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Posts posted by d-a-m-o

  1. 4 minutes ago, Sam said:

    More than anything I'd love to hear them do a really heavy, brutal dance album. They hinted at that style with tracks like the Across Uneven Terrain remix and the Untilted set. 

    2 hours of tracks like the London SEone 2005 gig was just be out of this world, and it's not something that they've ever really committed to on a studio release other than Move of Ten.

    Plz someday

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  2. 42 minutes ago, auxien said:

    they released 19 (?) hours of tour material in January. not all 'brand new' but still...…… come on.

    True, and of course elseq and NTS are behemoth albums (and still fresh) so there's lot to revisit.


    31 minutes ago, ignatius said:

    they should release an app of some kind that is just a button. when pressed it charges the user $3 and spits out 30 minutes of algo autechre jam as a wav file for download. every time it's pressed it's a different variation.

    this would probably cost me around $300 because i'm sure i'd press it 100 times over a month or something and i'd have 3000 minutes of autechre music.

    srsly though there's still a lot to discover in the recent deluge of tunes. i listened to feed1 a few times last night and the layers of shifting swelling aggro wave foldery wavetable fm whatever the fuck is going on there.. are just amazing. 

    been a while since we had an ae remix hasn't it?   most recent remix was 2016 i think. 

    a remix would be great !

  3. after the soundboards, elseq and NTS, what will be next ? my guess would be the Ae16 soundboards but who knows ? maybe an Ep ? A more focused Lp ? Don't want to sound like an entitled cunt but I really hope 2019 will bring us new music from the 'Chre brothers !

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