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Tricone RC

Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by Tricone RC

  1. I'd be an unapologetic socialist if I thought it could ever be established without massacring all the Reactionaries. I'm in no place to have a decent discussion on the nitty gritty details of Marx but IMO that's pointless anyway, since you basically can't ever set it up. 


    So in the absence of that option I'm a card-carrying Centrist Dad, with a heavy dose of



  2. There seems to be a very sharp age cutoff in watch ownership, at least in people around me. I am 29 and have always worn a watch. About two thirds of people I know the same age or older also have watches. But I don't know a single person more than a year below me in age with a watch. They all use their phones like some kind of Victorian timepiece.

  3. For a while I thought shit like cryptocurrency could be an example of "eco-economic decoupling" i.e. the detachment of the economy from physical resource use and, consequently, its environmental footprint. Our economy needs to do this eventually, so it'd be fantastic if we could all pay our bills by sitting at home in our undies doing bullshit with bitcoin.


    Turns out when you look at the electricity use it's basically more of the same

  4. Time travelers dying by getting stuck in buildings, viechles and people that stand in their way when they arrive at a new point in time. Just think about it.


    Oh no, my foot is in this lamppost, a bird is in my chest and the pavement is 20 centimetres up my leg.


    Pointless thoughts.

    Or just floating in space, since the Earth, Sun and indeed galaxy will have moved in the intervening time


    What spatial frame of reference does time travel abide by? Answer that one ATHEISTS

  5. I hate the term "world music" so much, it's worse and makes even less sense than "alternative" or "experimental. Fucking offensive too, no one has ever called music from foreign western countries "world music" before. Such eurocentric bullshit, all music is world music last time I checked

    Nah its North America centric, you normally find euro folk (incl british isles) in the World Music section, at least in the shitty HMV I still occasionally wander into while my wif's getting her hair cut

  6. Two books:


    And the Birds Rained Down - Jocelyne Saucier

    On the Black Hill - Bruce Chatwin


    Both related somewhat since they both involve two elderly fellas living secluded lives in remote spots. Both are set in places that are rarely covered in fiction but also just happen to be areas I know very well, so I enjoy that aspect. Plots are almost inverse of eachother, one only starting in melancholy while the other descends into crushing bleakness. Not telling you which tho innit

  7. recently read The Dispossessed by Ursula le Guinn, which I really liked, so am now reading The Left Hand of Darkness, also really good.

    my two fav UKL's, altho I'll never forgive her for the mother of all Deus ex Machinas at the end of Dispossessed
  8. Scientists say they now have a clearer picture of the post-comet catastrophe on Earth:



    Yep the shit an impactor actually hits will have a huge impact (lol) on the environmental effects. Compare Chixulub with Manicouagan in Quebec, both craters with roughly the same size. The Manicouagan impactor hit a bit pile of bullshit granites, so it didn't pump much into the atmosphere save for silicate dust, which would have been crap for a couple of years but caused nary a ripple in the wider sedimentary record. Whereas the Chixulub impactor hit limestones and evaporites, essentially vapourising the lot into CO2 and SO2 which caused all sorts of long-term knock-on bollox in the atmosphere and oceans. 

  9. War economy is a strong economy.


    And if China wanted to keep NK in check wouldn't they have done so by now, as this has been escalating for decades? Doesn't seem like they have any legit interest in keeping things in line really.


    I hope I'm wrong.

    I get the impression their hands are tied. They can't realistically do anything that would threaten the stability of the regime since this would lead to the biggest refugee crisis since, I dunno, ages ago, all within spitting distance of Communist Party HQ. So they can try to nudge NK with sanctions but can't do anything that would run the risk of bringing the regime down. So I doubt, for example, they would pull the plug on NK's oil supply


    For the very same reason China has a huge amount to lose in the event of an actual war on the peninsula

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