speed cameras linked to a global law enforcement AI.



    dude, I'm pretty young and you know what ? I don't want kids. There's no personal pictures on my account. Why do you think peoples would care about your kids taking a poop or whatever ? Now girls are posting pictures of their ecography "hey come on everyone look at my foetus !!!" I mean WTF ?

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